Why Autumn Weather Is Often Miserable for Pain Patients

Intellectually, I love the concept of a crisp autumn day. I love the idea of pumpkin spice lattes, crockpot chili, and cozy scarfs. But in practice, the intense temperature swings are pretty horrible for me every year.

The cool fall weather here in Northern Illinois is always devastating on my body. Indeed, my chronic pain has been 10/10 the last few days as the temperatures start their yearly drop, and it rains non-stop. 

It’s the same with spring too. Regardless of how much I’m longing for warmer weather every March, the shift from winter to summer means I spend most of the spring in too much pain to function. 

To me, it is obvious that these weather changes impact my pain. I’ve been dealing with it for more than a decade now. And every year, spring and autumn are especially bad. 

Surprisingly, the medical community still questions whether or not the link between weather and pain is real though – and if it is real, why it might be happening. 

“Research still hasn't confirmed a cause-and-effect link between weather and joint pain, though many people insist they can predict the weather based on such aches,” writes Toni Golen, MD, Editor in Chief of Harvard Women's Health Watch, in a 2022 article in Harvard Health,  

A 2015 study looked at whether daily weather conditions and changes in the weather influenced joint pain in older people with osteoarthritis in six European countries.

While they did find a causal link, they hesitated to call it a direct cause, saying that “the associations between day-to-day weather changes and pain do not confirm causation.”

In other words, researchers did not want to say outright that changes in the weather directly causes pain spikes. 

So I guess you’ll have to hear it from me instead: As a chronic pain patient, I can confirm that the effect is real, and it’s not in your head. Weather definitely causes pain spikes.

What might be causing it though? Golen explains that one theory is that changes in barometric pressure — which often happen as the weather changes — trigger pain in the joints. 

“Less air pressure surrounding the body can allow muscles, tendons, and other tissues around joints to expand,” she explains. “This can place pressure on joints, possibly leading to pain.”

Another theory is that cold, damp days make you more likely to do things that can worsen joint pain or stiffness, such as sitting on the couch too long watching movies. 

“Also, since you're expecting discomfort when the weather shifts, you may notice joint aches more than you would otherwise,” Golen adds. “To ward off weather-related joint pain, keep moving with regular exercise and stretching.”

I have to say, the second theory reads as a bit insulting to me. It sounds like health professionals are trying to find another way to blame patients for their pain. 

Personally, I also know that being sedentary is not the cause of my increased pain when the weather changes. That’s partly because when I wake up with pain in the morning, trying to shower and get out of the house quickly is likely to aggravate it. Also, as someone who works from home, I spend most of my days sitting down with a laptop and that usually doesn’t cause my pain to spike.  

As a chronic patient, I also don’t need a study to confirm my experience. I know weather changes cause a pain spike for me, and over the years I’ve learned to cope with it by accepting it. My life is set up so that most of the time, on bad pain days, I have the ability to rest as needed. 

When I first started having daily chronic pain, I would get very stressed about pain spikes, which would make them worse and harder to get under control. But now I know that keeping myself as calm as possible is the key to riding it out. 

I also know that it’s very likely that the pain will start to subside to more manageable levels after a couple of days at the most. And I know to take advantage of my low-pain days to get as much done as possible. In fact, I’m using one this week to write this column.

To me, the link between weather changes and pain spikes is so obvious, that I can’t even believe any doctors would still question it. If you’re among those struggling as the seasons change though, just know, I believe you. 

Youths with Chronic Pain More Likely to Have Anxiety and Depression

By Crystal Lindell

Young people with chronic pain are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, according to new research published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Researchers in the U.S. and Australia reviewed 79 previous studies involving over 12,600 youths with chronic pain. The average age was about 14. Many live with chronic illnesses such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease and colitis. 

The research team found that 34.6% had an anxiety disorder and 12.2% had depression. Those rates are more than 3 times higher than what is normally seen in a community setting.

Researchers say mental health screening, prevention and treatment should be a priority for young people with chronic pain. 

“A simple way to put this into practice would be for pain practitioners to consider a short screening assessment for symptoms of anxiety and depression in young patients,” said lead author Joanne Dudeney, PhD, a clinical psychologist and research fellow at Macquarie University in Australia.

“This is a vulnerable population, and if we’re not considering the mental health component, it’s likely we’re also not going to achieve the clinical improvements we want to see.”

The findings are surprising to me because I would have expected the rates of anxiety and depression to be even higher. Chronic pain is depressing, and it’s also natural that dealing with it would cause anxiety. Plus, the teenage years are infamous for being a hotbed of intense emotions – even for those who aren’t dealing with physical ailments. 

So if you had asked me to guess how many teens with chronic pain had depression and/or anxiety, I would have said something closer to 95 percent. It’s a wonder how anyone with chronic pain is not depressed or anxious. 

Regardless, I’m always glad to see more data like this, validating the experiences of those of us with chronic pain – especially when it comes to younger patients. Anyone who is more likely to suffer from mental health problems should be screened for them so they can get treatment.

Many doctors try to blame pain symptoms on depression and anxiety, so I always worry that research like this will somehow be used against patients. I could easily see doctors focusing on the mental health issues associated with chronic pain more than the physical ones after reading this study. 

The more hopeful scenario though is that this type of research is instead used to save lives and to make being alive easier for young pain patients. If more mental health screenings are able to prevent and treat depression, anxiety, and coping behaviors like self-harm, drug use and even suicidal ideation, that would be incredible. 

If you’re young and dealing with chronic pain, depression and/or anxiety, I want you to know that I am out here rooting for you. Your life matters in ways you can’t even fully grasp yet, and we need you to keep going. The world is a better place with you in it.

Study Finds Link Between Belly Fat and Chronic Pain, but Which Causes Which?

By Crystal Lindell

A new study shows a link between abdominal fat and chronic musculoskeletal pain, but even the authors admit that it’s unclear which one causes which. 

The study, published in the American Society for Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, found that abdominal adipose tissue (fat) is associated with chronic pain in multiple sites and widespread chronic pain. It also found that women were at higher risk for this association than men. 

“Reducing abdominal adiposity may be considered a target for chronic pain management, particularly in those with pain in multiple sites and widespread pain," wrote lead author Feng Pan, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in Australia. “The identified stronger effects in women than men may reflect sex differences in fat distribution and hormones.”

In layman's terms, they’re suggesting that chronic pain patients be told to lose weight. Especially if they are women.

However, further down in the study, while discussing its limitations, they admit that the research does not “address the issue of potential bidirectional causality.” In other words, they cannot say whether excess abdominal fat causes chronic pain, or whether chronic pain causes excess abdominal fat. 

The researchers looked at health data from 32,409 people taking part in the UK Biobank study, a large research study with half a million UK participants.

The study used MRI images to measure visceral adipose tissue (VAT), which is fat that surrounds the organs in the abdominal cavity, such as the liver, stomach and intestines. They also measured subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), the layer of fat that sits between the skin and muscles in the body. 

Participants were asked if they had pain in a specific area of their body or all over their body for more than three months. 

Two years later, all the assessments were carried out again in 638 people in the group.

The results showed that the more fat people carried around their abdomens, the higher their chance of reporting chronic musculoskeletal pain.

To weed out contributing factors, the researchers adjusted for many things, such as age, height, ethnicity, household income, education, alcohol frequency, smoking, physical activity, comorbid conditions, sleep duration, psychological problems and follow-up time.

While a specific link between abdominal fat and chronic pain may be new, the idea that fat could contribute to chronic pain by making people more sedentary and less likely to exercise has a long history.

However, as a patient who gained weight after developing chronic pain and being put on a number of medications that had weight gain listed as a side effect, I’m always extremely skeptical about which causes which. 

Especially because I gained and lost weight multiple times over the 11 years that I’ve been in pain, and have never noticed either one impacting my pain levels. 

In my experience, many doctors are quick to dismiss symptoms when they can blame a patient’s weight as the cause. Even when the excess weight was literally caused by medications they prescribed. 

Doctors use studies like these to blame pain patients for their problems, while absolving themselves of any responsibility to help. Patients are told their pain is their fault, and if they’d just lose weight, they’d feel better. 

Then, when losing weight proves predictably difficult, the doctor can throw up their hands at the whole situation and proclaim that the patient must not want to get better. In other words, doctors set an impossible standard for patients and then blame the patient when they fail to meet it. 

As new weight loss GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and related drugs become more popular, it will be interesting to see how they impact conversations about weight loss and chronic pain. If the medications are as good as they claim to be at helping people lose weight, we might finally get some large-scale research into how losing weight actually impacts pain levels. 

And if more patients are able to lose weight when their doctors tell them too, physicians may find that they have to do more than just tell their patients to “lose weight” when it comes to treating pain.

Deception Was Used to Get Patients to Participate in Opioid Study

By Pat Anson

“We are lying to you to see if you are lying to us.”

That’s how patient advocate Andrea Anderson sums up the Orwellian methodology behind a recent study that explored whether pain patients are taking their opioid medication appropriately.

The study made use of high-tech pill bottles that record in real-time how often a bottle is opened and any changes to its weight. The goal is to see if patients adhered to their opioid regimen or were taking too many pills at once – a possible sign of abuse or diversion.

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) enrolled 28 chronic pain patients in the study, giving participants a 90-day supply of opioids in three 30-dose pill bottles. Eighteen patients were given pills in the high-tech bottles --- known as the medication event monitoring system (MEMS) --- while the other 10 were given standard pill bottles. Patients in both groups were asked to keep a daily diary of their medication use

Here’s where the lying comes in. Instead of telling participants that the MEMS bottles would keep track of pills being removed, patients were told that the temperature and humidity inside the bottles were being monitored.

“The study involved incomplete disclosure and deception, as participants were informed that the purpose of the study was to test a new prescription bottle that will monitor the physical environment inside the bottle…. Participants were not informed that the bottles would record the number and timing of pills dispensed,” wrote lead author David Houghton, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Center for Addiction Research at UTMB.

You might think that lying and deception would be prohibited in clinical trials, but the design of this study was approved by an ethics review panel at UTMB. Researchers say they also complied with international research guidelines that allow deception to be used in psychology studies “when there is no alternative method that will produce reliable and valid results.”

At first glance, the study findings suggest that many patients were less than honest about their opioid use.

“Participants who received MEMS demonstrated highly heterogenous dosing patterns, with a substantial number of patients rapidly removing excessive amounts of medication and/or ‘stockpiling’ medication,” researchers reported in the Journal of Pain Research.

“Several sharp decreases in medication supply over short time periods were observed, and a substantial portion of participants ran out of medication before 30 days had elapsed. These data could reflect over-consumption or diversion of medication.”

In addition, 25% of participants in the MEMS group tested negative for opioid metabolites in their urine drug tests, which suggests they may have been hoarding or selling their opioids, and not taking them.

‘Hypothetically Significant’

But the small size of the study – just 18 patients in the MEMS group – raises questions about the reliability of the findings.

Diversion of opioid medication is actually quite rare – about three-tenths of one percent of prescribed pills, according to the DEA.

It’s also not uncommon for patients to stockpile opioid medication. In a recent PNN survey of nearly 3,000 pain patients, 32% told us that they hoarded opioids, in many cases because they are worried about shortages or losing access to opioids in the future.

Although participants in the UTMB study were told to remove pills from their bottles just before taking them, it’s possible that they took out an extra amount simply to fill their weekly pill boxes.

Researchers were also surprised to find that some participants appeared to put pills back into the bottles, another sign that those “highly heterogenous dosing patterns” tell us little, if anything, about opioid use.

In other words, the study may be nothing more than a case of “garbage in, garbage out,” with any number of reasonable explanations for patient behavior.

“It is impossible to conclusively determine that aberrant behavior, as recorded by the MEMS system, reflects misuse or diversion,” researchers admitted.

“It’s a terrible study in every way, and should never have happened,” says Andrea Anderson, who sees obvious flaws in MEMS that make its data unreliable. 

“If you wanted to divert your tablets, you could just take out the proper amount every time the stupid bottlecap lets you. Once you collected 20 tablets, you could go sell them if you wanted or take however many you liked. It certainly won’t prevent any type of diversion or misuse.”

Nevertheless, as is often the case in opioid research, sweeping conclusions were drawn from skimpy evidence. The UTMB researchers found enough “hypothetically significant clinical implications” to call for full-time monitoring of patients and their opioid use.

“These results highlight the limits in our understanding of naturalistic patterns of daily opioid use in chronic pain patients as well as support the use of MEMS for detecting potential misuse as compared to routine adherence monitoring methods. Future research directions include the need to determine how MEMS could be used to improve patient outcomes, minimize harm, and aid in clinical decision-making,” they concluded.

There is a company working on just that. Kansas-based SMRxT supplied UTMB researchers with the MEMS bottles and data used in the study. The company says its MEMS technology could be used to assign risk scores to patients – what it calls an “Absolute Adherence Score” – similar to the controversial Narxcare scores that assess a patient’s risk of opioid misuse and addiction based on their prescription drug history.   

“The SMRxT medication adherence system accurately captures data to reveal how patients take their medication. The system empowers and improves patient behavior,” the company claims in promotional material. “Once the prescription is filled, the device is ready to use. The system then translates data into actionable information for patient interventions and engagement.”

“We enjoyed working with the team at UTMB,” a spokesperson for SMRxT told PNN. “Our device is not in the development stage, and has been used by patients all over the country and many other academic research institutions.”

Research Confirms What Women Already Know About Sex Bias in Pain Care

By Crystal Lindell

There’s a new study showing that doctors take pain reported by male patients more seriously than female patients. And I have to say – why are we still doing studies on this? 

Anybody who’s been paying attention already knows this is the case. We have known it’s been true for decades. What we actually need are studies on what can be done to effectively fix this sex bias. 

For the sake of relaying this important information one more time though, let’s look at the study, which was published in the journal PNAS. The researchers did an analysis of emergency room patient data in the U.S. and Israel, which showed that there is medical bias against female patients in pain management decisions.

They analyzed more than 21,000 patient records and found that female ER patients across every age group were consistently less likely to receive pain medication compared to male patients with similar complaints. 

Depressingly, this bias persists across different ages, pain levels, and even physician gender. Which means female doctors are just as guilty as male doctors.

"This under-treatment of female patients' pain could have serious implications for women's health outcomes, potentially leading to longer recovery times, complications, or chronic pain conditions,” says Shoham Choshen-Hillel, PhD, Associate Professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Yeah – and pardon my French here, but – no shit. Like I said, anyone who’s been paying attention has known this for a long time. Many of us have already been living with the so-called “serious implications.” 

Way back in 2014 – a full decade ago – I wrote about my experiences as a woman in pain. At the time, I wrote: 

“Being in pain every day, all day, is hard. But when you’re a woman, there’s a whole extra layer to the situation that makes everything that much harder… 

Like did that male doctor just give me Aleve for my level-10 pain because he really thinks that’s going to help? Or did he just think that, as a woman, I was probably exaggerating?”

Now that I’m 10 years older, and 10 years more experienced as a patient with chronic illness, I can answer my own question: Yes. He definitely thought I was exaggerating. 

But I’m not the only one who’s been talking about sex bias in pain care for a long time. 

The advocacy organization for women in pain, “For Grace” was founded in 2002 – more than 2 decades ago! Their mission is “to increase awareness and promote education of the gender disparity women experience in the assessment and treatment of their pain.” 

A 2001 study of gender bias in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics was given the headline "The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias against Women in the Treatment of Pain." 

And here's another one from the last century (1996) in The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain titled, "Gender variations in clinical pain experience"

The fact that female pain isn’t taken as seriously as male pain is not new! 

Solutions Needed

Researchers behind the latest study do call for solutions, asking for “urgent policy interventions to address this bias and ensure equal pain treatment regardless of sex.” 

Specifically, they recommend training programs for healthcare professionals to recognize and counteract sex bias, and say pain management protocols should be revisited to ensure fair and adequate treatment for all patients.

All great ideas. But not really new ones. 

Now we need new training programs to undo the ingrained patriarchal bias among doctors. Because whatever they’ve been trying clearly isn’t working. 

Continuing to do more and more research showing that what women have been complaining about for decades is true doesn’t help anyone. We need solutions

This is where I’m going to get a little bit radical. Because personally, when it comes to pain treatment, I already have a very good solution: A lot more pain medication needs to be sold the same way alcohol is – over the counter. We cannot trust doctors – even female doctors – to give it to women when we need it.

This would not solve the problem of female pain being ignored, but it would at least provide some immediate relief for women, as well as others, who often have their pain ignored because of sexism, cultural bias, racism and classism. 

This is also a large part of why I believe pain control and access to pain medication is a “my body, my choice” issue. Until we have medical training that can actually undo thousands of years of sexism, we should all have the legal right to treat our own pain when doctors refuse to take it seriously.  

In the meantime, we don’t really need more studies showing that there’s a sex bias in pain treatment. They’re essentially a waste of time at this point. What we need are solutions to a problem that millions of people have been aware of for a very long time.

'Screaming Woman' May Have Died in Agony 3,000 Years Ago

By Pat Anson

The ancient Egyptians were well practiced in using natural substances as medicine. Opium was used as an analgesic and to help people sleep. Willow tree bark (later used to develop aspirin) was used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Extracts from carob trees were used as antidepressants. And they rubbed moldy bread on infected wounds centuries before penicillin was discovered.

“The range of conditions treated and the various conservative and surgical treatments used are astounding,” a German oncologist wrote after spending a year studying the history of Egyptian medicine.

But those ancient remedies failed when it came to treating a middle-aged Egyptian woman who apparently died in agony 3,000 years ago. Her mummy was discovered in 1935 and soon became known as the “Screaming Woman” because her mouth was wide open, as if locked in a permanent scream.

Only recently have researchers used CT scans and other advanced imaging techniques to “virtually dissect” her body and learn more about her life and death. Their findings were recently published in Frontiers in Medicine.

“The Screaming Woman is a true ‘time capsule’ of the way that she died and was mummified,” said lead author Sahar Saleem, MD, a professor of radiology at Kasr Al Ainy Hospital of Cairo University.

Saleem and her colleagues estimate the woman was about 48 years old at the time of her death and suffered from mild arthritis of the spine.

Her body was unwrapped and in good condition – for a mummy – laying on her back, with her legs extended and her hands folded over her groin, with no obvious sign of injury or trauma.

Unlike other mummies, the woman still had all of her internal organs, including the brain, heart, lungs and kidneys, which are normally removed during the embalming process. She was missing several teeth, which were apparently removed before her death because her mouth had time to heal.

“Teeth lost during life may have been extracted. Dentistry had originated in ancient Egypt, with Hesy Re the first recorded physician and dentist in the world,” said Saleem.

Access to a dentist and the fact that the woman was embalmed in juniper and frankincense -- costly materials that were imported -- suggest she came from a wealthy family. She was wearing two gold and silver rings when her coffin was found and had a lengthy wig made from palm fibers. 

Researchers were unable to determine a cause of death, but speculate that she died during extreme physical or emotional pain that made her scream. Rigor mortis may have quickly set in after her death, locking her facial muscles and ligaments in place.

“The mummy's screaming facial expression in this study could be read as a cadaveric spasm, implying that the woman died screaming from agony or pain,” said Saleem.

Cadaveric spasm is a rare form of muscular stiffening, typically associated with violent deaths under extreme physical conditions and intense emotion. Other academics might dispute that interpretation, because decomposition or embalming could also alter a body’s facial expression.

“The true history or circumstances of the death of the woman… are unknown; hence, the cause of her screaming facial appearance cannot be established with certainty,” researcher concluded.

Mental Health Needs of Chronic Pain Patients Often Go Untreated

By Pat Anson

People who live with chronic pain often experience anxiety and depression, but they are far less likely to have access to mental healthcare in the U.S. than those who do not have persistent pain, according to a new study.

Nearly 52 million American adults have chronic pain – about one in every five. Over 43% of them have a need for mental health treatment, compared to just 17.4% of adults who do not have chronic pain.

“People living with chronic pain may form a distinct population with special mental health care needs,” said lead author Jennifer De La Rosa, PhD, strategy director for the University of Arizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction. “Improving health care for people with chronic pain includes not only connecting people to care, but also addressing a disproportionate failure to achieve relief.”

De La Rosa and her colleagues reviewed findings from the 2019 National Health Interview Survey, which collected health information from a representative sample of nearly 32,000 U.S. adults. Their findings, recently published in the journal PAIN, show that just 44.4% of those with chronic pain, anxiety and depression had their mental health issues adequately treated, compared to 71.5% of those without pain.

“There are many possible reasons an individual with chronic pain might have suboptimal mental health experiences, including the accessibility of care and the feasibility of attending appointments,” De La Rosa said in a statement. “Additionally, few mental health providers are trained in chronic pain, so only a small percentage of people living with chronic pain are likely receiving mental health treatment that is designed to address their needs.”

It is not specifically addressed in the U of A study, but many patients on opioid pain medication no longer have access to benzodiazepines – a class of anti-anxiety medication that includes Xanax and Valium. Once commonly prescribed together, insurance companies and medical guidelines now strongly discourage that practice, due to fears that the two drugs raise the risk of an overdose.

In 2016, the CDC warned doctors to avoid co-prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines “whenever possible.” That same year, the FDA updated its warning labels to state that taking the drugs concurrently could result in “profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma and death.”

Even when mental health medications or therapy are offered, pain patients may be reluctant to accept them.

“Some patients may interpret mental health screening as potentially discrediting perhaps reflecting provider's doubts as to the legitimacy of self-reported pain,” the U of A researchers said. “Patients may also fear that acknowledging mental health comorbidity will reduce the likelihood of being prescribed opioids. The heightened mental health treatment stigma experienced by patients with chronic pain may lead many patients to resist the conceptualization of their chronic pain as having any emotional or mental components.”

A recent study by the same research team estimated that 12 million U.S. adults with chronic pain have  anxiety or depression so severe that it limits their ability to work, socialize and complete daily tasks. To improve patient outcomes, researchers say the routine evaluation of pain patients for anxiety and depression should become “a cornerstone of mental health policy.”

It’s All In Your Head: How Brain Circuitry Causes Placebo Effect

By Crystal Lindell

The placebo effect is very real. But how and why it happens has mostly remained a mystery. 

However, new research may shed light on what exactly is happening in our brains when just the expectation of pain relief is sufficient for people to feel better, even when the pill or treatment they’re taking has no therapeutic value.

The discovery may even lead to new treatment options. 

In studies on laboratory mice, researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine discovered a pain control pathway that links the front of the brain, through the middle region of the brainstem, to the cerebellum in the back of the brain.

They then showed that certain parts of this pathway are activided in mice when they anticipate pain relief. 

“Our results do open the possibility of activating this pathway through other therapeutic means, such as drugs or neurostimulation methods to treat pain,” says lead researcher Greg Scherrer, PharmD, associate professor in the UNC Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, who conducted the study along with colleagues at Stanford, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Allen Institute for Brain Science. 

The research, recently published in the journal Nature, provides a new framework for investigating the brain pathways underlying other mind-body interactions beyond the ones involved in pain.

“We all know we need better ways to treat chronic pain, particularly treatments without harmful side effects and addictive properties,” Scherrer said. “We think our findings open the door to targeting this novel neural pain pathway to treat people in a different but potentially more effective way.”

How Scientists Studied Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is basically the brain’s way of trying to help us feel better. As such, just the expectation of pain relief is often enough to make our brains release hormones and natural chemicals that provide relief. Positive thinking and even prayer have been shown to provide similar benefits to patients, without the use of medication. 

The scientific community’s understanding of the placebo effect primarily came from human brain imaging studies, which showed increased activity in certain brain regions. However, those studies did not have enough precision to show what was actually happening in those brain regions. 

So Scherrer’s team designed a set of complex experiments to learn in more detail what was happening in the brain.

First, they created a method to generate in mice the expectation of pain relief. Then they used a series of experiments to study the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of their brains, which had previously been associated with the placebo effect. 

The experiments helped them see the intricate neurobiology of the placebo effect on the receptors, neurons, and synapses of the brain. When mice expected pain relief, it boosted signaling along the pain pathway.

“There is an extraordinary abundance of opioid receptors here, supporting a role in pain modulation,” Scherrer said. “When we inhibited activity in this pathway, we realized we were disrupting placebo analgesia and decreasing pain thresholds. And then, in the absence of placebo conditioning, when we activated this pathway, we caused pain relief.”

In a 2021 study, researchers had a similar breakthrough when studying the placebo effect. Researchers at Dartmouth University conducted an analysis of neuroimaging studies involving over 600 healthy people who participated in placebo studies. Their findings showed that placebo treatments reduced pain-related activity in multiple areas of the human brain.

Premenstrual Disorder Causes Despair for Some Women

By Lauren Peace, KFF Health News

For the most part, Cori Lint was happy.

She worked days as a software engineer and nights as a part-time cellist, filling her free hours with inline skating and gardening and long talks with friends. But a few days a month, Lint’s mood would tank. Panic attacks came on suddenly. Suicidal thoughts did, too.

She had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, but Lint, 34, who splits her time between St. Petersburg, Florida, and Tulsa, Oklahoma, struggled to understand her experience, a rift so extreme she felt like two different people.

“When I felt better, it was like I was looking back at the experience of someone else, and that was incredibly confusing,” Lint said.

Then, in 2022, clarity pierced through. Her symptoms, she realized, were cyclical. Lint recognized a pattern in something her doctors hadn’t considered: her period.


For decades, a lack of investment in women’s health has created gaps in medicine. The problem is so prevalent that, this year, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to advance women’s health research and innovation.

Women are less likely than men to get early diagnoses for conditions from heart disease to cancer, studies have found, and they are more likely to have their medical concerns dismissed or misdiagnosed. Because disorders specifically affecting women have long been understudied, much remains unknown about causes and treatments.

That’s especially true when it comes to the effects of menstruation on mental health.

When Lint turned to the internet for answers, she learned about a debilitating condition at the intersection of mental and reproductive health.

Sounds like me, she thought.

What Is PMDD?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, is a negative reaction in the brain to natural hormonal changes in the week or two before a menstrual period. Symptoms are severe and can include irritability, anxiety, depression, and sudden mood swings. Others include fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and changes to appetite and sleep patterns, with symptoms improving once bleeding begins.

Unlike the mild discomfort of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, the effects of premenstrual dysphoric disorder are life-altering. Those afflicted, according to one estimate, can endure almost four years of disability, cumulatively, over their lives.

Though researchers estimate that the dysphoric disorder affects around 5% of people who menstruate — about the same percentage of women with diabetes — the condition remains relatively unknown, even among health care providers.

In a 2022 survey of PMDD patients published in the Journal of Women’s Health, more than a third of participants said their family doctors had little knowledge of the premenstrual disorder or how to treat it. About 40% said the same was true of their mental health therapists.

Reproductive mental health has been sidelined as a specialty, said Jaclyn Ross, a clinical psychologist who researches premenstrual disorders as associate director of the CLEAR Lab at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Only some health care providers get training or even become aware of such disorders, Ross said.

“If you’re not considering the menstrual cycle, you’re at risk of misdiagnosing and missing what’s actually going on,” Ross said.

That was the case for Tampa, Florida, resident Jenna Tingum, 25, who had panic attacks and suicidal thoughts as a premed student at the University of Florida. It wasn’t until her college girlfriend read about PMDD online and noticed Tingum’s symptoms flared in the days leading up to her period that Tingum talked with her gynecologist.

“I don’t think I would have ever put the pieces together,” Tingum said.

Suicide Risk and Treatment

Because few researchers study the condition, the cause of PMDD is something of an enigma, and treatments remain limited.

It wasn’t until 2013 that the disorder was added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the handbook used by medical professionals in the U.S. to diagnose psychiatric conditions. PMDD was officially recognized by the World Health Organization in 2019, though references in medical literature date to the 1960s.

Defining the disorder as a medical condition faced early pushback from some feminist groups wary of giving credibility to stereotypes about PMS and periods. But Ross said patients must be taken seriously.

In one study, 72% of respondents with the disorder said they’d had suicidal thoughts in their lifetime. And 34% said they had attempted suicide, compared with 3% of the general population.

Marybeth Bohn lost her daughter, Christina Bohn, to suicide in 2021. It was only in the months before her death at age 33 that Christina connected her extreme distress to her cycle — no doctors had asked, Bohn said. Now Bohn, who lives in Columbia, Missouri, works with medical and nursing schools around the country to change curricula and encourage doctors to ask people in mental health emergencies about their premenstrual symptoms and cycles.

“We need more research to understand how and why these reactions to hormones occur,” Ross said. “There’s so much work to be done.”

While doctors haven’t settled on a universal approach to address the symptoms, three main treatments have emerged, said Rachel Carpenter, medical director of reproductive psychiatry at the University of Florida–Jacksonville College of Medicine.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the most common form of antidepressants, are a first line of attack, Carpenter said. Some patients take the medication regularly; others in just the week or two that symptoms occur.

For some patients, hormonal birth control can alleviate symptoms by controlling or preventing the release of certain hormones.

Finally, talk therapy and cycle awareness can help patients build mental resilience for difficult weeks.

Sandi MacDonald, who co-founded the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders, a leading resource for patients and clinicians, said peer support is available through the nonprofit, but funding for research and education remains elusive.

She hopes the new White House initiative on advancing women’s health research will open doors.

‘I’m Not Crazy’

Both Lint and Tingum, who were diagnosed by medical professionals after learning about the disorder on their own, said a lack of conversation around periods contributed to their care being delayed.

Lint doesn’t remember talking much about periods in grade school; they were often the butt of a joke, used to dismiss women.

“For the longest time, I thought, ‘Well, this happens to everyone, right?’” Lint said of her symptoms. “Has a doctor ever asked me what my symptoms are like? No, absolutely not. But we’re talking about a quarter or more of my life.”

Brett Buchert, a former University of Florida athlete who took time away from campus because her symptoms were so severe, said that when doctors do ask questions, it can feel like boxes being checked: “The conversation ends there.”

Buchert, who graduated with a degree in psychology and now lives in Boulder, Colorado, said understanding what’s happening to her and being aware of her cycle has helped her manage her condition.

Lint and Tingum agreed.

Even as Lint struggles to find a medicine that brings relief, tracking her cycle has allowed her to plan around her symptoms, she said. She makes fewer commitments in the week before her period. She carves out more time for self-care.

She’s also found solace in reading stories of others living with the condition, she said.

“It’s helped me process the extremes,” Lint said. “There’s not something wrong with me as an individual. I’m not crazy; this is something that’s legitimately happening to me. It helps to know I’m not alone.”

This article was produced through a partnership between KFF Health News and the Tampa Bay Times. KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Researchers Closer to Finding the Gene for Hypermobile EDS

By Crystal Lindell

We may be one step closer to discovering the specific gene mutations behind hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) — a connective tissue disorder that weakens collagen, muscles, ligaments and organs throughout the body, and makes joints highly flexible.

A research team at the Medical University of South Carolina has released the results of a genetic study of a family with high rates of hEDS. Five out of 11 family members met the clinical diagnostic criteria for hEDS and three were considered “probable.” 

Before we get too far into its conclusions though, it’s important to note that findings were released as a preprint in Research Square, which means they have not yet been peer-reviewed by a journal. As such, it’s in the early stages of release, and further scrutiny may result in changes to the conclusions.

That said, the researchers claim to have found what could be a variant linked to hEDS in the Kallikrein-15 gene, which is primarily expressed in the thyroid gland and other organs.

To check if this gene change actually causes hEDS, researchers used laboratory mice. After modifying the mice to have the same genetic variant, they found that the mice had similar connective tissue problems as seen in people with hEDS.

This supports the idea that the Kallikrein gene changes may play a role in causing hEDS.

But the research does not seem to show an all-encompassing hEDS gene. In a cohort of 197 hEDS patients, they found that less than a third (32.8%) had at least one KLK variant. Which means that over 60% of hEDS patients in the study did not have the variant.

As of now, hEDS is the only type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that does not have a known specific genetic marker, so finding one would be monumental. And even if this research doesn’t get us all the way there, it’s a huge step in the right direction.

Previous research has also associated hEDS to a genetic variant that causes a deficiency of folate, the natural form of Vitamin B9.

I should note here that I was diagnosed with hypermobile-EDS in 2018, so I have a lot of interest in the topic on a personal level. Since there is no genetic test currently available for hEDS, I was diagnosed via a physical assessment, along with my family’s medical history.

A lot of hEDS patients worry that if there ever is some sort of confirmed, definitive test like a genetic marker, they may not have the marker and would then “lose” their diagnosis.

Based on my personal experiences with medical professionals, I think that’s a legitimate fear. Doctors already seem unwilling to diagnose clear cases of hEDS for a variety of reasons, and this could just give them another excuse to continue doing that.

All I can really say is that if it happened to me, I would feel confident in knowing that my body is clearly not “normal” — so even if it’s not hEDS, there is something else impacting my health.

Some patients diagnosed with hEDS may actually be suffering from something else -- so a genetic test might help them to get the right diagnosis and treatment. I know that probably sounds naively optimistic to many patients. The more likely result is doctors telling patients nothing is wrong with them, and then sending them on their way to suffer.  

On the other hand, I think hEDS is so under-diagnosed, that having a definitive test for it would result in many, many more people finally getting an hEDS diagnosis.

Discovering the exact gene responsible for hEDS could also result in better treatments going forward. As of now, most doctors tell hEDS patients that there’s no cure, so all they can really do is treat the symptoms as they arise and avoid activities that could make their condition worse.  

This is purely wishful thinking, but perhaps in the future researchers will someday discover a way to actually strengthen our collagen and connective tissue, which could have countless benefits for patients suffering from the pain and other common hEDS symptoms.

Advancements like that still feel a long way off though, so until they happen, helping people get an hEDS diagnosis through a genetic test would be progress for millions of patients.

Can Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Be Cured?

By Pat Anson

A recent study by Australian researchers is challenging the notion that Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) cannot be cured.

CRPS is a nerve disorder that often starts with an injury to an arm or leg, with the skin in the affected area becoming warm, red and painful to touch. Most cases are mild and people soon recover, but in rare cases it gets worse, resulting in chronic nerve pain that spreads throughout the body.  Because CRPS is difficult to predict, diagnose and treat, there’s been a long-held belief that it’s a lifelong illness.

“In this research we challenge the prevailing notion that CRPS is a lifelong burden,” says Michael Ferraro, a clinical researcher at the Centre for Pain IMPACT at Neuroscience Research Australia. “By reviewing and consolidating the latest developments in understanding CRPS, we’ve found that unlike previous theories, recovery is likely for most people with CRPS, and may be more likely with early diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment approach to match the multi-system nature of the disorder.”

Ferraro is lead author of a review in The Lancet Neurology, which maintains that 80% of CRPS patients can recover, if they are treated within the first 18 months of being diagnosed. The key is to “tackle CRPS from all angles” by combining pain medication, rehabilitation, and psychology with patient education about the condition.

Although the authors admit that “effective treatment of CRPS remains a challenge,” they think providers have learned a lot over the past five years about early identification of patients at high risk of CRPS, which is also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD).

“This is a major step towards better understanding CPRS. While more research is needed, our review highlights that biological and psychosocial factors are involved, and successful management of the disorder should target these factors,” says co-author Lorimer Moseley, PhD, a Professor of Clinical Neurosciences at University of South Australia. “The next steps will require national and international networks of researchers to test the most promising treatments in clinical trials.”

One study that’s already underway is the MEMOIR trial, funded by the Australian government, which is testing an analgesic drug and a newly developed rehabilitation program as potential treatments for CRPS.

Another recent study identified a genetic variant that may be involved in about a third of CRPS cases, which could potentially lead to earlier diagnoses.

Some CRPS patients are also finding relief through novel treatments, such as Scrambler therapy and ketamine infusions.

Volunteers Needed for Arachnoiditis Study

By Pat Anson

Kathleen Haynes knows all about the physical and emotional pain that comes from adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), a progressive spinal disorder that causes severe intractable pain.  

She’s had AA for 50 years, after an oily contrast dye used for a myelogram imaging test was injected into her spinal column. The invasive test turned a simple back injury into a living nightmare, with the nerves in her lower spine becoming inflamed and sticking together.

“That oil stayed in my spinal column, surrounded my spinal nerves, and that’s why my nerves clumped together,” Haynes said. “And it just got worse and worse and worse, to the point where I use a wheelchair to get around.”

At the young age of 70, Haines is now pursuing a doctorate degree in Psychology at Walden University. For her dissertation, she’s doing a study about suicide ideation in AA patients. In the past, Haynes had suicidal thoughts herself.

“The pain was just unbearable. And not being believed that I was in pain and not getting the right medication,” she told PNN.

One of the things that was a deciding factor in doing this study was because I belong to a couple of AA groups on Facebook. And I was struck by the amount of people who go on there and say they're suicidal or say can you please lead me to somebody who does euthanasia?”  


Haines’ goal is to interview 10 people with AA in the next few weeks who are not currently having suicidal thoughts, but are willing to talk about them. To protect their privacy, participants will be assigned numbers and their real names will not be used. A list of other conditions and sample questions can be found here, along with Haynes’ contact information.  

It’s not the just the pain that makes AA patients suicidal, according to Haynes. Other common factors are being disbelieved, ignored or marginalized by family, friends and doctors. Thoughts about “ending it all” occur so frequently that she thinks every AA patient should be evaluated for suicide ideation.   

“I want to see what people's common denominator is, in talking to them about their suicidality. The goal is to get this study together and get it out to the medical community because they barely recognize AA, yet alone the suicidality their patients face,” she said.

“They need to treat their patients with AA in a way that gives them a desire to live. And get them the treatment team, the providers that they need in order to live fairly comfortable life, despite their pain.” 

Like many other AA patients, Haynes had trouble being believed. She suffered her initial back injury while working for the U.S. Postal Service in the 1970’s, but only recently did the federal government approve her workers’ compensation claim, even though her AA diagnosis and disability happened a long time ago. The Massachusetts woman is now getting appropriate treatment and pain medication.        

To learn more about Haynes’ study and/or make a donation to her research, visit her GoFundMe page.

Medical Research Often Ignores Older Women

By Judith Graham, KFF Health News

Medical research has shortchanged women for decades. This is particularly true of older women, leaving physicians without critically important information about how to best manage their health.

Late last year, the Biden administration promised to address this problem with a new effort called the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. That inspires a compelling question: What priorities should be on the initiative’s list when it comes to older women?

Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health, launched into a critique when I asked about the current state of research on older women’s health. “It’s completely inadequate,” she told me.

One example: Many drugs widely prescribed to older adults, including statins for high cholesterol, were studied mostly in men, with results extrapolated to women.

“It’s assumed that women’s biology doesn’t matter and that women who are premenopausal and those who are postmenopausal respond similarly,” Faubion said.

“This has got to stop: The FDA has to require that clinical trial data be reported by sex and age for us to tell if drugs work the same, better, or not as well in women,” Faubion insisted.

Consider the Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi, approved by the FDA last year after the manufacturer reported a 27% slower rate of cognitive decline in people who took the medication. A supplementary appendix to a Leqembi study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that sex differences were substantial — a 12% slowdown for women, compared with a 43% slowdown for men — raising questions about the drug’s effectiveness for women.

This is especially important because nearly two-thirds of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease are women. Older women are also more likely than older men to have multiple medical conditions, disabilities, difficulties with daily activities, autoimmune illness, depression and anxiety, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis, among other issues, according to scores of research studies.

Even so, women are resilient and outlive men by more than five years in the U.S. As people move into their 70s and 80s, women outnumber men by significant margins. If we’re concerned about the health of the older population, we need to be concerned about the health of older women.

As for research priorities, here’s some of what physicians and medical researchers suggested:

Heart Disease

Why is it that women with heart disease, which becomes far more common after menopause and kills more women than any other condition — are given less recommended care than men?

“We’re notably less aggressive in treating women,” said Martha Gulati, director of preventive cardiology and associate director of the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai, a health system in Los Angeles. “We delay evaluations for chest pain. We don’t give blood thinners at the same rate. We don’t do procedures like aortic valve replacements as often. We’re not adequately addressing hypertension.

“We need to figure out why these biases in care exist and how to remove them.”

Gulati also noted that older women are less likely than their male peers to have obstructive coronary artery disease — blockages in large blood vessels —and more likely to have damage to smaller blood vessels that remains undetected. When they get procedures such as cardiac catheterizations, women have more bleeding and complications.

What are the best treatments for older women given these issues? “We have very limited data. This needs to be a focus,” Gulati said.

Brain Health

How can women reduce their risk of cognitive decline and dementia as they age?

“This is an area where we really need to have clear messages for women and effective interventions that are feasible and accessible,” said JoAnn Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a key researcher for the Women’s Health Initiative, the largest study of women’s health in the U.S.

Numerous factors affect women’s brain health, including stress — dealing with sexism, caregiving responsibilities, and financial strain — which can fuel inflammation. Women experience the loss of estrogen, a hormone important to brain health, with menopause. They also have a higher incidence of conditions with serious impacts on the brain, such as multiple sclerosis and stroke.

“Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just start at the age of 75 or 80,” said Gillian Einstein, the Wilfred and Joyce Posluns Chair in Women’s Brain Health and Aging at the University of Toronto. “Let’s take a life course approach and try to understand how what happens earlier in women’s lives predisposes them to Alzheimer’s.”

Mental Health

What accounts for older women’s greater vulnerability to anxiety and depression?

Studies suggest a variety of factors, including hormonal changes and the cumulative impact of stress. In the journal Nature Aging, Paula Rochon, a professor of geriatrics at the University of Toronto, also faulted “gendered ageism,” an unfortunate combination of ageism and sexism, which renders older women “largely invisible,” in an interview in Nature Aging.

Helen Lavretsky, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA and past president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, suggests several topics that need further investigation:

  • How does the menopausal transition impact mood and stress-related disorders?

  • What nonpharmaceutical interventions (yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc.) can help older women recover from stress and trauma?

  • What combination of interventions is likely to be most effective?


How can cancer screening recommendations and cancer treatments for older women be improved?

Supriya Gupta Mohile, director of the Geriatric Oncology Research Group at the Wilmot Cancer Institute at the University of Rochester, wants better guidance about breast cancer screening for older women, broken down by health status. Currently, women 75 and older are lumped together even though some are remarkably healthy and others notably frail.

Recently, the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force noted “the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening mammography in women 75 years or older,” leaving physicians without clear guidance.

“Right now, I think we’re underscreening fit older women and over screening frail older women,” Mohile said.

The doctor also wants more research about effective and safe treatments for lung cancer in older women, many of whom have multiple medical conditions and functional impairments. The age-sensitive condition kills more women than breast cancer.

“For this population, it’s decisions about who can tolerate treatment based on health status and whether there are sex differences in tolerability for older men and women that need investigation,” Mohile said.

Bone Health, Functional Health and Frailty

How can older women maintain mobility and preserve their ability to take care of themselves?

Osteoporosis, which causes bones to weaken and become brittle, is more common in older women than in older men, increasing the risk of dangerous fractures and falls. Once again, the loss of estrogen with menopause is implicated.

“This is hugely important to older women’s quality of life and longevity, but it’s an overlooked area that is understudied,” said Manson of Brigham and Women’s.

Jane Cauley, a distinguished professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health who studies bone health, would like to see more data about osteoporosis among older Black, Asian, and Hispanic women, who are undertreated for the condition. She would also like to see better drugs with fewer side effects.

Marcia Stefanick, a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, wants to know which strategies are most likely to motivate older women to be physically active. And she’d like more studies investigating how older women can best preserve muscle mass, strength, and the ability to care for themselves.

“Frailty is one of the biggest problems for older women, and learning what can be done to prevent that is essential,” she said.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Research Suggests Chronic Pain Should be Treated Differently in Men and Women

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Why are women more likely than men to suffer from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other chronic pain conditions?  

Various theories have been proposed over the years, such as gender bias in healthcare, the lingering effects of childhood trauma, and women “catastrophizing” about their pain more than men.

Now there’s a new theory, which could radically change how men and women are treated for pain.

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal BRAIN, researchers at University of Arizona Health Sciences identified two substances – prolactin and orexin B – that appear to make mice, monkeys and humans more sensitized to pain. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast development and lactation in females; while orexin B is a neurotransmitter that helps keep us awake and stimulates appetite.

Both males and females have prolactin and orexin, but females have much higher levels of prolaction and males have more orexin.  In addition to promoting lactation and wakefulness, both substances also appear to play a role in regulating nociceptors, specialized nerve cells near the spinal cord that produce pain when they are activated by a disease or injury.

“Until now, the assumption has been that the driving mechanisms that produce pain are the same in men and women,” says Frank Porreca, PhD, research director of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction at UA Health Sciences. “What we found is that the basic, underlying mechanisms that result in the perception of pain are different in male and female mice, in male and female nonhuman primates, and in male and female humans.”

Porreca and his colleagues made their discovery while researching the relationship between chronic pain and sleep.  Using tissue samples from male and female mice, rhesus monkeys and humans, they found that prolactin only sensitizes nociceptors in females, regardless of species, while orexin B only sensitizes the nociceptors of males.

The research team then tried blocking prolactin and orexin B signaling, and found that blocking prolactin reduced nociceptor activation only in female cells, while blocking orexin B only affected the nerve cells of males. In effect, they found that there are distinctive “male” and “female” nociceptors.  

“The nociceptor is actually different in men and women, different in male and female rodents, and different in male and female non human primates. That’s a remarkable concept, because what it's really telling us is that the things that promote nociceptive sensitization in a man or a woman could be totally different,” Porreca told PNN. “These are two mechanisms that we identified, but there are likely to be many, many more that have yet to be identified.”

Once such mechanism could be calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRPs), a protein that binds to nerve receptors in the brain and trigger migraine pain. In a recent study, Porreca suggested that sexual differences may be the reason why migraine drugs that block CGRPs are effective in treating migraine pain in women, but are far less effective in men.  

Until these differences are more fully understood, Porreca says clinical trials should be designed to have an equal number of men and women. That way differences between the sexes could be more easily recognized and applied in clinical practice.

For example, therapies that block prolactin may be an effective way to treat fibromyalgia in women, while drugs that block orexin B might be a better way to treat certain pain conditions in men.

“We have an opportunity to develop therapies that could be more effective in treating pain in a man or in a woman than the generalized kinds of therapies that we use now,” said Porreca. ‘I think it's critically important that these pain syndromes really be taken very seriously. And that we find better ways of treating female pain and also male pain.” 

How Anesthesia Drugs Work in the Brain

By Dr. Adam Hines   

Over 350 million surgeries are performed globally each year. For most of us, it’s likely at some point in our lives we’ll have to undergo a procedure that needs general anaesthesia.

Even though it is one of the safest medical practices, we still don’t have a complete, thorough understanding of precisely how anaesthetic drugs work in the brain. In fact, it has largely remained a mystery since general anaesthesia was introduced into medicine over 180 years ago.

Our study published in The Journal of Neuroscience provides new clues on the intricacies of the process. General anaesthetic drugs seem to only affect specific parts of the brain responsible for keeping us alert and awake.

In a study using fruit flies, we found a potential way that allows anaesthetic drugs to interact with specific types of neurons (brain cells), and it’s all to do with proteins. Your brain has around 86 billion neurons and not all of them are the same – it’s these differences that allow general anaesthesia to be effective.

To be clear, we’re not completely in the dark on how anaesthetic drugs affect us. We know why general anaesthetics are able to make us lose consciousness so quickly, thanks to a landmark discovery made in 1994.

But to better understand the fine details, we first have to look to the minute differences between the cells in our brains. Broadly speaking, there are two main categories of neurons in the brain.

The first are what we call “excitatory” neurons, generally responsible for keeping us alert and awake. The second are “inhibitory” neurons – their job is to regulate and control the excitatory ones.

In our day-to-day lives, excitatory and inhibitory neurons are constantly working and balancing one another.

When we fall asleep, there are inhibitory neurons in the brain that “silence” the excitatory ones keeping us awake. This happens gradually over time, which is why you may feel progressively more tired through the day.

General anaesthetics speed up this process by directly silencing these excitatory neurons without any action from the inhibitory ones. This is why your anaesthetist will tell you that they’ll “put you to sleep” for the procedure: it’s essentially the same process.

A Different Kind of Sleep

While we know why anaesthetics put us to sleep, the question then becomes: “Why do we stay asleep during surgery?” If you went to bed tonight, fell asleep and somebody tried to do surgery on you, you’d wake up with quite a shock.

To date, there is no strong consensus in the field as to why general anaesthesia causes people to remain unconscious during surgery.

Over the last couple of decades, researchers have proposed several potential explanations, but they all seem to point to one root cause. Neurons stop talking to each other when exposed to general anaesthetics.

While the idea of “cells talking to each other” may sound a little strange, it’s a fundamental concept in neuroscience. Without this communication, our brains wouldn’t be able to function at all. And it allows the brain to know what’s happening throughout the body.

Our new study shows that general anaesthetics appear to stop excitatory neurons from communicating, but not inhibitory ones. This concept isn’t new, but we found some compelling evidence as to why only excitatory neurons are affected.

For neurons to communicate, proteins have to get involved. One of the jobs these proteins have is to get neurons to release molecules called neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers are what gets signals across from one neuron to another: dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin are all neurotransmitters, for example.

We found that general anaesthetics impair the ability of these proteins to release neurotransmitters, but only in excitatory neurons. To test this, we used Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies and super resolution microscopy to directly see what effects a general anaesthetic was having on these proteins at a molecular scale.

Part of what makes excitatory and inhibitory neurons different from each other is that they express different types of the same protein. This is kind of like having two cars of the same make and model, but one is green and has a sports package, while the other is just standard and red. They both do the same thing, but one’s just a little bit different.

Neurotransmitter release is a complex process involving lots of different proteins. If one piece of the puzzle isn’t exactly right, then general anaesthetics won’t be able to do their job.

As a next research step, we will need to figure out which piece of the puzzle is different, to understand why general anaesthetics only stop excitatory communication.

Ultimately, our results hint that the drugs used in general anaesthetics cause massive global inhibition in the brain. By silencing excitability in two ways, these drugs put us to sleep and keep it that way.

Adam Hines, PhD, is a Research Fellow at Queensland Brain Institute at The University of Queensland in Australia. His research focuses on combining neuroscience and artificial intelligence to develop “bio-inspired robotics.”

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.