What Do Tariffs and the War On Pain Patients Have in Common? Fentanyl-Phobia

By Crystal Lindell

Did you know that there’s a drug that kills 480,000 people in the United States annually? Based on years of headlines, you might assume that the drug in question is fentanyl, but you’d be wrong. It’s actually tobacco.

There’s another drug that kills 178,000 people in the United States annually. It's called alcohol

Meanwhile, illicit fentanyl, the street drug everyone loves to be scared of, was involved in the deaths of 73,654 people in 2022.

Any death is too many, but those statistics highlight how disproportionately we focus on fentanyl as the deadly drug we should fear most. 

For years now, overdoses involving fentanyl have been used to justify denying pain patients access to much safer prescription opioids, such as hydrocodone. Now it’s also being used as an excuse for new tariffs against Canada, Mexico and China, which went into effect this week

During his speech Tuesday night, President Donald Trump justified the tariffs by saying: “They’ve allowed fentanyl to come into our country at levels never seen before, killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens and many very young, beautiful people, destroying families. Nobody has ever seen anything like it.”

The situation shows how many aspects of our daily lives are impacted by the War on Drugs, whether it’s a doctor’s visit or economic policy. It also highlights just how much the war is used to justify whatever economic, healthcare, and law enforcement policies our government wants at any given time. 

Because, of course, if any of this was actually about saving lives, then we would be focusing on the drugs that kill more people than fentanyl: alcohol and tobacco. Those are both still sold over the counter though. 

Instead, our leaders lean on whipping up a moral panic about fentanyl. The end result is the same, whether that moral panic is used against patients or neighboring countries: it causes unnecessary pain and suffering. 

The headline on an NBC News article calls out the fact that the tariffs probably won’t reduce fentanyl deaths: “Trump says tariffs were enacted to curb fentanyl, but U.S. overdose deaths are already declining.”

The article also points out that nearly all confiscated fentanyl is seized at the US-Mexican border. In the current fiscal year, just 10 pounds of fentanyl have been recovered at the Canadian border, compared to 5,400 pounds at the Mexican border.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under no illusion that fentanyl deaths are the real reason for the tariffs. MarketWatch reported that Trudeau called Trump’s rationale for using tariffs to stop the miniscule amount of fentanyl coming from Canada "completely bogus." 

"We have to fall back on the one thing he has said repeatedly – that what he wants is to see a total collapse of the Canadian economy, because that will make it easier to annex us," Trudeau said. "We are, of course, open to starting negotiations, (but) let us not fool ourselves about what he seems to be wanting."

Stepping back a bit, it’s important to note that the fentanyl bogeyman is just the latest facet of the War on Drugs, which the United States has been fighting and losing since 1971. The tariffs highlight how little the so-called war has ever been based on actually helping anyone. 

It would be wise to be skeptical anytime the War on Drugs is used as a justification for government policy. Just because a government claims something is the reason for a law or policy, that does not mean that that is the actual reason. That applies to tariffs, as well as limiting opioid pain medication. 

Skepticism should be applied to all drug-related policy in the United States. 

Trump’s Tariffs Won’t Stop Illicit Drug Use

By Rodney Coates

Americans consume more illicit drugs per capita than anyone else in the world; about 6% of the U.S. population uses them regularly.

One such drug, fentanyl – a synthetic opioid that’s 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine – is the leading reason U.S. overdose deaths have surged in recent years. While the rate of fentanyl overdose deaths has dipped a bit recently, it’s still vastly higher than it was just five years ago.

Ending the fentanyl crisis won’t be easy. The U.S. has an addiction problem that spans decades – long predating the rise of fentanyl – and countless attempts to regulate, legislate and incarcerate have done little to reduce drug consumption. Meanwhile, the opioid crisis alone costs Americans tens of billions of dollars each year.

With past policies having failed to curb fentanyl deaths, President Donald Trump is turning to another tool to fight America’s drug problem: trade policy.

During his presidential campaign, Trump pledged to impose tariffs on Canada and Mexico if they didn’t halt the flow of drugs across U.S. borders, and on China if it didn’t do more to crack down on the production of chemicals used to make fentanyl. Trump reiterated his plan on his first day back in office, and on Feb. 1, he made good on that threat, imposing tariffs on all three counties and citing fentanyl as a key reason.

Speaking as a professor who studies social policy, I think both fentanyl and the proposed import taxes represent significant threats to the U.S. While the human toll of fentanyl is undeniable, the real question is whether tariffs will work – or worsen what’s already a crisis.

In 2021, more than 107,000 Americans died from overdoses – the most ever recorded – and nearly seven out of 10 deaths involved fentanyl or similar synthetic opioids.

In 2022, fentanyl was killing an average of 200 people each day. And while fentanyl deaths declined slightly in 2023, nearly 75,000 Americans still died from synthetic opioids that year. In March of that year – the most recent for which full-year data on overdose deaths is available – the then-secretary of homeland security declared fentanyl to be “the single greatest challenge we face as a country.”

Drug Regulation Doesn’t Work

But history shows that government efforts to curb drug use often have little success.

The first real attempt to regulate drugs in the U.S. occurred in 1890, when, amid rampant drug abuse, Congress enacted a law taxing morphine and opium. In the years that followed, cocaine use skyrocketed, rising 700% between 1890 and 1902. Cocaine was so popular, it was even found in drinks such as Coca-Cola, from which it got its name.

This was followed by a 1909 act banning the smoking of opium, and, in 1937, the “Marihuana Tax Act.” The most comprehensive package of laws was instituted with the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which classified drugs into five categories based on their medical uses and potential for abuse or dependence.

A year later, then-President Richard Nixon launched the “War on Drugs” and declared drug abuse as “public enemy No. 1.” And in 1986, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, directing US$1.7 billion for drug enforcement and control.

These policies have generally failed to curb drug supply and use, while also causing significant harm to people and communities of color. For example, between 1980 and 1997, the number of incarcerations for nonviolent drug offenses went from 50,000 to 400,000. But these policies hardly put a dent in consumption. The share of high school seniors using drugs dipped only slightly over the same period, from 65% in 1980 to 58% in 1997.

Tariffs Can Backfire

In short, past U.S. efforts to reduce illegal drug use haven’t been especially effective. Now, it looks like the U.S. is shifting toward using tariffs – but research suggests that those will not lead to better outcomes either, and could actually cause considerable harm.

America’s experiments with tariffs can be traced back to the founding era with the passage of the Tariff Act of 1789. This long history has shown that tariffs, industrial subsidies and protectionist policies don’t do much to stimulate broad economic growth at home – but they raise prices for consumers and can even lead to global economic instability.

History also shows that tariffs don’t work especially well as negotiating tools, failing to effect significant policy changes in target countries. Economists generally agree that the costs of tariffs outweigh the benefits.

Over the course of Trump’s first term, the average effective tariff rate on Chinese imports went from 3% to 11%. But while imports from China fell slightly, the overall trade relationship didn’t change much: China remains the second-largest supplier of goods to the U.S.

The tariffs did have some benefit – for Vietnam and other nearby countries with relatively low labor costs. Essentially, the tariffs on China caused production to shift, with global companies investing billions of dollars in competitor nations.

This isn’t the first time Trump has used trade policy to pressure China on fentanyl – he did so in his first term. But while China made some policy changes in response, such as adding fentanyl to its controlled substances list in 2019, fentanyl deaths in the U.S. continued to rise. Currently, China still ranks as the No. 1 producer of fentanyl precursors, or chemicals used to produce illicit fentanyl. And there are others in the business: India, over that same period, has become a major producer of fentanyl.

Drugs have been pervasive throughout U.S. history. And when you investigate this history and look at how other nations are dealing with this problem rather than criminalization, the Swiss and French have approached it as an addiction problem that could be treated. They realized that demand is what fuels the illicit market. And as any economist will tell you, supply will find a way if you don’t limit the demand. That’s why treatment works and bans don’t.

The U.S. government’s ability to control the production of these drugs is limited at best. The problem is that new chemical products will continually be produced. Essentially, failure to restrict demand only places bandages on hemorrhaging wounds. What the U.S. needs is a more systematic approach to deal with the demand that’s fueling the drug crisis.

Rodney Coates, PhD, is a public sociologist and Professor of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at Miami University

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.

Are U.S. Overdose Deaths Really Declining?

By Pat Anson

Preliminary data from the CDC suggest that U.S. overdose deaths have declined significantly, falling by 10% in the last year alone. If confirmed, the double-digit drop would mean there were 11,247 fewer drug deaths in the 12-month period ending in April 2024.

The decline, first reported by NPR, was hailed by addiction and public health experts as a hopeful sign that progress is finally being made in reducing the number of drug deaths, which have doubled in the past decade to over 100,000 a year.

“This is exciting," said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "This looks real. This looks very, very real."

Good news, if it’s true. But caution is warranted about how “real” the decline is, because preliminary death data often changes as more information comes in.

Overdose data is fragmented in both quality and quantity, as it comes from 50 different sources. The data is collected by each state and then submitted to the CDC to decipher for its monthly Provisional Drug Overdose Death Count.

Some states still do not use toxicology tests to confirm whether a death is drug-related – leaving it up to medical examiners and coroners to decide which drugs, if any, may have played a role in someone dying. Some elected coroners, particularly in rural counties, have no medical training or expertise in drug death investigations. And in many cases, autopsies are not performed.

In addition to the wide variability in expertise and data collection, overdoses are typically not reported to the CDC until four months after the date of the death, sometimes longer. In its most recent provisional count, the CDC acknowledged that its overdose data may underestimate the actual number of deaths.

“Some states may have longer than usual delays in submitting drug overdose deaths. In particular, North Carolina is experiencing substantial delays in the resolution of pending records by the medical examiner’s office. Recent trends may underestimate the death count in affected states and this potential impact should be considered when comparing results for states to previous months,” the CDC said.

Percent Change in Drug Overdose Deaths (April 2023 to April 2024)


Reported vs Predicted

Because the provisional counts are often incomplete and the causes of many deaths are “pending investigation,” the CDC maintains two different data sets. One is the number of “reported” cases, and the other is the “predicted” number of deaths. The latter is where the 10% decline comes from.

The number of reported drug deaths is even lower than the predicted ones, suggesting there has been a 12.2% decline in overdoses nationwide. But that number is also misleading because it is based on incomplete data.

Take North Carolina, for example. For the most recent 12-month period ending in April, North Carolina reported 2,512 drug deaths, compared to 4,317 overdoses from the year before. That’s a whopping decrease of nearly 42 percent!

No one believes that number is real and will hold up over time. Not even Nora Volkow.

North Carolina is not an outlier. Reported drug deaths in Nebraska are down nearly 30 percent, but the data from there is considered “underreported due to incomplete data.” The same is true for Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan, where reported drug deaths are down about 20 percent. Big states like that can sway nationwide estimates.

Meanwhile, reported drug deaths are up in several western states: +42% in Alaska, +15% in Oregon, +13% in Nevada, +10% in Washington and +7% in Utah. It’s hard to square those numbers with any national trend.

“Utah’s trends haven’t aligned with national trends for some time. We plateaued while overdoses increased significantly at the national level, especially during the pandemic,” Megan Broekemeier, an overdose research coordinator for the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, told the Deseret News. “We haven’t seen statistically significant changes in the rate yet.”

‘The Dip in Overdoses Is Real’

To be fair, some of the overdose-related data is encouraging and suggest that drug deaths are in fact declining.

In a blog that tracks health data trends, Nabarun Dasgupta, PhD, a drug researcher and scientist at the University of North Carolina, reported a nationwide drop in ER visits and EMS calls (ambulance runs) involving overdoses. He estimates that non-fatal overdoses have fallen -15% to -20% nationwide

“A 15-20% decrease in non-fatal overdose and a 10% decrease in fatal overdose is a major impact. There is barely any public health intervention that has credibly achieved this magnitude of decrease,” wrote Dasgupta. “Our conclusion is that the dip in overdoses is real, and not a data artifact. It remains to be seen how long it will be sustained.”

Dasgupta attributes the decline to several possible factors, such as wider access to the overdose recovery drug naloxone and increased law enforcement seizures of illicit fentanyl.

He does not think the decline in opioid prescribing has anything to do with the drop in overdoses. Deaths linked to opioid pain medication have remained flat for nearly a decade, even as prescribing levels fell to 20-year lows.

“Let's put one hypothesis to rest: Reductions in opioid analgesic prescribing is not driving the changes in overdose rates. We've studied it, and that's not what is driving current fentanyl overdoses,” says Dasgupta.    

The CDC has a checkered history when it comes to tracking overdose deaths. When the agency released its controversial 2016 opioid guideline, it laid the blame for rising overdose deaths squarely on opioid analgesics.

“Overprescribing opioids – largely for chronic pain – is a key driver of America’s drug overdose epidemic,” said then-CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden, a claim based on weak evidence and false assumptions.

Two years later, after millions of pain patients had their opioid doses reduced or cutoff, the CDC admitted that illicit fentanyl was driving the overdose crisis and that it mistakenly classified many fentanyl deaths as overdoses caused by prescription opioids.The death toll from prescription opioids in 2016 was nearly cut in half — from 32,445 down to 17,087 — when the deaths were reclassified as fentanyl-related.

The CDC says its data collection and analysis have improved in recent years, but they still come with a disclaimer that the monthly provisional counts “may not include all deaths that occurred” and are “subject to change.”

"I think we have to be careful when we get optimistic and see a slight drop in overdose deaths," said Dan Salter, Director of the North Carolina Office of National Drug Control Policy, told NPR. "The last thing we want to do is spike the ball."

FDA Shutting Down Fentanyl Access Program for Cancer Patients

By Pat Anson

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is shutting down a pain management program that helped supply fentanyl medication to patients suffering from severe cancer pain.

In a notice published on the FDA’s website for its Transmucosal Immediate-Release Fentanyl Medicines (TIRF) program, the agency said that all TIRF medications “will be discontinued” on September 30.

The program was created due to the risks associated with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 100 times more potent than morphine. The FDA has required a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for TIRF medications since 2011.

“Patients currently enrolled in the TIRF REMS may continue their TIRF therapy while supplies remain,” the FDA notice states. “Prescribers currently certified in the TIRF REMS may continue to prescribe TIRF therapy for their currently enrolled patients while supplies remain but must begin working with their patients to transition to other non-TIRF treatments.”

TIRF-REMS has also stopped accepting new applications from patients, prescribers, pharmacies and wholesale drug distributors. According to the FDA, 4,722 patients received a TIRF medication in 2017, but there are currently fewer than 150 patients getting them.

Illicit fentanyl is a notorious street drug that is involved in about 70% of fatal U.S. overdoses. But prescribed fentanyl has long been an essential medicine for patients suffering from surgical pain, breakthrough pain and cancer-related pain. It is also prescribed “off-label” for other types of severe pain.


The FDA’s decision to end TIRF-REMS came after Cephalon, which is owned by Teva Pharmaceuticals, notified the agency in August that it was discontinuing production of Actiq, a fentanyl lozenge, and Fentora, a fentanyl buccal tablet. Both medications are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly through the mouth to provide immediate pain relief.  

(Update: On September 16, FDA published a brief statement confirming that TIRF medications are being discontinued, but said the TIRF-REMS program would continue operating while supplies last.

“The TIRF REMS will remain in place as long as the manufacturers’ new drug applications or abbreviated new drug applications are approved, regardless of the marketing status of the products,” the agency said. “FDA did not request this discontinuation. It is important to note that FDA does not manufacture medicine and cannot require a pharmaceutical company to make a medicine, make more of a medicine, or change the distribution of a medicine.”

Teva did not respond to requests for comment about the discontinuations. Actiq and Fentora are expensive medications. A supply of 30 Actiq 400 mcg lozenges costs about $3,500, while 28 tablets of Fentora 100 mcg will cost about $2,300.

“I had very few patients on these medications in the past, since no health insurers would actually pay for them,” said Chad Kollas, MD, a palliative care physician and pain policy expert. “I think it’s problematic that the TIRF-REMS website isn’t offering recommendations for an effective alternative approach for the patients currently using TIRF products.”

Opioid litigation and the risk of further liability may have influenced Teva’s decision to discontinue TIRF medication. The company agreed to pay $4.24 billion to settle allegations that it illegally marketed opioids and failed to prevent their diversion.

Last year, Teva discontinued production of immediate release oxycodone as part of a strategic shift away from less profitable generic drugs.

Election 2024: How Democrats and Republicans Are Failing Pain Patients

By Crystal Lindell

Now that both of the major U.S. political parties have held their national conventions, each has also released their 2024 party platforms outlining where they stand on specific issues. 

The platforms aren’t binding, but they do offer some insight into how the parties, and thus their respective presidential nominees, view different concerns facing the country. 

As a pain patient, I’m especially interested in how the two major parties are handling the topic of opioid medication. And I have to say that neither one seems great on the issue or even aware how millions of pain patients are suffering. 

The Democrats – with Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee – are still focusing on opioid-phobia, while continuing to ignore the problems many pain patients face. 

The Republicans – with former President Donald Trump as their nominee  – don’t bother even mentioning the word “opioid” in their platform at all. 

Both parties do also have sections about illicit fentanyl coming over the southern border. 

The Democratic platform addresses fentanyl in a section titled “Beating the Opioid Epidemic.” I’m not a fan of how they framed the issue.  

“For too long, the scourge of opioids has torn through our communities, ripping apart families and shattering lives,” the Democratic platform states. “Our nation’s opioid epidemic impacts Americans in every corner of the country, from small towns to large cities to Tribal lands. Far too many Americans have lost loved ones to addiction and overdose. The Biden-Harris Administration is strengthening prevention, investing in treatment, and expanding recovery support services.”

The Democrats then go on to list what they see as their opioid-related achievements. For example, they say the Biden-Harris administration has increased the number of licensed providers who can offer medication-based addiction treatment from 129,000 to 2 million.

They also point out that they have made naloxone, an overdose-prevention drug, available over-the-counter at grocery stores and pharmacies. While I am glad to see expanded access to any medication, I just wish they hadn’t stopped at naloxone. 

The Democrats also brag about how they are “seizing record amounts of fentanyl and securing our border.” They also claim the administration has arrested more people for fentanyl-related crimes in the last two years than in the previous five years combined, while funding “more cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect fentanyl.”

Overall, the language is pretty stigmatizing and doesn’t mention the biggest opioid-related issue that’s actually impacting many people that I know: the fact that patients cannot get pain treatment when they need it. 

Death Penalty for Drug Dealers

Meanwhile, if you search for the word “opioid” in the Republican platform, you get zero results. However, under a section titled "Secure the Border," they say they’ll use the U.S. military to stop fentanyl smugglers.

"We will deploy the U.S. Navy to impose a full Fentanyl Blockade on the waters of our Region – boarding and inspecting ships to look for fentanyl and fentanyl precursors," the GOP platform states.

That framing tracks with how Trump has been addressing the issue. Last month, Trump drastically inflated fentanyl death numbers by claiming that we were “losing 300,000 people a year to fentanyl.” In fact, the number of opioid-related deaths is about 81,000 annually, most of them involving fentanyl. 

In previous statements, Trump said he would impose the death penalty as punishment for “everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs.”

Those types of lies and exaggeration only serve to further opioid-phobia, making doctors scared to prescribe any opioid-based pain medication for any reason. 

Overall, neither party seems to have pain patient access to opioid medication on their radar at all. While they ignore the issue, patients across the country suffer needlessly from the moral and legal panic about opioids. 

In an ideal world, the political parties would be promising to expand access to pain medications like hydrocodone, which has been greatly restricted over the last decade, despite being relatively safe and effective at treating pain. Instead they are offer a plan to re-educate medical professionals about addiction treatment, while ignoring the very real dangers of not treating pain

We seem to be stuck with two parties who refuse to even acknowledge the problems pain patients face, much less address them. 

Fatal Overdoses Show First Decline in 5 Years

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

There’s good and bad news in the latest report on the overdose crisis in the United States.

Preliminary data released by the CDC show that there were an estimated 107,543 drug deaths in 2023, a 3.1% decline from 2022 and the first annual drop since 2018. The rate of confirmed overdoses fell even more -- by 5.1 percent – a number subject to change as lagging data and toxicology reports come in.

“We are encouraged to see the preliminary data that shows a decrease in the overdose death rate for the first time in five years, especially following the period of rapid double-digit increases from 2019-2021,” said White House Drug Control Policy director Dr. Rahul Gupta, in a statement.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that drug deaths kept rising in several western states, with Alaska (+44%), Nevada (+29%), Oregon (+30%) and Washington (+28%) showing substantial increases.

In contrast, overdoses declined in the East and Midwest, with significant decreases in Nebraska (-25%), Indiana (-18%), Kansas (-16%) and Maine (-16%).

The report did not offer any explanation for the wide variation between states and regions.

Percent Change in Drug Overdose Deaths 2022-2023

SOURCE: nchs

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) said over 74,000 deaths last year involved fentanyl – most of it illicit – and more than 36,000 deaths were attributed to methamphetamine.

Most overdose deaths involve multiple drugs, according to the NCHS, so “a single death might be included in more than one category” and be counted multiple times.

Although the numbers remain somewhat unreliable, this report and others suggest that fentanyl and other illicit drugs play a far greater role in the nation’s drug crisis than prescription opioids.

A study published this week in the International Journal of Drug Policy reported that law enforcement seized a record 115 million counterfeit pills containing fentanyl last year. That compares to only 4 million prescription opioid pills that were reported lost or stolen by the DEA in 2023.   

Fake Pills Containing Fentanyl Seized by Law Enforcement

International Journal of Drug Policy

“Availability of illicit fentanyl is continuing to skyrocket in the U.S., and the influx of fentanyl-containing pills is particularly alarming,” wrote lead author Joseph Palamar, PhD, an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

“Both the number and size of drug seizures containing fentanyl have increased in the US between 2017 and 2023, with the majority of seizures –– particularly in pill form –– occurring in the West.”

Prescription opioids are mentioned only a handful of times in the DEA’s recent National Drug Threat Assessment, mainly within the context of their theft and diversion falling to the lowest levels in 12 years. That report also warns that counterfeit pills are increasingly being found with xylazine, a potent animal tranquilizer, and nitazenes, a synthetic opioid that is 40 times stronger than fentanyl  

DEA Report Downplays Role of Prescription Opioids in Drug Crisis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

After a three-year absence, the DEA’s National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) has returned, with a tacit admission by the agency that prescription opioids don’t play much of a role anymore in the nation’s drug crisis.

Prescription opioids are mentioned only a handful of times in the 57-page report, mainly within the context of their theft and diversion declining to levels not seen in over a decade.

“The DEA Theft/Loss Reporting Database reveals that the number of unaccounted-for narcotic prescription drugs (opioids) in 2022 was at its lowest level in 12 years and continued to decline into the first nine months of 2023,” the NDTA report states.

The DEA said the number of unaccounted-for opioids fell from 19.5 million pills/units in 2011 to just 4 million in 2023, an 80% decline.

Most of the focus in the 2024 NDTA is on illicit fentanyl, methamphetamine, and counterfeit medications that have become increasingly more toxic and deadly.

Nearly 108,000 fatal overdoses were reported in 2022, with fentanyl and other synthetic opioids – most of them illicit -- involved in 68% of drug deaths. The remaining overdoses were linked primarily to cocaine, methamphetamine and other synthetic stimulants.

“The shift from plant-based drugs, like heroin and cocaine, to synthetic, chemical-based drugs, like fentanyl and methamphetamine, has resulted in the most dangerous and deadly drug crisis the United States has ever faced,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said in a press release.

“At the heart of the synthetic drug crisis are the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels and their associates, who DEA is tracking world-wide. The suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and money launderers all play a role in the web of deliberate and calculated treachery orchestrated by these cartels.”

Most counterfeit medications in the U.S. are spiked with illicit fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. In 2023, a DEA laboratory analysis found that about 70% of counterfeit pills contain at least 2 milligrams of fentanyl, a potentially deadly dose.

Fake pills are also increasingly being found with xylazine, a potent animal tranquilizer, and nitazenes, a synthetic opioid chemically unrelated to fentanyl. According to some estimates, nitazenes are 40 times more potent than fentanyl and 1,000 times more potent than morphine. Nitazenes have never been approved for medical use in the United States.  

Although Milgram called the NDTA “a critical tool for informing and educating the public about the current drug threats,” the DEA’s annual report literally disappeared from public view three years ago. The last NDTA was released in 2021.

The DEA did not respond to a request for comment from PNN on why a NDTA was not published for three straight years or why one was finally released this week.

The DEA has been under growing criticism for its failure to stop fentanyl trafficking and for imposing steep cuts in production quotas on drug manufacturers, which has contributed to record shortages of opioids, ADHD stimulants and other essential drugs.  

Sometimes, what is not disclosed in the DEA’s report can be just as revealing as what is. For example, while the DEA officially lists kratom as a “drug of concern” and even tried to ban the herbal supplement, the agency has never said a word about kratom in a NDTA report. Not in 2021. And not in 2024.

Prescription Opioids Play Only Minor Role in Overdose Crisis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The role of prescription opioids in the nation’s overdose crisis continues to shrink.

In a new study from the drug testing firm Millennium Health, researchers say multiple substances were found last year in nearly 93% of urine samples in which fentanyl was detected. That is not altogether surprising, as “polysubstance” use increased as fentanyl came to dominate the illicit drug supply, appearing in more and more street drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

What is surprising is the minimal role that prescription opioids now play. In 2013, opioid pain medication was the most common substance found in fentanyl-positive drug tests in the United States, appearing in over 70% of urine samples.  A decade later, prescription opioids were detected in less than one in ten samples — ranking far behind methamphetamine, cannabis, cocaine and heroin.

In fact, you are about twice as likely to find two other medications -- benzodiazepines (15.8%) and gabapentin (13.3%) -- than you are prescription opioids (7.6%) in urine samples testing positive for fentanyl.

Substances Detected in Fentanyl-Positive Drug Tests (2023)


Millennium based its findings on over 4.1 million urine drug tests (UDTs) collected from 2013 to 2023 and analyzed through mass spectrometry. Because many of those samples came from people being treated for a substance use disorder, they offer a clear insight into drug trends that are driving the overdose crisis.

Now in its “fourth wave,” Millennium says a tidal shift has occurred in the so-called opioid epidemic, with illicit drug users far more likely to use non-opioid substances like stimulants than prescription opioids.

“National, regional, and state-level UDT data all suggest that people who use fentanyl are now, intentionally or unintentionally, much more likely to also use methamphetamine and cocaine,” the report found. “The results of our analyses also reveal shifting patterns of opioid use among those who use fentanyl. More specifically, they showed progressive declines in prescription opioid use from 2015 to 2023.”

The declining role of prescription opioids can be traced back to the 2016 CDC opioid guideline and a multiyear campaign by the DEA to slash opioid production quotas, which has reduced the supply of oxycodone and hydrocodone by about two-thirds. There is little evidence either of those federal efforts reduced the number of overdoses. The CDC estimates there were over 111,000 drug deaths in the 12-month period ending in September 2023 — nearly double the number of fatal overdoses in 2016.

The growing use of stimulants such as methamphetamine makes it difficult for public health campaigns to address the problem. Unlike opioids, there are no FDA-approved medications for stimulant use disorder, leaving behavioral therapies and abstinence as the only “evidence-based” treatments for people with a stimulant problem.

“Stimulants are a serious national challenge emphasizing the need for continued progress on the national plan to address methamphetamine supply, use, and consequences,” Millennium said.

My Story: Why Is Everyone So Quiet About Rx Opioid Shortages?

By Kimberly Smith

I am a chronic pain patient in Florida with multiple modalities of pain: chronic intractable pain, pain from a sports injury, and pain from an autoimmune disease. To further complicate my situation, I also have a list of allergies and genetic mutations that leave me unable to take aspirin, NSAIDs, gabapentin, codeine, and morphine for pain relief.  

I have a background in medicine, pain management and hospice, so I’ve always been mindful of the spectrum of things that can go awry with opioids. I keep myself on a stable dose with the goal of just “dialing down” the pain enough so that I can function, while not relieving it entirely.  

Fifteen years ago, when public attitudes started turning against opioids, I was switched to a fentanyl transdermal patch because it was “less likely to be abused.” I had hoped to avoid using fentanyl until my final days, knowing that once you’re on fentanyl for an extended period, it’s a nightmare if you have to switch to anything else and potentially deadly if you suddenly stop.  

Starting in September, I started having trouble getting fentanyl patches at the CVS pharmacy I’ve been using for 30 years. Instead of the Mylan fentanyl patch that I’ve been using for 15 years, CVS only had a fentanyl patch that used a completely different type of adhesive mixture -- one that I absorb inconsistently and too quickly.

I had two absolutely frightening episodes using that patch where I couldn’t catch my breath.  I don’t think anyone would blame me for never wanting to try that brand again (Alvogen).

Now I call random pharmacies each month, trying to find the Mylan patch. The supply itself is dwindling and here I am needing one of the only two fentanyl patches still on the market. It’s insane and I’m constantly stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.  

Today, I called the CVS pharmacy about my second opioid, oxycodone 30mg, and was told this is the latest opioid that is only coming in sporadically. I’ve been having to use the oxycodone as a replacement for the periods when the pharmacies couldn’t source the fentanyl patch, so I no longer have any type of emergency supply (nor do I have the opportunity to build one up).

For me, this is the absolute end of the road for opioids. I lack the CYP enzyme to metabolize morphine and I have an additional mutation that affects the efficacy of the metabolic processes, so I require higher doses than “normal.”  

I’m in a terrible, terrible situation and I’m by no means alone.  I’m starting to dream about it every night.  My doctors and the pharmacy team who have been caring for me for decades are stressed and concerned, and all have made tremendous efforts to help. But without access to the two medications I need, their hands are tied.

One of my pharmacists searched the entire state for my meds for 9 weeks and couldn’t find any. I still have many friends who are pharmacists, pharmacy techs, doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, and they’ve been telling me awful stories about how much time they spend trying to resolve the opioid shortages -- not to mention the emotional toll caused by listening to patients cry and panic about being left to endure horrible pain and withdrawal.  

I don’t understand why everyone is staying quiet about this problem, especially when the shortages affect the entire hospice system, oncology patients at cancer centers, anesthesia and twilight sleep procedures, emergency medicine, trauma medicine, surgical procedures, acute pain and, of course, chronic pain.  

Doctors and pharmacists have been responding to the shortage by moving their patients to other meds, which is exactly the harm that I suffered when I was taken off the Mylan patch. This further squeezes the availability of the meds that are available and pushes those patients out to make room for the patients who were on something else.  Even gabapentin is unavailable at many pharmacies.  This situation is dire and getting worse.

If politicians were smart, they would support legitimate patients and the relief of chronic pain by making immediate changes to provide opioids to those who need them. All of the patients who are suffering would absolutely cast their votes for anyone who relieved their misery and gave them their lives back.

Instead, the politicians just assume that pain patients don’t vote and write us off. This is incredibly shortsighted. We do vote - when we aren’t struggling with pain and forced withdrawal.

I’ve reached the point where I am legitimately scared about my future. The shortages will just grow worse and worse, unless and until sweeping, radical changes are made.  Most of us wouldn’t last two to three months without opioid medication, and some wouldn’t be able to endure just one.  

While I see endless reports about Biden and Trump in the mainstream media, there’s not a word about the opioid shortage crisis and the direct harm being visited upon legitimate patients. Diversion rates are low, overdoses are primarily caused by illicit fentanyl (a completely different substance than Rx fentanyl) and desperate patients feel forced to turn to the streets.

Isn’t this a violation of the spirit of our Constitution?  It is certainly cruel and unusual punishment. We who follow the law and contribute to society are being cruelly punished for the bad behavior of others -- behavior which is basically a lapse of morals and mental health issues, which cannot be legislated away. We need to change the media narrative and shame the politicians and policy makers who created this mess.  

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Lack of Education Is Fueling Overdose Crisis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Anti-opioid activists have long claimed that excessive prescribing of opioids over a decade ago created an “epidemic of addiction” that lingers to this day. Once hooked on prescription opioids, patients turned to stronger and more lethal drugs — like heroin and illicit fentanyl — sending the overdose rate to record levels.

A large new study debunks that theory, showing that socioeconomic factors – particularly lack of education -- play a hidden but central role in the overdose crisis.

"The analysis shows that the opioid crisis increasingly has become a crisis involving Americans without any college education," said lead author David Powell, PhD, a senior economist at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. "The study suggests large and growing education disparities within all racial and ethnic groups --- disparities that have accelerated since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic."

Powell looked at data from the National Vital Statistics System from 2000 to 2021, and identified over 912,000 fatal overdoses for which there was education information on the people who died.

His findings, published in JAMA Health Forum, show that overdose deaths increased sharply among Americans without a college education and nearly doubled in recent years for those who don’t have a high school diploma. The findings are notable because they came during a period when per capita consumption of prescription opioids plummeted, sinking to levels last seen in 2000.

For people with no college education, the overdose death rate increased from 12 deaths per 100,000 individuals in 2000 to 82 deaths per 100,000 in 2021. That rate is sharply higher than Americans who have some college education. In 2000, their overdose rate was 4.6 deaths per 100,000 people, which rose to 18.6 deaths per 100,000 in 2021.

Trends in Overdose Deaths by Educational Attainment


Powell is not the first researcher to link socioeconomic factors to overdose deaths. The so-called “deaths of despair” were first reported in 2015 by Princeton researchers Angus Deaton and Anne Case, who found that economic, social and emotional stress were major factors in the reduced life expectancy of middle-aged white Americans, who increasingly turned to substance abuse to dull their physical and emotional pain.

Education plays a significant role in socioeconomic status. People without college degrees are more likely to have blue-collar jobs requiring manual labor, which raise the risk of work-related injuries and conditions such as arthritis. One recent study found that people who did not finish high school in West Virginia, Arkansas and Alabama were three times more likely to have joint pain compared to those with bachelor degrees in California, Nevada and Utah.

“Overall, the analysis suggests that the opioid crisis has increasingly become a crisis disproportionately impacting those without any college education. Research is needed to understand the driving forces behind this gradient, such as isolating the independent roles of differences in income, employment, family composition, health care access, and other factors,” said Powell.

“Overdose death rates grew during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the education gradient increased further, although it is unclear what role the pandemic had relative to changes in fentanyl penetration in illicit drug markets and other factors.”

Powell says education merits further attention in understanding how and why the opioid crisis continues to intensify and lower U.S. life-expectancy.

Stimulants Involved in Growing Number of Fentanyl Overdoses

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The number of drug deaths involving both fentanyl and stimulants has soared in recent years, according to a new UCLA study that highlights the complex and changing nature of the U.S. overdose crisis.

Stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine are now involved in nearly a third of fentanyl-related overdoses, the most of any other drug class. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid up to 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times as potent as heroin.

In 2010, researchers say there were only 235 fatal overdoses in the U.S. involving illicit fentanyl and stimulants. In 2021, there were 34,429 drug deaths linked to fentanyl and stimulants, a 14,550% increase in a little over a decade.

"We're now seeing that the use of fentanyl together with stimulants is rapidly becoming the dominant force in the US overdose crisis," said lead author Joseph Friedman, PhD, an addiction researcher at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. "Fentanyl has ushered in a polysubstance overdose crisis, meaning that people are mixing fentanyl with other drugs, like stimulants, but also countless other synthetic substances. This poses many health risks and new challenges for health care providers.

“We have data and medical expertise about treating opioid use disorders, but comparatively little experience with the combination of opioids and stimulants together, or opioids mixed with other drugs. This makes it hard to stabilize people medically who are withdrawing from polysubstance use."

People who overdose on stimulants and other non-opioid substances mixed with fentanyl may not be as responsive to naloxone, which only works as an antidote to opioids.

The study findings, published in the journal Addiction, highlight the four “waves” of the overdose crisis, which began with an increase in deaths from prescription opioids (Wave 1) in the early 2000s, followed by a rise in heroin deaths (Wave 2) in 2010, and fentanyl-related overdoses in 2013 (Wave 3). The fourth wave — overdoses from fentanyl and stimulants — began in 2015 and continues to escalate.

The Four Waves of Overdose Crisis


Since cocaine, methamphetamine and other stimulants are not opioids, the findings undercut the long-held theory that the overdose crisis started with prescription opioids and is still being fueled by people addicted to them. Deaths involving prescription opioids and heroin have been in decline for several years.

Researchers found that fentanyl/stimulant deaths disproportionately affect African Americans and Native Americans. There are also geographical patterns to fentanyl/stimulant use. In the northeast US, fentanyl is usually combined with cocaine, while in the south and western US, fentanyl is most commonly found with methamphetamine.

"We suspect this pattern reflects the rising availability of, and preference for, low-cost, high-purity methamphetamine throughout the US, and the fact that the Northeast has a well-entrenched pattern of illicit cocaine use that has so far resisted the complete takeover by methamphetamine seen elsewhere in the country," Friedman said.

In addition to its low cost, drug users say methamphetamine helps prolong fentanyl’s “high” and delays the onset of withdrawal symptoms.  

Counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl – which are frequently made to look like oxycodone or alprazolam (Xanax) – represent about a quarter of all illicit fentanyl seizures. Researchers say it is difficult to track deaths involving counterfeit pills because they are often mistaken for legitimate medication, so the data is not completely reliable.

In its most recent update on the overdose crisis, the CDC estimates there were a record 111,355 drug deaths in the 12-month period ending April 2023 -- about a thousand more deaths than the year before. Fentanyl and its analogues were involved in nearly 70% of the overdoses, stimulants were linked to about a third of them, and cocaine was involved in about a quarter of the drug deaths.

CDC Report ‘Likely Underestimated’ Deaths Linked to Counterfeit Drugs

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that fatal overdoses in the U.S. from counterfeit medication more than doubled in recent years, with 93% of those deaths involving illicit fentanyl.

Deaths from counterfeit pills rose from 2% of all overdoses in the third quarter of 2019 to 4.7% of drug deaths in the last quarter of 2021, according to the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). The overdose rate from fake medication was three times higher in western U.S. states (14.7%). 

However, due the unreliability of death certificates, witnesses and coroner investigations, as well as other flaws in the study’s methodology, the MMWR report acknowledges that the number of deaths involving counterfeit medication is “likely underestimated.”

CDC researchers only looked at overdose data from 34 states and the District of Columbia, identifying 2,437 deaths linked to counterfeit pills during the 30-month study period.

Nearly 106,700 people in the U.S. died from drug overdoses in 2021, so if the 4.7% death rate was applied to that year alone, that would suggest there were over 5,000 deaths nationwide involving counterfeit medication.

Even that estimate is probably on the low end, because CDC researchers focused on counterfeit pills made to look like oxycodone and the anti-anxiety drug alprazolam (Xanax).

While “Mexican Oxy” – blue tablets that look like 30mg oxycodone – are favored by counterfeiters, fake pills are also designed to look like Vicodin, Norco, Adderall, and many other medications. Deaths from those pills were not counted.  

Importantly, whether a death was even linked to fake medication “depended largely on scene or witness evidence of pill use” and other anecdotal evidence, rather than toxicology tests on the pills or the actual people who died.

And while pills are obviously designed to be taken orally, the MMWR report only includes “noningestion routes of drug use,” such as smoking, snorting or injection, which require the pills to be ground into powder or liquefied. CDC researchers considered data on the oral ingestion of counterfeit pills so unreliable, “that information is not presented” in the report.

Many of these details on the study’s strange methodology are buried in the footnotes of the MMWR report, which a casual reader could easily miss. 

Not surprisingly, given the limitations on data, smoking was found to have an outsized role in overdose deaths. According to the MMWR, nearly 40% of the deaths linked to counterfeit medication involved smoking – a misleading statistic, given the study’s flaws. But that didn’t stop researchers from drawing conclusions or recommending “safer smoking practices.”

“The higher percentage of deaths with evidence of drug use by smoking might reflect recent general shifts from injecting drugs to smoking them in western states or could be specific to counterfeit pill use methods,” wrote lead author Julie O’Donnell, PhD, an epidemiologist at the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

“Harm reduction services that expand outreach to persons using drugs by methods other than injection, such as smoking, and provide education about safer smoking practices and risks related to smoking, might be most successful at addressing diverse drug use patterns.”

There’s a safer way to smoke illicit fentanyl?

This is the CDC’s first MMWR report to look exclusively at deaths caused by fake pills, a public health crisis that the agency has been slow to acknowledge. The DEA started warning about a “fentanyl crisis” as far back as 2016, a time when the CDC was preoccupied with its guideline to reduce opioid prescribing.

There were major flaws in CDC research even back then. The agency eventually admitted that thousands of overdose deaths linked to illicit fentanyl and other street drugs were misclassified as deaths caused by prescription opioids. Some deaths that involved more than one drug were counted multiple times.

America’s Biggest Fear: Fentanyl and Opioid Addiction

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The fentanyl crisis is the biggest public health problem in the US, according to two new surveys that highlight Americans’ growing fears about opioid addiction and the toxicity of street drugs.

The first survey, conducted by Axios-Ipsos, found that opioids and fentanyl have surpassed Covid-19, firearms, obesity and cancer as the nation’s #1 public health threat. Over one in four Americans (26%) ranked opioids and fentanyl first, replacing gun violence as the top threat to public health.  

Top U.S. Public Health Threats

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine. It has been used safely for decades as an analgesic during surgery and to treat severe pain, but in recent years illicit versions of fentanyl have come to dominate the black market, where they are used in counterfeit medication or mixed with substances like heroin. Most fatal overdoses in the U.S. involve illicit fentanyl, not prescription opioids.

The Axios-Ipsos survey found that about four in ten adults (44%) are aware that U.S. overdose deaths reached a record high last year. Americans who live in rural areas, which have some of the highest overdose rates, are even more familiar (51%) with the rising number of drug deaths. 

Over half the respondents (51%) said they cared a lot about overdoses and think the government should be doing more to reduce drug deaths (79%). Most also believe that government does not make the health and well-being of citizens a priority (62%).  

While most Americans trust the health information they get from federal agencies like the CDC (64%) and FDA (62%), there is more trust placed in health information from personal doctors (89%) and family members/close friends (75%). 

Other key findings about respondents’ drug use in the last three months:

  • 26% used a pain medication for which they had a prescription or knew someone who did

  • 3% used a pain medication for which they did not have a prescription or knew someone who did

  • 20% used cannabis or knew someone who did

  • 2% used hallucinogenic drugs or new someone who did

  • 2% used “other illegal drugs” or knew someone who did

“Pain medication” was not defined in the survey questions, so the responses may include some non-opioid analgesics.

The recently updated Axios-Ipsos American Health Index is based on a nationally representative sample of 1,162 adults, who were surveyed on a wide array of health topics from August 11-14.

Most Families Impacted by Addiction

The second survey, conducted by the non-profit KFF, asked a representative sample of 1,327 adults online and over the phone in July about a variety of drug and substance use issues.

Two-thirds of respondents said either they or a family member were addicted to alcohol or drugs, experienced homelessness due to addiction, or had a drug overdose resulting in hospitalization or death.  

Nearly three in ten (29%) said they or someone in their family were addicted to opioids, either prescription opioids or illicit ones like fentanyl and heroin. Opioid addiction was most common among rural residents (42%) and White adults (33%). Among those who experienced addiction firsthand, most said it had a negative impact on their family’s relationships and finances. 

Only 5% felt they themselves might be addicted to opioid painkillers, far less than those who believe they might be addicted to alcohol (13%). 

Fear about addiction is common. Over half (51%) of adults are worried that someone in their family will experience a substance use disorder and one-third (32%) are worried that someone in their family will overdose on opioids.  

About four in ten adults (39%) are worried that someone in their family will unintentionally consume illicit fentanyl, a fear that looms largest in rural areas (48%). 


Nearly three in ten respondents (29%) said they had been prescribed opioid pain medication in the past five years. Of those, most said their doctors had warned them about the risks of opioid addiction and dependence (57%), side effects from opioids (69%), other ways to manage pain (60%), and about keeping their medications in a safe place (58%).  

While fears about addiction to opioid pain medication are common, it doesn’t happen nearly as often as many people believe. A recent study in Australia found that 92% of patients prescribed opioids for the first time never progressed to long-term use. Less than 3% became persistent users or needed higher doses — and they were mostly seniors with chronic health problems.

Neither the KFF or Axios-Ipsos polls asked respondents about growing shortages of opioid pain medication or how the reduced supply was impacting legitimate pain patients.   

‘Unintended Victims’

The patient side of the story was shared this week in an opinion video by The New York Times. Video producers Vishakha Darbha, Lucy King and Adam Westbrook spoke with chronic pain patients who are the “unintended victims” of the national crackdown on opioid prescribing.

“America’s doctors have been put in a difficult position. But it doesn’t need to be this way. It is possible to stop overprescribing yet ensure that pain sufferers get the relief they deserve. The patients in our video have one message: Listen to us,” the producers said.

CDC Study Shows Oxycodone Plays Minor Role in Overdose Crisis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A new study by the CDC highlights the sharply rising death toll in the U.S. caused by illicit fentanyl, while at the same time revealing the minor role played by oxycodone in the nation’s overdose crisis.

The study, released this week by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, looked at overdose death rates from 2016 to 2021. Deaths involving fentanyl more than tripled during that period, rising from 5.7 deaths per 100,000 people in 2016 to 21.6 deaths per 100,000 in 2021. Drug deaths involving methamphetamine and cocaine also rose sharply, while fatal overdoses involving heroin declined.

And what about oxycodone, the most commonly prescribed opioid pain medication? It turns out oxycodone has always played a relatively minor role in the overdose crisis, although regulators and public health officials said otherwise in a concerted campaign against all prescription opioids.

“Overprescribing opioids – largely for chronic pain – is a key driver of America’s drug overdose epidemic,” then-CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a 2016 news release.

But the facts don’t support Frieden’s claim. In 2016, the year the CDC released its controversial opioid prescribing guideline, there were only 1.9 deaths per 100,000 people that involved oxycodone. By 2021, the rate had fallen 21% to 1.5 deaths -- well below the death rates of fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin.   

Drug Overdose Deaths in U.S. (2016-2021)


CDC researchers used an unusual method to conduct this study. Instead of relying on medical ICD-10 codes in death certificates, which lump drugs together into broad categories, the CDC used a “literal text” analysis.

“To address the limitations of ICD–10- coded mortality data, the National Center for Health Statistics has developed a method that searches the literal text of death certificates to identify mentions of specific drugs and other substances involved in the death. Death certificate literal text is the written information provided by the medical certifier, usually a medical examiner or coroner for drug overdose deaths, that describes the causes, manner, and circumstances contributing to the death,” the researchers explained.

Flawed Data

The literal text method is not foolproof, but it’s an improvement over the ICD-10 codes, which the CDC admitted in 2018 “significantly inflate” the number of deaths involving prescription opioids — flawed data that Frieden used to make his “key driver” of the epidemic claim in 2016.

How inflated were the overdose numbers back then?  Using the old ICD-10 method, which counted illicit fentanyl as a prescription opioid, Frieden’s CDC estimated that nearly 32,500 Americans died from overdoses of opioid medication in 2016. The death toll was later revised downward to about 17,000 overdoses after the CDC came clean about its flawed methodology.

Patient advocate Richard “Red” Lawhern has long been suspicious of CDC data, including studies that use literal text analysis.  

“CDC suggests an incidence of drug overdose deaths ‘involving’ oxycodone at only 1.5 per 100,000.  But they neatly avoid telling us that such a rate is so low that it confounds the non-uniformity of reporting from county to county, creating such statistical noise that the contribution of this agent (oxycodone) to overdose mortality is too small to accurately measure or report,” Lawhern said.  

Another problem is the qualifications of county coroners and medical examiners varies. Some are elected to their positions without any medical training or experience. The death certificates they fill out usually don’t say if a prescription drug was obtained legally or illicitly, or what specific drug or combination of substances caused the death. That is determined later by a toxicology test. As a result, a drug may be “involved” in a death and be listed on the death certificate, but have little or nothing to do with someone’s demise.

“It is startling that CDC has so consistently and deliberately conspired to disguise the fact that oxycodone really isn't significant in drug overdose mortality, and probably never has been,” Lawhern told PNN. 

Of course, every death is a tragedy in some way, regardless of the cause or substance involved. The graphic below helps bring oxycodone’s role into more context – comparing the five leading causes of death in 2021 to those involving fentanyl, oxycodone and the other drugs.


Despite the minor role played by oxycodone in 2021 deaths, efforts continue to restrict its availability. This year the Drug Enforcement Administration reduced the supply of oxycodone for the seventh consecutive year. Since their peak in 2013, DEA production quotas for oxycodone have fallen by 65 percent. The tightened supply has resulted in recent reports of oxycodone shortages and patients unable to get their prescriptions filled.

The DEA justifies the cuts by saying it is concerned about diversion and abuse, but the agency’s own data shows that less than one percent of legally prescribed oxycodone (0.3%) is diverted to someone it was not intended for.

DEA Warns About Fentanyl As It Draws Criticism for Crackdown on Doctors

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The Drug Enforcement Administration has issued another public warning about the growing risk of counterfeit opioids and other medications made with illicit fentanyl. Over two-thirds of the drug deaths in the U.S. involve synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is 50 to 100 times more potent that morphine.

Last year the DEA seized over 50 million counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl and more than 10,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. The seizures represent more than 379 million potentially deadly doses of fentanyl, according to the DEA, enough to kill every man, woman and child in the United States.

Over 56,000 American deaths last year involved fentanyl, nearly the number that died in the Vietnam War, and the crisis appears to be escalating. In 2021, a DEA laboratory analysis estimated that 4 out of 10 counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl contained a potentially lethal dose. The DEA now estimates that six out of ten fake pills contain a deadly dose of fentanyl. Just two milligrams of fentanyl, enough to fit on the tip of a pencil, is considered a potentially lethal dose.

“More than half of the fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills being trafficked in communities across the country now contain a potentially deadly dose of fentanyl. This marks a dramatic increase – from four out of ten to six out of ten – in the number of pills that can kill,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said in a public safety alert. “Never take a pill that wasn’t prescribed directly to you. Never take a pill from a friend. Never take a pill bought on social media. Just one pill is dangerous and one pill can kill.”

In an effort to bring more public attention to the fentanyl crisis, the DEA launched its One Pill Can Kill campaign, which highlights the similarities between real medications like oxycodone and alprazolam and their fake counterparts. The counterfeit pills are mass produced by drug traffickers in the U.S. and Mexico, using chemicals largely sourced from China.

Backlash Against DEA

As the DEA grapples with the fentanyl crisis, it’s coming under growing criticism about its efforts to reduce the supply of legal prescription opioids. Recent articles in USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and VICE Newsmany based on stories that first appeared on PNNsuggest that the mainstream media is slowly coming to recognize the harm caused to pain patients by the DEA’s enforcement actions against doctors who prescribe opioids.

“Law enforcement agencies, especially the Drug Enforcement Administration, are out of control, with the DEA routinely caught releasing ‘safety plans’ for the patients of arrested physicians that simply direct pain patients to the nearest emergency room,” wrote Peter Pischke, a disabled freelance journalist, in a USA Today op/ed.

“American medicine and law enforcement continue to fight the last war. Policymakers still operate under the assumption that too many opioids are being prescribed. Overdose deaths — including those among adolescents — are now overwhelmingly caused by street fentanyl, not prescription medications,” Maia Szalavitz wrote in The New York Times.

The backlash against the DEA produced a backlash of its own in Newsweek, in an op/ed by a former deputy chief of staff at the DEA. Rather than doing fewer enforcement actions against doctors, Jim Crotty believes there should be more.

“With the U.S. drug crisis reaching unprecedented levels, and many opioid use disorders starting with prescription drugs, now is not the time to increase their availability,” wrote Crotty, who said the recent deaths of patients who lost access to opioids when their doctor’s license was suspended do not justify a change in DEA policy.

“These isolated incidents, however tragic, should not be used to upend otherwise sound drug policies designed to protect the American public from drug addiction and abuse,” said Crotty. “The U.S. is making slow but steady progress in rolling back the opioid crisis, but there is much work to be done. The threat of prescription opioids still looms large and requires continued vigilance from DEA and its partners to protect Americans' health and safety. We should be asking them to do more, not less.”

Crotty said over 13,000 Americans have died from overdoses involving prescription opioids in the last 12 months – a fraction of the number dying from fentanyl -- and repeated the old saw about the U.S. being “the world's largest consumer of prescription opioids.” That may have been true a decade ago, but no longer is. The U.S. now ranks 8th in per capita opioid consumption, behind Canada, Australia and several European countries