Depression and Anxiety Affect 40% of Chronic Pain Patients

By Pat Anson

About 40% of adults with chronic pain have clinical symptoms of depression or anxiety, according to a large new study that calls for the routine screening of pain patients for mental health issues.

Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 376 studies involving nearly 350,000 people with chronic pain around the world. Their findings, published in JAMA Network Open, show that pain patients with fibromyalgia had the highest rates of depression and anxiety, along with those who are younger and female.

“To address this significant public health concern, it is essential to routinely screen for mental health symptoms in clinical settings where people with chronic pain are treated,” wrote lead author Rachel Aaron, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Aaron and her colleagues found that people with fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS) and other types of nociplastic pain -- persistent nerve pain that occurs without tissue damage – were most likely to have depression and anxiety; while those with post-surgical pain, arthritis and other conditions with documented tissue damage were less likely to have mental health issues.

Many patients resent the idea that their pain is “all in their head,” but researchers think emotional stress and trauma may play a causal role in the development of chronic pain.

“The overall pattern of findings aligns with evidence that psychological distress and adverse life experiences increase the risk for chronic nociplastic pain,” researchers said.  “The present findings underscore the need for innovative treatment development to address these prevalent comorbidities, particularly for nociplastic pain.

“For physicians treating individuals with chronic pain in primary care and specialty practice, systematic screening of depression and anxiety is critical, as is having a network of mental health referral sources when a positive screening result is detected. Short-term, cost-effective, and remotely delivered psychological treatments for chronic pain are becoming increasingly available and can be recommended to individuals with chronic pain.”

Previous studies have also found an association between chronic pain, anxiety and depression.

Researchers at McGill University found that people who experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse as children were 45% more likely to report chronic pain in adulthood. Childhood trauma has also been linked to an increased risk of fibromyalgia, migraine and lupus, as well as mood and sleep problems.

A 2023 study estimates that 12 million adults with chronic pain in the U.S. have anxiety or depression so severe that it limits their ability to work, socialize and complete daily tasks. That study also recommends that pain patients be routinely evaluated for anxiety and depression.

The Pain Scale is a Pain, but Doctors Ignore Alternatives

By Crystal Lindell

When I first started having debilitating rib pain more than 10 years ago, doctors would constantly ask me to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10. 

It was the worst pain I had ever experienced, but I didn’t want to sound too dramatic, so I would almost always tell them an 8 or a 9. 

However, I started to notice a troubling pattern: No matter what number I said, the doctors still treated me with the same mostly dismissive attitude. 

So, regardless of whether I said my pain was a 7, a 3, or even an 11, the doctors I was dealing with did not seem to believe me. They seemed to think I was being dramatic no matter what. 

At the time, I blamed myself. Surely I must not be communicating the severity of my pain well, if these doctors are still ignoring me, I thought. 

So I started scrounging around online for alternatives. I assumed that if I just explained myself better, then they would react with the urgency that I felt the situation called for.  

I also thought that perhaps I was picking the wrong number, which was causing doctors to dismiss me as someone who couldn’t accurately assess my own body. 

The first thing I found was a pain scale written out, where each number was explained, like this one from “My Health Alberta.” 

It includes a written description with each number, starting with:

0 = No pain.

1 = Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don't think about it.

2 = Minor pain. It's annoying. You may have sharp pain now and then.

3 = Noticeable pain. It may distract you, but you can get used to it.

And so on. 

Looking at that chart, I decided that my new rib pain – which was eventually diagnosed as intercostal neuralgia that was caused by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – was a: “8 = Very strong pain. It's hard to do anything at all.”

The fact that I would often just lay on the exam table silently crying while I prayed that whatever doctor I was in front of would actually help me, made me feel pretty confident in my assessment of an “8.”. 

It was, indeed, very strong pain that made hard to do anything at all. 

I was also naive enough to believe that if I personally added the descriptor when I gave my number, that it would serve as some sort of magic spell that would finally unlock access to the treatment I needed. 

Alas, that did not work. Doctors just nodded and typed “8” into their little online chart and then moved on through the appointment the same way that they always had: With their trademark unsympathetic arrogance and suggestions about taking more gabapentin.  

After that, I went a step further: I tried to find a pain scale that felt more relevant. Eventually, I discovered the Quality of Life Scale, (QOLS). It’s designed for chronic pain patients to show how their pain is impacting their daily life.  

It's a reverse of the traditional pain scale, in that 0 is the worst pain, while 10 means you're doing pretty well. 

It features descriptions like: 

0: Stay in bed all day. Feel hopeless and helpless about life. 

1: Stay in bed at least half the day. Have no contact with the outside world. 

All the way up to:

10: Go to work/volunteer each day. Normal daily activities each day. Have a social life outside of work. Take an active part in family life. 

At the time, I was about a 4: Do simple chores around the house, minimal activities outside the home two days a week. 

Although those "activities" were just doctor's appointments, I was technically leaving my house every few days.

Looking back, I truly believed that using the QOLS scale with my doctors would be the breakthrough moment for my relationship with them. I remember printing it off and putting it in my healthcare binder full of hope that they would finally understand how bad things were for me. 

Alas, I was mistaken. 

Before I started having chronic pain, I was working a full-time job and a part-time one, and living independently. But my pain had gone untreated for so long that I had cut back on everything possible in my life. I shifted my full-time job to a work-from-home position, quit my part-time job, gave up my apartment, and moved in with family, who lived 2 hours away. 

I still remember thinking that when I told the two doctors I was seeing regularly about how I needed to quit my job and move in with my mom, that they would FINALLY see how severe my pain had been. Afterall, these were the real-life implications of where I was on the QOLS pain scale! 

Wrong again. Instead, both doctors just expressed quiet relief that I was moving out of the area, and thus I’d no longer be their problem! 

Thankfully, when I moved, I did find a new doctor who did take my pain seriously. And although it took some time to get the pain treatment situation under control, it’s been relatively well managed for years now. 

What I have come to realize about the pain scale is that most of the time, it’s not so much an assessment tool as it is a way for patients to feel a false sense of agency over their medical situation.

It’s like a little breadcrumb that doctors give patients to make them feel included in their own healthcare. 

Because in practice, doctors don’t give much weight to whatever number you say your pain is at. Instead, they rely on their own visual and sometimes physical assessment to determine how much pain they think you are in. 

This can be especially problematic for patients from oppressed or marginalized groups, because doctors are less likely to take their pain seriously in general. 

It’s also a huge problem for patients with chronic pain. That’s because when you live with pain every single day, you don’t react to a 10 on the pain scale the same way someone with acute pain would. It’s just not possible to live everyday screaming at the top of your lungs, or performing whatever stereotypical action doctors assume that someone with “real” pain would exhibit. 

For example, one of the things I learned quickly is that I needed to keep myself as calm as possible during a pain flare, because the more stressed and anxious I got, the more it elevated my pain. 

However, a 10 on the pain scale is still just as horrific, even if you’ve been at a 10 for months at a time. And it should elicit the same sense of urgency that would be customary for someone in acute pain saying that their pain was at a 10. 

In fact, I’d go so far as to argue that a 10 for a chronic pain patient can be even more harmful, because if you’re dealing with that level of pain for a long time, it will likely destroy your life. 

Unfortunately, most doctors can’t grasp any of this. So if you show up to an emergency room with an eerie sense of calm while trying to tell them that your pain is a 10/10, they are likely to be very skeptical. 

I wish I could end this column with some sort of solution for patients, but sadly, I don’t think I have one. If your doctor isn’t taking your pain seriously, they probably won’t change their approach just because you show them a different version of a pain scale. 

No, the solution to the frustrating experience of the pain scale will have to come from the other side: from doctors. 

My suggestion is that they start by just believing all patients and then responding accordingly. Unfortunately, under our current healthcare system, I don’t see that happening any time soon.

So all I’ve got for now, is all I’ve ever got: My hope for you that you’re not in too much pain today. 

What Qualifies Someone as Disabled?

By Crystal Lindell

There’s a common question in the disability community about what qualifies someone as “disabled.”

My advice to anyone considering this question about themselves is this: People who are not disabled do not sit around contemplating whether or not they are disabled. 

So, if you are wondering if your health issues qualify you as disabled: They do.  

A lot of Americans have a rigid idea of “disability” based on how it’s often portrayed in popular culture. The idea is that “real” disabled people use something like a wheelchair, a walking cane, or a walker. Those Hollywood props are what qualifies someone as legitimately disabled. 

But in real life, that’s not true. Disability is often gradual, slowly chipping away at our abilities – but taking them away nonetheless. Which means it can be hard to know when we’ve crossed the threshold into fully disabled. And we may arrive there without so much as a walking cane. 

In truth, it took me years to fully grasp this about my own diminishing health. 

My pain often makes it so that I cannot leave the house, even with pain medication. Grocery shopping trips leave me exhausted, assuming I even have the energy to push through that day’s pain to navigate the store in the first place. I am on daily medications, I put off showers because they are too difficult for me to handle, and I often cancel plans last minute when my body decides to be uncooperative. 

Yet despite all of that, I still did not know if I should consider myself "disabled."

Over time though, I have come to realize that my health problems impact so many aspects of my life, that of course I am disabled. 

After we decide to take on the label of “disabled” for ourselves, we often meet the next hurdle: pushback from loved ones and strangers who bristle at the distinction. 

There’s also a common sentiment among patients with chronic illness where they think if they meet some imaginary threshold of disabled, then finally people will start to accept their limitations and maybe even show some sympathy. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. 

When it comes to health issues, you will never find validation from others. There is no level of mobility aids or level of diagnosis you can get where people who’ve dismissed your health issues in the past will suddenly start to accept them. 

That’s in large part because when people interact with a disabled person, it requires them to contemplate the fact that their own body could eventually fail them one day. 

Some people choose to hold space for that realization in themselves and then express empathy. But others try to reject it, choosing instead to accuse the disabled person of being overdramatic. That’s because they don’t want to consider just how vulnerable our human bodies really are.  

I’ve heard people dismiss diagnosed cancer patients as “hypochondriacs” for complaining about their symptoms. I’ve seen people claim that POTS is not a real disability, despite the fact that it’s often debilitating and life-altering. And I’ve heard people tell loved ones not to use a wheelchair when they need it, because it might make them “give up.” As though we are ever allowed to give up in our bodies. 

Personally, I think of the time I sprained my ankle back in high school. At the time I was working at Walmart, and I went into work despite the severe pain, swelling and bruising on my ankle. Unable to put any weight on it, I used one of the store’s electric mobility scooters to get around the store during my shift. 

A co-worker felt the need to come right up to me and tell me that I shouldn’t be using it because I should be saving the scooters for people who “really” need them. Apparently being unable to walk did not qualify me. 

My advice here is that other’s opinions of your body are irrelevant. They don’t know what it’s like to live with your symptoms, so it doesn’t matter if they accept the label of disabled for you or not. All that matters is that you accept whatever you label you decide to use. 

And, like I said, if you’re wondering if you are “disabled” you probably are. And that’s okay. Now that you’ve named it, you can get on with the noble work of finding new ways to live with it.

7 Practical Gift Ideas for People with Chronic Pain

By Crystal Lindell

Whether you’re looking for gift ideas for a loved one with chronic pain, or you’re looking for some ideas for your own wish list, we’ve got you covered. 

I’ve been living with chronic pain for more than 10 years now, and below is a list of some of my favorite things that would also make great gifts for the person in pain in your life. 

And don’t worry, it’s not a bunch of medicinal stuff. Being in pain doesn’t represent our entire identities. The list below is a lot of fun items that would be great for anyone on your list, but that also are especially great for people with chronic pain.

There’s also stuff for every price range, so you’re sure to find the perfect holiday gift! 

Note that Pain News Network may receive a small commission from the links provided below. 

1. Heated Blankets

I put heated blankets first on this list for a reason – they are truly invaluable if you have chronic pain. Even if you live in a warm climate, they can be great to use if people you live with want the AC on the high side. 

There’s just something that’s both cozy and comforting about curling up with a blanket that literally warms you up. I can’t recommend them enough, both as a gift and for yourself. 

I personally loved this Tefici Electric Heated Blanket Throw so much that after getting one for my house, I literally ordered 4 more so I could give them out as Christmas gifts to my family. They all loved them too. And so did their pet cats! 

Find it on Amazon here: Tefici Electric Heated Blanket Throw

The Tefici was actually my intro to heated blankets. After purchasing one for my living room, I was hooked. So I leveled up to this Shavel Micro Flannel Heated Blanket

It was a little more expensive than the heated throw, but I got it in 2021, and it’s still going strong. We use it in the bedroom every single night during our cold Midwest winters, and I can’t imagine sleeping without it. It offers more heat settings than the throw, and it can stay on for up to 9 hours. The heating mechanism is also more steady than the throw, so it doesn’t feel like it gets too hot overnight. 

Find it on Amazon here: Shavel Micro Flannel Heated Blanket

2. Home Coffee Machine

One thing about chronic pain – or really any sort of chronic illness – is that it makes it difficult to leave the house some days. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your Starbucks-style coffee. 

With a home espresso machine, and a milk frother it’s really easy to create very similar drinks at home – and they’re much cheaper than Starbucks. 

I’ve personally been a fan of Nespresso machines for years now and I recently got my sister into them as well. Assuming the person you’re buying for likes coffee, and that they don’t already have a Nespresso, getting them one or a related accessory like a frother as a gift can be a really fun idea. 

Plus, then they’ll lovingly think of you every morning when they use it! 

Find it on Amazon: Nespresso Vertuo Pop+ Coffee and Espresso Maker by Breville with Milk Frother, Coconut White

3. Sound Machine

A lot of people with chronic pain have trouble sleeping, but both me and my partner have realized that having some white noise in the background can really help our brains relax overnight. 

There are a lot of options out there, but a basic one at a lower price point is all you really need. I got him the EasyHome Sleep Sound Machine last year for Christmas and we both love it! It now has a permanent place on our bedroom dresser. 

It has 30 Soothing Sounds, 12 Adjustable Night Lights, and 32 Levels of Volume. We use it all winter when it’s too cold to sleep with the fan on for background noise. 

Find it on Amazon: EasyHome Sleep Sound Machine

4. Pajama Pants

As someone with chronic pain, I honestly spend more days in pajama pants than I do in regular pants. And not only do I love wearing them, I also love receiving them as a gift – especially novelty ones. 

My partner is a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, so I got him these Lord of The Rings Men's PJ’s last year for his birthday, and he wears them at least once a week. 

And quick note: If you’re purchasing pajamas as a gift, I always recommend sizing up to make sure they’re super comfortable. 

Find it on Amazon: Lord of The Rings Men's Sleepwear

5. Streaming Devices

There are a lot of streaming devices you can use to connect your TV to the internet, but we’ve had Rokus in our house for years now, so I can personally recommend them. 

We specifically love that they offer this really great search feature, where if you search on the Roku homepage for a movie or TV show title, it will tell you which one of your streaming services offer it, and even which ones have it for free! So no more scrolling in an out of each streaming app trying to find the movie you want to watch. 

As an added bonus, you can also use a feature in the Roku App as a remote if you lose yours, which can come up a lot for people who might be dealing with chronic pain-related brain fog. 

Find it on Amazon: Roku Express 4K+

6. Art Supplies

Having chronic pain means I’m always on the lookout for low-key activities I can do at home, so over the years I’ve gotten really into artistic pursuits. But if you’ve ever tried to start a new hobby, you know that getting all the supplies can be half the battle. 

But that also means that art supplies can make a great gift for someone with chronic pain. Plus, they come at a very wide range of price points, so you can find something perfect without having to overspend. 

I personally have the ai-natebok 36 Colored Fineliner Pens linked below, and I love using them for a wide variety of projects. But there’s also sketch pads, watercolor sets and blank canvas, not to mention color books. 

Find it on Amazon: ai-natebok 36 Colored Fineliner Pens

7. Gift Cards

Of course, when all else fails, sometimes the best gift is a gift card, especially if you’re looking for something last-minute since they can usually be sent via e-mail. 

I especially recommend Amazon gift cards, specifically because they can be used to pay for Amazon Prime Service, which offers both streaming services and fast home delivery – two things that people with chronic pain often love. 

Find it on Amazon: Amazon gift cards

Muscle Relaxants Ineffective for Low Back Pain and Fibromyalgia

By Pat Anson

Muscle relaxants are increasingly prescribed “off label” as an alternative to opioid medication, but according to a new analysis they are no more effective than a placebo in treating fibromyalgia and low back pain. They may be beneficial, however, for patients suffering from muscle cramps, neck pain and trigeminal neuralgia.

Researchers reviewed 44 studies involving nearly 2,500 patients who were prescribed a muscle relaxant for various pain conditions. Nine skeletal muscle relaxants (SMRs) were assessed, drugs that were initially developed and then approved by the FDA as anti-spasticity and anti-spasmodic medications:

  • Carisoprodol (Soma)

  • Baclofen

  • Tizanidine

  • Cyclobenzaprine

  • Eperisone

  • Quinine

  • Orphenadrine

  • Chlormezanone

  • Methocarbamol

Despite a lack of evidence on their effectiveness beyond 3 weeks, prescribing of SMRs doubled between 2005 and 2016, with office visits for refills of SMR prescriptions tripling over the same period, indicating they were increasingly being used long-term and off-label. According to a 2021 study, over a third of patients prescribed SMRs did not have a musculoskeletal disorder, a sign of “unnecessary or inappropriate use.”

Researchers involved in the current study, published in JAMA Network Open, reached a similar conclusion that muscle relaxants are overprescribed.

“Despite increasing prevalence and increasing risks of their use, our systematic review suggests only limited evidence of efficacy for long-term use of SMRs for a small subset of pain syndromes,” wrote lead author Benjamin Oldfield, MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at Yale School of Medicine.

“Evidence for effectiveness was strongest for SMRs used for muscle spasms, painful cramps, and neck pain; in studies of SMRs for fibromyalgia, low back pain, headaches, and other syndromes, some showed small benefits and some did not, and on balance studies did not suggest a benefit.”

Oldfield and his colleagues say physicians should consider deprescribing SMRs to pain patients who have been using them long-term without apparent benefit.   

Adverse side effects from SMRs include sedation, somnolence, dizziness and dry mouth. The FDA also warns against taking the drugs with opioids, which could raise the risk of respiratory depression and overdose.

SMRs also increase the risk of falls, fractures, and vehicle crashes. Because of those risks, muscle relaxants should be avoided altogether in elderly patients, according to the American Geriatrics Society.

Why Autumn Weather Is Often Miserable for Pain Patients

Intellectually, I love the concept of a crisp autumn day. I love the idea of pumpkin spice lattes, crockpot chili, and cozy scarfs. But in practice, the intense temperature swings are pretty horrible for me every year.

The cool fall weather here in Northern Illinois is always devastating on my body. Indeed, my chronic pain has been 10/10 the last few days as the temperatures start their yearly drop, and it rains non-stop. 

It’s the same with spring too. Regardless of how much I’m longing for warmer weather every March, the shift from winter to summer means I spend most of the spring in too much pain to function. 

To me, it is obvious that these weather changes impact my pain. I’ve been dealing with it for more than a decade now. And every year, spring and autumn are especially bad. 

Surprisingly, the medical community still questions whether or not the link between weather and pain is real though – and if it is real, why it might be happening. 

“Research still hasn't confirmed a cause-and-effect link between weather and joint pain, though many people insist they can predict the weather based on such aches,” writes Toni Golen, MD, Editor in Chief of Harvard Women's Health Watch, in a 2022 article in Harvard Health,  

A 2015 study looked at whether daily weather conditions and changes in the weather influenced joint pain in older people with osteoarthritis in six European countries.

While they did find a causal link, they hesitated to call it a direct cause, saying that “the associations between day-to-day weather changes and pain do not confirm causation.”

In other words, researchers did not want to say outright that changes in the weather directly causes pain spikes. 

So I guess you’ll have to hear it from me instead: As a chronic pain patient, I can confirm that the effect is real, and it’s not in your head. Weather definitely causes pain spikes.

What might be causing it though? Golen explains that one theory is that changes in barometric pressure — which often happen as the weather changes — trigger pain in the joints. 

“Less air pressure surrounding the body can allow muscles, tendons, and other tissues around joints to expand,” she explains. “This can place pressure on joints, possibly leading to pain.”

Another theory is that cold, damp days make you more likely to do things that can worsen joint pain or stiffness, such as sitting on the couch too long watching movies. 

“Also, since you're expecting discomfort when the weather shifts, you may notice joint aches more than you would otherwise,” Golen adds. “To ward off weather-related joint pain, keep moving with regular exercise and stretching.”

I have to say, the second theory reads as a bit insulting to me. It sounds like health professionals are trying to find another way to blame patients for their pain. 

Personally, I also know that being sedentary is not the cause of my increased pain when the weather changes. That’s partly because when I wake up with pain in the morning, trying to shower and get out of the house quickly is likely to aggravate it. Also, as someone who works from home, I spend most of my days sitting down with a laptop and that usually doesn’t cause my pain to spike.  

As a chronic patient, I also don’t need a study to confirm my experience. I know weather changes cause a pain spike for me, and over the years I’ve learned to cope with it by accepting it. My life is set up so that most of the time, on bad pain days, I have the ability to rest as needed. 

When I first started having daily chronic pain, I would get very stressed about pain spikes, which would make them worse and harder to get under control. But now I know that keeping myself as calm as possible is the key to riding it out. 

I also know that it’s very likely that the pain will start to subside to more manageable levels after a couple of days at the most. And I know to take advantage of my low-pain days to get as much done as possible. In fact, I’m using one this week to write this column.

To me, the link between weather changes and pain spikes is so obvious, that I can’t even believe any doctors would still question it. If you’re among those struggling as the seasons change though, just know, I believe you. 

Can Ketamine Treat Fibromyalgia Pain?

By Pat Anson

At a time when the medical and recreational use of ketamine is coming under more scrutiny from law enforcement, a new study highlights its potential value as a treatment for fibromyalgia pain.

Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that is only FDA-approved for depression and anesthesia. But in recent years ketamine infusions are increasingly being used “off-label” for severe chronic pain conditions such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

In a small systematic review (a study of studies), researchers in Brazil found that ketamine infusions were safe and effective in relieving fibromyalgia pain. The review was small – just 6 clinical trials involving 115 patients – because ketamine has rarely been considered as a treatment for fibromyalgia due to its potency. Ketamine infusions require constant medical supervision because they put patients into a temporary dream-like state that can lead to hallucinations and out-of-body experiences.

But the Brazilian researchers found the side effects from infusions were mild and short-term, with some fibromyalgia patients experiencing pain relief that lasted for days or weeks.

Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition that causes widespread body pain, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog and mood disorders. The FDA has approved only three medications for fibromyalgia, two antidepressants (Cymbalta and Savella) and a nerve drug (Lyrica), but many patients consider the drugs ineffective.

Could ketamine be another option?

“Ketamine infusions might be a reasonable therapeutic approach for short-term relief of symptoms but unsatisfactory at inducing long-term analgesia in FM (fibromyalgia) patients,” the Brazilian research team reported in Advances in Rheumatology. “Future studies that evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ketamine in FM are desired for long-term follow-up. In patients refractory to conventional therapy, ketamine infusions might be a reasonable therapeutic approach.”

A recent case study suggests ketamine does have potential as a long-term treatment. A 68-year-old woman with fibromyalgia experienced “significant, widespread pain relief” after receiving several ketamine infusions over a two-week period. She continued getting infusions twice a week for the next year.    

“Pain relief has persisted under this regimen, along with a demonstrable improvement in quality of life, a reduced use of morphine, and the cessation of anti-depressant medication. This case indicates that long-term ketamine infusions show promise for chronic pain management and that more longitudinal studies on this treatment are warranted,” researchers reported.

‘Targeting and Investigating Doctors’

The positive news about ketamine is being overshadowed by the investigation into the death of actor Matthew Perry, who drowned in a hot tub last year after getting three ketamine injections in one day – none of them while under medical supervision.  Five people, two of them doctors, were recently arrested in connection with Perry’s death, including an alleged drug dealer known as the “Ketamine Queen.”

Perry had long struggled with substance abuse issues, but federal prosecutors say the defendants “were more interested in profiting off Mr. Perry than caring about his well-being.”  The two doctors charged in the case both surrendered their DEA licenses and can no longer prescribe controlled substances.      

In a recent appearance on CBS’ Face the Nation, DEA Administrator Anne Milgram likened Perry’s death to the opioid crisis, claiming that his doctors were ultimately responsible.  

“It started with two unscrupulous doctors who were violating their oath, which is to take care of their patients, and instead supplying Matthew Perry with enormous quantities of ketamine in exchange for huge amounts of money. And then it switched to the street where Matthew Perry was buying the ketamine from two drug traffickers,” Milgram said.

“Every single day, (we) are targeting and investigating doctors, nurse practitioners, others who are violating this duty of trust to their patients by over prescribing medicine or prescribing medicine that isn't necessary.”

Milgram also claimed that ketamine “has a high potential” for addiction. While experts agree the drug can be abused, ketamine is not an opioid and does not suppress respiration, the leading cause of an overdose.  

Can a Smartphone App Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

By Pat Anson

It was a little over a year ago that the FDA authorized the marketing of the first smartphone app designed specifically to treat fibromyalgia. The Stanza app uses a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help patients improve their quality of life by lessening the pain, anxiety, fatigue and depression that often come with fibromyalgia.

New findings from a placebo-controlled Phase 3 study, recently published in the The Lancet, helped demonstrate Stanza’s potential benefits.  

“This novel, non-drug therapy, available using a smartphone, makes management of fibromyalgia more accessible and convenient. This offers new hope for people with fibromyalgia, who have continued to experience unmet treatment needs,” says lead investigator Lesley Arnold, MD, an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Arnold and her colleagues enrolled 275 fibromyalgia patients in a 12-week trial, with half randomly assigned to receive Stanza treatment and the other half serving as a control group. Participants were allowed to continue taking medications and any other therapies they were using before the study.

Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to diagnose and treat, because it comes with a wide array of symptoms such as widespread body pain, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog and mood disorders. The FDA has approved only three medications for fibromyalgia -- duloxetine (Cymbalta), milnacipran (Savella), and pregabalin (Lyrica) – but many patients consider the drugs ineffective or have too many side effects.

Stanza uses a form of CBT called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to teach patients psychological skills to help lessen the impact of fibromyalgia on their lives. A daily 15–20-minute session includes ACT lessons on deep breathing, mindfulness and other self-management skills.   

The effectiveness of Stanza was measured by the patients themselves, through a self-assessment test known as Patient Global Impression in Change (PGIC), in which participants described changes in their overall well-being.  

After 12 weeks, over 70% of participants in the Stanza group had improvements in their PGIC score, compared to 22% in the control group. Stanza participants also had more significant improvement in their pain intensity, physical function, fatigue, sleep and depression. No adverse events were observed either group.

It’s important to note the research was funded by Swing Therapeutics, the maker of Stanza, which calls it largest study ever conducted of a medical device for fibromyalgia.

“Fibromyalgia options are typically limited to a handful of pharmacological interventions that have limited efficacy and that can come with difficult-to-manage side effects,” says Mike Rosenbluth, CEO of Swing. “This publication validates Stanza as a guideline-directed non-drug approach that many patients previously couldn’t access due to few available trained clinicians, geographic limitations and cost.

Stanza is intended for use five to seven days per week, for a standard treatment period of 12 weeks. After that, Stanza can be used as needed. Previous studies have found that improvements in fibromyalgia symptoms can last up to 12 months after Stanza therapy.

Although it’s a self-guided app, Stanza requires a prescription and the supervision of a medical professional trained in its use.  Currently, Stanza clinicians are only available in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas.  Medicare Part B and some private insurers cover Stanza treatment.  

Research Suggests Chronic Pain Should be Treated Differently in Men and Women

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Why are women more likely than men to suffer from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other chronic pain conditions?  

Various theories have been proposed over the years, such as gender bias in healthcare, the lingering effects of childhood trauma, and women “catastrophizing” about their pain more than men.

Now there’s a new theory, which could radically change how men and women are treated for pain.

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal BRAIN, researchers at University of Arizona Health Sciences identified two substances – prolactin and orexin B – that appear to make mice, monkeys and humans more sensitized to pain. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast development and lactation in females; while orexin B is a neurotransmitter that helps keep us awake and stimulates appetite.

Both males and females have prolactin and orexin, but females have much higher levels of prolaction and males have more orexin.  In addition to promoting lactation and wakefulness, both substances also appear to play a role in regulating nociceptors, specialized nerve cells near the spinal cord that produce pain when they are activated by a disease or injury.

“Until now, the assumption has been that the driving mechanisms that produce pain are the same in men and women,” says Frank Porreca, PhD, research director of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction at UA Health Sciences. “What we found is that the basic, underlying mechanisms that result in the perception of pain are different in male and female mice, in male and female nonhuman primates, and in male and female humans.”

Porreca and his colleagues made their discovery while researching the relationship between chronic pain and sleep.  Using tissue samples from male and female mice, rhesus monkeys and humans, they found that prolactin only sensitizes nociceptors in females, regardless of species, while orexin B only sensitizes the nociceptors of males.

The research team then tried blocking prolactin and orexin B signaling, and found that blocking prolactin reduced nociceptor activation only in female cells, while blocking orexin B only affected the nerve cells of males. In effect, they found that there are distinctive “male” and “female” nociceptors.  

“The nociceptor is actually different in men and women, different in male and female rodents, and different in male and female non human primates. That’s a remarkable concept, because what it's really telling us is that the things that promote nociceptive sensitization in a man or a woman could be totally different,” Porreca told PNN. “These are two mechanisms that we identified, but there are likely to be many, many more that have yet to be identified.”

Once such mechanism could be calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRPs), a protein that binds to nerve receptors in the brain and trigger migraine pain. In a recent study, Porreca suggested that sexual differences may be the reason why migraine drugs that block CGRPs are effective in treating migraine pain in women, but are far less effective in men.  

Until these differences are more fully understood, Porreca says clinical trials should be designed to have an equal number of men and women. That way differences between the sexes could be more easily recognized and applied in clinical practice.

For example, therapies that block prolactin may be an effective way to treat fibromyalgia in women, while drugs that block orexin B might be a better way to treat certain pain conditions in men.

“We have an opportunity to develop therapies that could be more effective in treating pain in a man or in a woman than the generalized kinds of therapies that we use now,” said Porreca. ‘I think it's critically important that these pain syndromes really be taken very seriously. And that we find better ways of treating female pain and also male pain.” 

‘Game Changing’ Study Finds Cause of Long Covid Brain Fog

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Inflamed and leaky blood vessels in the human brain appear to be the cause of brain fog and other cognitive issues in patients with Long Covid, according to a groundbreaking study by a team of Irish researchers.

The discovery that a viral infection may cause cognitive decline could help explain why memory loss, confusion and trouble concentrating is common in patients with other chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Scientists at Trinity College Dublin and FutureNeuro used a specialized MRI to compare the brains of Long Covid patients with brain fog to those without brain fog.

The MRI images show how Long Covid can affect the brain’s delicate network of blood vessels. Patients with brain fog (right column) have significantly more inflammation and blood vessel leakage than those without brain fog (left column).

Patients with brain fog also had more elevated levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in their blood, which is a sign of cerebrovascular damage often found in patients with repetitive head trauma.

The images and findings are published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

“For the first time, we have been able to show that leaky blood vessels in the human brain, in tandem with a hyperactive immune system, may be the key drivers of brain fog associated with Long COVID,” said lead author Matthew Campbell, PhD, a Professor in Genetics and Head of Genetics at Trinity College, and Principal Investigator at FutureNeuro. 

“The concept that many other viral infections that lead to post-viral syndromes might drive blood vessel leakage in the brain is potentially game changing and is under active investigation by the team.” 


About 10% of the people infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus develop Long Covid, a broad range of conditions that causes fatigue, shortness of breath, and muscle and joint pain. About half of Long Covid patients also report brain fog or some lingering neurological issue. 

“The findings will now likely change the landscape of how we understand and treat post-viral neurological conditions. It also confirms that the neurological symptoms of Long Covid are measurable with real and demonstrable metabolic and vascular changes in the brain,” said co-author Colin Doherty, Professor of Neurology and Head of the School of Medicine at Trinity, and Principal Investigator at FutureNeuro. 

In recent years, research has found that multiple sclerosis, lupus and other autoimmune conditions are triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus. The exact mechanism is unclear and proving there is a direct link between viral infections and brain fog has been challenging – until now.   

“Our findings have now set the stage for further studies examining the molecular events that lead to post-viral fatigue and brain fog. Without doubt, similar mechanisms are at play across many disparate types of viral infection and we are now tantalisingly close to understanding how and why they cause neurological dysfunction in patients,” said first author Chris Greene, PhD, a research fellow in the School of Genetics and Microbiology at Trinity.

The study was funded by Science Foundation Ireland, the European Research Council and FutureNeuro, a research center for chronic and rare neurological diseases.

My Story: Kratom Helps Treat Fibromyalgia

By Jim Hunter

The following narrative is not meant as medical advice. I am not a medical professional. I am simply relating my own experience.

Most of my adult life I have suffered from a variety of symptoms that were never diagnosed by any of the doctors I saw. Eventually, I became aware that these symptoms seemed to be consistent with the list of symptoms that appear under the heading of fibromyalgia. The most conspicuous symptom was painful muscles all over my body. The one symptom often associated with fibromyalgia that I did not have was insomnia.

Do I actually have fibromyalgia? I don’t know. What I have is an assortment of symptoms that, when compared to a checklist for fibromyalgia, make it look pretty close to that mysterious affliction.  Since there seemed to be no reliable objective signs of fibromyalgia, and I seemed to have almost all the subjective ones, it seemed reasonable to diagnose myself as having it.

I treated it for a long time (years) by taking more ibuprofen than is recommended for pain relief. The ibuprofen did help some, so I took more than I should have. I am not recommending anyone else do this, but I didn’t see an alternative at the time.

Then I discovered kratom. I don’t recall how I happened to run into it. But I discovered that when I took small doses of kratom regularly throughout the day, the fibromyalgia symptoms simply went away. Above all else, I didn’t hurt anymore.

Kratom even cleared up the stomach and intestinal problems. That was a surprise. I figured that anything that tasted as harsh as kratom wouldn’t help my stomach, but it did.

As long as I didn’t take too much kratom, I didn’t have any loopy feelings. I didn’t mind the slightly euphoric sensations it sometimes generated, but I learned to fine tune it so I didn’t experience that. It simply took away all the muscle aches and pains, fatigue and stomach problems. I felt normal again and was productive.

A Complication

That happy state facilitated by kratom lasted for years. But then I ran into a glitch. I got an inguinal hernia that strangulated. The surgeon was able to push it back in, but that was clearly just a temporary solution. Clearly, I needed surgery. One can die a nasty death from a strangulated hernia.

There was a complication about whether the local hospital could do the operation or whether my condition would require a bigger hospital with an intensive care unit. They eventually agreed on the local hospital (which is what I wanted), but the only glitch was that I had barely mentioned my use of kratom and sort of played it down. I was pretty sure most of the professionals in the medical field would be suspicious of it. Kratom is, after all, reported to have a mild opioid-like effect.

I’m 83 years old. I was perfectly willing to take any reasonable risk in surgery. I am not going to live forever, and I suspect that the end will not be decades off.

But I did feel obligated to the hospital that agreed to do the operation. I had to either level with them about the kratom I was taking or get off it. I knew that if I explained everything in detail, it would raise questions again about who should do the operation and when. I imagined there might be an issue with a possible interaction of kratom with anesthesia.

I decided to get off the kratom, at least long enough for the operation. There might be some withdrawal symptoms, but they were described in the literature as mild to moderate and short lived.

So, I began phasing out my kratom, for which I calculated I needed about two weeks. Two weeks stretched into three and then four. I was feeling horrible – considerably worse than what was described as kratom withdrawal. This was neither short, nor mild or moderate.

Then my wife put her finger on the problem. The symptoms for withdrawal and fibromyalgia, though similar, were not exactly the same. I was experiencing less nausea, but more pain. The fibromyalgia was back in full force. At that point, as I saw it, I had no choice. I took a little bit of kratom once again and felt fine, except for the hernia.

It was while on the minimal dose of kratom needed for the fibromyalgia that I went in for surgery. After the operation, the anesthesiologist reported that her part of the operation went well. I was relieved. However, another problem emerged. An expected two or three-hour operation with laparoscopic surgery turned into a seven-hour ordeal.

I still cannot visualize the exact nature of the unexpected problem the surgeon encountered. Apparently, my bladder was drawn into and tangled up with the hernia. The surgeon, who had done this operation thousands of times, had never seen it before and nobody else had heard of it.

The surgeon was able to unravel the problem and repair the hernia. This led to yet another problem. I had expected to be in the hospital most of one day, but they kept me in the hospital overnight and, as far as I knew, might keep me hospitalized even longer.

By three in the morning, I was beginning to experience moderate to severe pain. The medication given to me by the night nurse didn’t touch the pain. I realized I had no choice. I had to confess my sin -- the incomplete and unsatisfactory way I told them about the kratom -- and plead for mercy.

I called in the night nurse and explained the whole thing. She was very nice about it, let the head nurse know right away, and notified the surgeon as soon as he arrived in the morning.

To make a long story short, arrangements were made for me to be released from the hospital so I could resume my regime of small doses of kratom.

I had lots of minor aches and pains from being worked on so hard and so long during the operation, while in an awkward position. They had raised my legs a considerable angle to the ground, expanded the inner cavities of my body with CO2, and done God knows what to separate my scrotum, testicles and whatever else from the hernia. But with some Aleve, these were now manageable pains. 

Do I have any advice? Not really. The nearest thing I can offer is to say that, should the situation rise again, I would simply tell the medical people about my dependence on kratom. And if they insisted that I get off it before they would do the surgery, I would not have the surgery done.

Jim Hunter lives in Maine. He is a retired social worker.

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Long Covid Linked to Chronic Pain Conditions

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

People with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome are significantly more likely to have symptoms of Long Covid after a COVID-19 infection, according to a large new analysis.

Researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed electronic health records of over two million Americans and found that the risk of having Long Covid symptoms was higher in people with a chronic overlapping pain condition (COPC).  

Over half the patients (58.6%) with a COPC and a diagnosis of COVID-19 had symptoms of Long COVID, compared to only a third (33.6%) of those without a COPC.

“We hypothesized we’d see an increase in pain and fatigue because it’s something we’ve seen in the past with other infectious diseases, like the SARS outbreak in 2002,” said lead author Rachel Bergmans, PhD, a Research Assistant Professor at U-M’s Department of Anesthesiology, Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center. “A big predictor of future pain is having had pain in the past.”

Findings from the retrospective cohort study, published in the journal Pain, do not establish a definitive cause that links chronic pain with Long Covid – only an association.

It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation. Many of the symptoms of Long Covid mirror those of COPCs – such as brain fog, chronic fatigue, headache and body pain – so it’s not clear which condition developed first. Interestingly, Long Covid symptoms were found in 24% of patients with a COPC who were not diagnosed with COVID-19.  

That finding could be explained by a relatively new concept in pain research called neuroplasticity or nociplastic pain – chronic pain that lingers and becomes heightened in the brain and central nervous system (CNS) long after the initial injury heals. 

“With nociplastic pain, some people have what you might call a pain setting turned up in their central nervous system. There’s evidence showing that infections, trauma, and stress can be a trigger for nociplastic pain features and related symptoms,” said Bergmans.

Nociplastic pain could also explain the cognitive dysfunction and other symptoms caused by Long Covid – known technically as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). The basket of symptoms now collectively known as Long Covid may have existed before COVID-19 even came along. In 2022, the CDC estimated that 18 million American adults had Long Covid.

“The onset of long COVID features was relatively common regardless of acute COVID exposure. In addition, those with pre-existing COPCs had an increased risk of being diagnosed with long COVID features. These findings reinforce the likelihood that nociplastic pain is a key mechanism in long COVID and can inform precision medicine therapies that avoid the pitfalls of viewing long COVID exclusively in the framework of infectious disease,” researchers concluded.

“For clinicians who treat people with long COVID, it may be helpful to review the medical record and see whether someone had a pre-existing COPC diagnosis before long COVID onset.”

Bergmans and all of her co-authors are either consultants or employees of Tonix Pharmaceuticals, a company that is developing new non-opioid treatments for fibromyalgia.

Study Finds Low-Dose Naltrexone Works No Better than Placebo  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

In recent years, low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has grown in popularity as a treatment for fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. Although naltrexone is only FDA-approved for the treatment of substance use disorders, a growing number of patients and providers say low doses of naltrexone prescribed off-label can be effective in relieving pain.

A new study by Danish researchers is casting doubt on the some of those claims, finding that LDN works no better than a placebo in reducing pain for women with fibromyalgia. In their double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 99 adult women with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to receive either an LDN pill or an identical-looking placebo daily for 12 weeks.

The study findings, recently published The Lancet Rheumatology, found a minor improvement in pain intensity for the LDN group, with a similar pain reduction in the placebo group. There were no serious adverse events in either group.

“This study did not show that treatment with low-dose naltrexone was superior to placebo in relieving pain. Our results indicate that low-dose naltrexone might improve memory problems associated with fibromyalgia, and we suggest that future trials investigate this further,” wrote lead author Karin Due Bruun, MD, a researcher in the Pain Center at Odense University Hospital in Denmark.

The Danish study is notable, because placebo-controlled, double-blind studies are considered the gold standard in medical research. Until now, much of the evidence about LDN has been anecdotal or low quality.

In a 2020 review of nearly 800 LDN studies, another research team could find only eight that were high quality enough to meet their criteria for evaluation. Nevertheless, they found that LDN “provides an alternative in medical management of chronic pain disorders.”

A 2019 review by British researchers also found that LDN is safe to use, but recommended that more clinical studies be conducted.

How naltrexone works is not exactly clear. LDN supporters believe the drug modulates the immune system, reduces inflammation and stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkiller.

In 50mg doses, naltrexone blocks opioid receptors in the brain and decreases the desire to take opiates or alcohol. But in smaller doses of 5mg or less, patients have found LDN to be an effective pain reliever. PNN columnists have shared their positive experiences using LDN to treat everything from interstitial cystitis to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome to fibromyalgia.  

A woman with fibromyalgia tried all sorts of FDA-approved medications to relieve her leg pain, brain fog and depression. None worked, until she tried LDN.   

“After about seven days, my pain lessened,” said Janice Hollander. “[LDN] has completely changed my life. I don’t know that I would be here today if it wasn’t for it. I don’t think I could go for another year in the misery I was in.” 

Naltrexone does cause minor side effects, such as nausea and dizziness, and because it is an opioid antagonist it should not be taken with opioid medication.

Patients interested in trying LDN often encounter doctors who won’t prescribe it off-label. The LDN Research Trust includes a list of LDN-friendly doctors and pharmacies on its website.

Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Have High Rates of Fibromyalgia

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A large new study has found high rates of fibromyalgia in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), adding to a growing body of evidence linking gut bacteria to chronic pain disorders. IBS patients were also more likely to have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

The study, recently published in the journal Biomedicines, looked at more than 1.2 million IBS patients hospitalized in the U.S. over a three-year period. They found that the prevalence rate of fibromyalgia in the IBS patients was 10.7 percent, about five times higher than the fibromyalgia rate (1.4%) in the general adult population.

Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition characterized by widespread body pain, headaches, fatigue, insomnia and mood disorders; while IBS causes abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhea. Gut bacteria has been associated with both IBS and fibromyalgia, but the exact mechanism of action remains unclear.

“This is yet another example where ailments in the gut are linked to ailments elsewhere in the body and mind,” said senior author Yezaz Ghouri, MD, an assistant professor of clinical medicine and gastroenterology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. “As we continue to learn more about how gut health effects health elsewhere it is important that clinicians look for and manage somatic comorbidities in IBS patients.”

Fibromyalgia and CFS are known as “somatic” disorders because patients who have them often experience anxiety and depression – a tendency perhaps explained about the lack of effective treatments for their physical symptoms.

“Because IBS patients have higher prevalence of somatic comorbidities such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, identifying and treating these disorders can improve their quality of life,” said lead researcher Zahid Ijaz Tarar, MD, a fellow in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine.

“Earlier identification of comorbidities is valuable to inform treatment strategies, including consulting other specialties such as rheumatology and psychiatry to improve the overall health outcomes in IBS patients.”

In addition to fibromyalgia, the research team found that hospitalized IBS patients were also significantly more likely to be white and female.  Less than one percent (0.42%) had a CFS diagnosis – a small percentage to be sure, but still higher than CFS rates in the general population (0.06%).

The high rates of fibromyalgia and CFS in IBS patients has led to speculation that poor diets or antibiotics may cause an imbalance of “bad” bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, allowing toxins to leak into the bloodstream and cause other health problems.

A recent study found that Klebsiella aerogenes, a bacterium that causes white blood cells to produce excess amounts of histamine, can trigger a painful immune system response.

Another study found that women with fibromyalgia have strikingly different types and amounts of bacteria than those without fibromyalgia. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a “good” bacterium that is normally abundant in the human gut, was found to be depleted in fibromyalgia patients. Other bacteria associated with IBS, CFS and interstitial cystitis were found to be abundant in fibromyalgia patients, but not in the healthy control group.  

Mood Disorders May Be Early Sign of Chronic Fatigue

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Anxiety, depression and other mood disorders have long been associated with fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). That’s not altogether surprising, since the three chronic illnesses cause body pain, insomnia, fatigue, and other stressful symptoms that can trigger a psychological reaction. No one likes being sick, after all.  

But a large new study found that psychiatric disorders preceded the development of fibromyalgia, IBS and CFS in about a quarter of the people who have the conditions – more than those who suffer from similar chronic illnesses. Anxiety and depression were significantly more common in people who were later diagnosed with chronic fatigue.

"This work provides evidence that for many people, a wide variety of physical and psychological factors are associated with these debilitating conditions," says Francis Creed, a professor emeritus of psychiatry at The University of Manchester.

Creed analyzed over two years of health data from over 120,000 people who participated in the Dutch Lifelines cohort study; comparing the data of people with fibromyalgia, IBS and CFS to those with diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and rheumatoid arthritis. The latter group had similar symptoms and served as a control.

Creed’s findings, recently published in the journals PLOS ONE and Frontiers in Psychiatry, showed that psychiatric disorders were more common (17–27%) in the first group than in the control group (10.4–11.7%).

General anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, dysthymia, major depressive disorder (MDD) and agoraphobia were particularly more common in people who were later diagnosed with CFS.  


Creed says a number of physical and mental health issues may be at work in the development of fibromyalgia, IBS and CFS. He favors a holistic approach to treating them, including a mental health evaluation.   

"When people suffering from CFS/ME, IBS and fibromyalgia come into contact with health professionals, negative attitudes can sometimes get in the way of treatment. but by understanding these complex conditions better, the stigma and mystery around them can be eased," he said.

"Although there are symptomatic treatments which may help these unexplained disorders, we should aim to understand fully their underlying causes. There are probably several different ways they may develop; a whole range of physical and mental factors are probably involved. Treatment approaches will become more effective as our understanding of the causes improves."

Association is not causation, and it’s important to note that about three-quarters of the people who developed fibromyalgia, IBS and CFS did not have any mood disorders prior to the onset of their illnesses.   

Creed says future research and clinical work should focus on possible interactions between psychiatric disorders and other behavioral variables to identify the true role of anxiety and depression in chronic illness.