Making a Monkey Out of Western Medicine

By Pat Anson

When it comes to using plants to self-medicate, chimpanzees and other primates may be a whole lot smarter than their human counterparts.

The latest evidence comes in a new study published in PLOS ONE, which found that wild chimpanzees consume plants and trees with medicinal properties that relieve pain, reduce inflammation and fight infection. The chimp study follows right on the heels of another recent observational study, about an orangutan that used a plant to help heal a facial wound.  

An international team of researchers spent 8 months following two groups of chimpanzees in Uganda’s Budongo Forest, recording what plants and trees the chimps ate, and whether they were sick or injured. They also analyzed the animals’ feces and urine to check for parasites and elevated levels of immune cells.

The researchers identified 13 plant species with little nutritional value that the chimps seem to instinctively know would help them feel better and recover from illness. The animals would either swallow the leaves whole or chew on bitter bark and tree sap.  

One adult chimp with a severe hand injury was observed moving away from his group to spend a few minutes alone eating a fern called Christella parasitica. When researchers later tested the fern, they found it had “highly anti-inflammatory properties” that may have reduced pain and swelling in the chimp’s hand.

Other chimps with gastrointestinal problems were seen chewing on the bark of the Alstonia boonei tree, which has long been used by indigenous natives to treat snake bites, asthma and wounds.

Notably, both Christella parasitica and Alstonia boonei are cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, the same enzyme that is targeted by aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation and relieve pain and fever.

Rather than banning or restricting plant-based medicines -- as we have seen with cannabis, kratom and opium -- researchers say we should be looking at “forest pharmacies” for ways to benefit our own healthcare.

“Our findings of strong antibacterial growth inhibition across numerous plant species growing in Budongo have promising implications for our ability to discover novel compounds in existing forest habitats,” researchers said.

“As we learn more about the pharmacological properties of plants ingested by chimpanzees in the wild, we can expand our understanding of their health maintenance strategies. Our results provide pharmacological evidence, from in vitro assays of plant parts consumed by wild chimpanzees collected in situ, for the presence of potent bioactive secondary plant metabolites in Budongo chimpanzee diets for a variety of potential illnesses.”

Whether medicinal plants are consumed intentionally or unwittingly by chimps and other animals remains an open question. But the field of “zoopharmacognosy” – the study of animals using plant-based medicine – could be the answer to many chronic illnesses that Western medicine can’t cure or treat effectively.

“For this to happen, however, it is imperative that we urgently prioritize the preservation of our wild forest pharmacies as well as our primate cousins who inhabit them,” researchers concluded.

Rates of Cannabis Use Disorder Rising for Medicare Patients

By Pat Anson

A new FDA study is documenting the growing use of cannabis by seniors and how some are being diagnosed as having “cannabis use disorder” by their doctors.

A research team led by FDA epidemiologist Silvia Perez-Vilar, PharmD, analyzed the health data of nearly 56 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and older. They looked for Medicare claims that included at least one of the many billable diagnostic codes for cannabis use disorder (CUD).

There are over three dozen such codes, which include everything from cannabis intoxication and dependence to delusions, psychosis and “perceptual disturbance” – a diagnosis that can mean anything from not being able to recognize words to seeing things that aren’t there. There are even CUD codes for “unspecified” symptoms of cannabis use and for being in remission.

The research findings, recently published in JAMA Network Open, found that Medicare claims for CUD have steadily risen in recent years, especially in states where cannabis was legalized for medical or adult recreational use.

“Rates of cannabis-related disorder encounters increased from 2017 through 2022 among US Medicare-insured older adults. We observed the highest rates in states or territories that legalized adult and medical use of cannabis,” they wrote. “Overall, data suggest that increasing rates of health care encounters documenting cannabis-related disorders among older adults might be associated with the type of cannabis legalization.”

What were these “increasing rates” documenting CUD? In states where cannabis is legal, about 45 CUD cases were filed in 2022 for every 10,000 Medicare claims. That’s about 0.45% of all claims – not a large amount by any means. The CUD rate was even lower in states where cannabis is illegal, less than 0.28%.

Those may be rock bottom rates, but the researchers noted that “differences in cannabis use patterns and perception of risk may influence policy changes.” Exactly what kind of policy changes are warranted aren’t spelled out, but it implies there should be more screening for CUD.  

Another recent JAMA study called for U.S. primary care physicians to start screening all patients for CUD, regardless of age or even whether they currently use cannabis. Patients identified as high risk cannabis users should then be referred for “possible addiction treatment.”

Treatments for CUD are currently limited to counseling and cognitive behavioral therapies. Unlike opioid use disorder, there are no FDA-approved pharmaceutical treatments for CUD, although there are several such drugs in the pipeline. One is being tested in clinical studies by Indivior, the company that makes Suboxone for opioid use disorder.

Cannabis vs. Opioids

Many patients who live with pain are turning to cannabis as an alternative to opioids, which are increasingly difficult to obtain. In a recent PNN survey, over 30% of pain patients said they had used cannabis for pain relief. Many did so because they couldn’t get an opioid prescription or had problems getting one filled.

“I have a medical marijuana referral and my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic flat out refuses to write me any prescriptions for any opioids. Bunch of BS,” one patient told us.

“I am very lucky. My pain management doctor supports medical cannabis,” said another. “Since my (opioid) dose has been cut in half, it does provide a bit of relief and helps me sleep a few hours.”

“My pharmacy ran out of oxycodone & hydrocodone. My pain doctor switched me over to hydromorphone and so far I've been able to get that filled. If I'm no longer able to get that, I'll have to consider medical marijuana,” wrote another pain patient.

About 10% of U.S. adults over age 50 reported using cannabis within the past year, a number that’s expected to rise when the federal government reschedules cannabis as a less dangerous drug. As more seniors experiment with cannabis, they’ll have to get used to the fact that it carries a stigma, just like opioids. And there’s a good chance their doctor will be evaluating them for signs of CUD.  

“Many older adults are turning to cannabis for help with increased pain syndromes—osteoarthritis, degenerative joint diseases, as well as insomnia,” Brooke Worster, MD, an associate professor and cannabis expert at Thomas Jefferson University, told Fortune.   

“The question really is, how do we recognize and avoid abuse or CUD, which is important and only now being recognized and discussed in the medical community more regularly.” 

The Tragic Connection Between Ehlers-Danlos and Arachnoiditis  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Before his retirement from clinical practice, Dr. Forest Tennant treated hundreds of patients suffering from intractable pain at his clinic in West Covina, CA. Many of those patients had adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), a chronic inflammatory condition that causes nerves in the spinal canal to form adhesions that “glue” them together.  

Over time, Dr. Tennant began to realize that many of his AA patients also had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder that weakens muscles, joints, skin and organs by disrupting the production of collagen. How could so many pain patients have both diseases?

In his latest book, "The Ehlers-Danlos / Arachnoiditis Connection," Dr. Tennant explains how someone with EDS can develop arachnoiditis after an invasive spinal procedure.

This interview with Dr. Tennant has been edited for content and clarity.

PNN: You were treating patients with arachnoiditis and discovered that many also had Ehlers-Danlos?

Tennant: That’s exactly what happened. I was treating intractable pain, which was my specialty, and adhesive arachnoiditis had become the number one reason for a referral to my clinic. And I found that at least half or more of them had EDS. These discoveries were a total surprise.

EDS and arachnoiditis are considered rare diseases, but seem to be increasing in the last couple of decades, both by actual disease incidence as well as the ability to diagnose cases that previously went undetected.

PNN: Are most doctors unfamiliar with these two disease?

Tennant: Absolutely. We actually heard yesterday about a doctor at a spine and pain center who had never heard of arachnoiditis. I don't know how this is possible. Medical practice has become so caught up and so compartmentalized that a very good institution or excellent physician can be totally left in the dark about something.

PNN: What is the connection between EDS and arachnoiditis?

Tennant: The primary relationship is collagen deficiencies. The cauda equina nerves and the arachnoid membrane that surrounds them in the spinal cord are very collagen laden. The number one reason why EDS patients develop intractable pain is not arachnoiditis, but small fiber neuropathy. EDS has its own autoimmune disease component.

What's been happening is that EDS patients often develop back problems due to the lack of collagen, and then they're operated on or have epidural injections. That doesn't cause it, but it accelerates the problem.

If you look at the number of surgeries, it’s just immense. There’s an incredible number of surgeries that have been done on people with a collagen deficiency disease. No wonder they've developed critical complications.

PNN: Are surgeons unaware that the patient has EDS?

Tennant: Totally unaware. One of the reasons I wrote this book is that anyone who has severe back pain that hasn't responded to standard therapy, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy or anti-inflammatory drugs, should be evaluated for both arachnoiditis and EDS. After 90 days, if you haven't recovered, you need to be evaluated for these diseases.

PNN: Can someone with EDS develop arachnoiditis without some triggering event or invasive procedure?

Tennant: It doesn't look like it, no. There's got to be some something to generate inflammation in the spinal cord. We've had no one who developed arachnoiditis who had not had spinal procedures. All of them had invasive procedures, whether it was epidural injections and/or surgery. In the book you can see the amazing number of interventions that they've had.

Adhesive arachnoiditis is a disease in which a whole lot of things have to go wrong. You don’t just stand on the street corner and catch this disease. A whole sequence of events has to occur. And they’re all bad.

One of my messages in the book is that children who are double jointed and who have hypermobility, these things have to be taken seriously. They can't just be ignored or seen as some kind of oddity. They may have a serious condition. Children need to be identified with EDS. And they need to be on a prevention program to stop the disease from progressing.

PNN: Is there any way to treat EDS?

Tennant: First of all, try not to cause further damage. A child with hypermobility, I mean the idea that they're going to be a gymnast or they're going play football, I hate to say it, but that’s going to cause more damage to their joints and aggravate the disease.

They also probably need to be on some kind of diet with collagen, a very healthy diet with protein and collagen. A lot of parents are starting to have their EDS child at least take a multivitamin once a day. Some are using collagen supplements and some are using low dosage hormones like colostrum.

My book is about prevention. AA can be prevented. And when the EDS person starts developing things like carpal tunnel syndrome or dysautonomia disease, these patients need to be aggressively treated and monitored for spinal canal problems and treated without invasive procedures, if at all possible.

Once you have the two diseases together, it’s catastrophic. You're probably going to have the worst pain imaginable. These people need aggressive pain treatment. I'm hoping that doctors will get the message that when someone has these two diseases, you don’t worry about the CDC opioid guidelines or anybody else's guidelines. You need maximum medical treatment for pain.

We've got people right now with these two diseases and some doctor is giving them a Butrans patch (buprenorphine) or Motrin for pain relief. These people have to be very aggressively treated. Otherwise, they're going to be bed-bound and die a miserable death. Suicides are very common.

Part of my goal here is to get doctors to recognize both diseases. These are the worst of the worst. I've never seen any cancer patients that were any worse than this.

PNN: If you have EDS and arachnoiditis, is that a hopeless situation? Can you have any quality of life?

Tennant: People with both diseases need palliative care and “Brompton cocktail” type medications. In our studies, about two-thirds of them can get some relief. But they were also on pretty aggressive treatment programs. You know, multiple opioids and benzodiazepines. So, it's not hopeless.

PNN: Thank you, Dr. Tennant.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain. Readers interested in learning more about his research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can subscribe to its research bulletins here.

To order "The Ehlers-Danlos / Arachnoiditis Connection" and other books of interest to the pain community, visit PNN’s Suggested Reading section.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

‘We’re Flying Blind’: Response to Bird Flu Outbreak Mirrors Covid Errors

By Amy Maxmen, KFF Health News

It’s been nearly three months since the U.S. government announced an outbreak of the bird flu virus on dairy farms. The World Health Organization considers the virus a public health concern because of its potential to cause a pandemic, yet the U.S. has tested only about 45 people across the country.

“We’re flying blind,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health. With so few tests run, she said, it’s impossible to know how many farmworkers have been infected, or how serious the disease is. A lack of testing means the country might not notice if the virus begins to spread between people — the gateway to another pandemic.

“We’d like to be doing more testing. There’s no doubt about that,” said Nirav Shah, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC’s bird flu test is the only one the Food and Drug Administration has authorized for use right now. Shah said the agency has distributed these tests to about 100 public health labs in states.

“We’ve got roughly a million available now,” he said, “and expect 1.2 million more in the next two months.”

But Nuzzo and other researchers are concerned because the CDC and public health labs aren’t generally where doctors order tests from. That job tends to be done by major clinical laboratories run by companies and universities, which lack authorization for bird flu testing.

As the outbreak grows — with at least 114 herds infected in 12 states as of June 18 — researchers said the CDC and FDA are not moving fast enough to remove barriers that block clinical labs from testing. In one case, the diagnostics company Neelyx Labs was on hold with a query for more than a month.

“Clinical labs are part of the nation’s public health system,” said Alex Greninger, assistant director of the University of Washington Medicine Clinical Virology Laboratory. “Pull us into the game. We’re stuck on the bench.”

The CDC recognized the need for clinical labs in a June 10 memo. It calls on industry to develop tests for the H5 strain of bird flu virus, the one circulating among dairy cattle.

“The limited availability and accessibility of diagnostic tests for Influenza A(H5) poses several pain points,” the CDC wrote. The points include a shortage of tests if demand spikes.

Testing Failures Made Pandemic Worse

Researchers, including former CDC director Tom Frieden and Anthony Fauci, who led the nation’s response to covid, cite testing failures as a key reason the U.S. fared so poorly with covid. Had covid tests been widely available in early 2020, they say, the U.S. could have detected many cases before they turned into outbreaks that prompted business shutdowns and cost lives.

In an article published this month, Nuzzo and a group of colleagues noted that the problem wasn’t testing capability but a failure to deploy that capability swiftly. The U.S. reported excess mortality eight times as high as other countries with advanced labs and other technological advantages.

A covid test vetted by the WHO was available by mid-January 2020. Rather than use it, the United States stuck to its own multistage process, which took several months. Namely, the CDC develops its own test then sends it to local public health labs. Eventually, the FDA authorizes tests from clinical diagnostic labs that serve hospital systems, which must then scale up their operations. That took time, and people died amid outbreaks at nursing homes and prisons, waiting on test results.

In contrast, South Korea immediately rolled out testing through private sector laboratories, allowing it to keep schools and businesses open. “They said, ‘Gear up, guys; we’re going to need a ton of tests,’” said Frieden, now president of the public health organization Resolve to Save Lives. “You need to get commercials in the game.” 

Nuzzo and her colleagues describe a step-by-step strategy for rolling out testing in health emergencies, in response to mistakes made obvious by covid. But in this bird flu outbreak, the U.S. is weeks behind that playbook.

Ample testing is critical for two reasons. First, people need to know if they’re infected so that they can be quickly treated, Nuzzo said. Over the past two decades, roughly half of about 900 people around the globe known to have gotten the bird flu died from it.

Although the three farmworkers diagnosed with the disease this year in the United States had only mild symptoms, like a runny nose and inflamed eyes, others may not be so lucky. The flu treatment Tamiflu works only when given soon after symptoms start.

The CDC and local health departments have tried to boost bird flu testing among farmworkers, asking them to be tested if they feel sick. Farmworker advocates list several reasons why their outreach efforts are failing. The outreach might not be in the languages the farmworkers speak, for example, or address such concerns as a loss of employment.

If people who live and work around farms simply see a doctor when they or their children fall ill, those cases could be missed if the doctors send samples to their usual clinical laboratories. The CDC has asked doctors to send samples from people with flu symptoms who have exposure to livestock or poultry to public health labs.

“If you work on a farm with an outbreak and you’re worried about your welfare, you can get tested,” Shah said.

But sending samples to public health departments requires knowledge, time, and effort.

“I really worry about a testing scheme in which busy clinicians need to figure this out,” Nuzzo said.

‘Get Prepared Before Things Get Crazy’

The other reason to involve clinical laboratories is so the nation can ramp up testing if the bird flu is suddenly detected among people who didn’t catch it from cattle. There’s no evidence the virus has started to spread among people, but that could change in coming months as it evolves.

The fastest way to get clinical labs involved, Greninger said, is to allow them to use a test the FDA has already authorized: the CDC’s bird flu test. On April 16 the CDC opened up that possibility by offering royalty-free licenses for components of its bird flu tests to accredited labs.

Several commercial labs asked for licenses. “We want to get prepared before things get crazy,” said Shyam Saladi, chief executive officer of the diagnostics company Neelyx Labs, which offered covid and mpox tests during shortages in those outbreaks. His experience over the past two months reveals the types of barriers that prevent labs from moving swiftly.

In email exchanges with the CDC, shared with KFF Health News, Saladi specifies the labs’ desire for licenses relevant to the CDC’s test, as well as a “right to reference” the CDC’s data in its application for FDA authorization.

That “right to reference” makes it easier for one company to use a test developed by another. It allows the new group to skip certain analyses conducted by the original maker, by telling the FDA to look at data in the original FDA application. This was commonplace with covid tests at the peak of the pandemic.

At first, the CDC appeared eager to cooperate. “A right of reference to the data should be available,” Jonathan Motley, a patent specialist at the CDC, wrote in an email to Saladi on April 24. Over the next few weeks, the CDC sent him information about transferring its licenses to the company, and about the test, which prompted Neelyx’s researchers to buy testing components and try out the CDC’s process on their equipment.

But Saladi grew increasingly anxious about the ability to reference the CDC’s data in the company’s FDA application. “Do you have an update with respect to the right of reference?” he asked the CDC on May 13. “If there are any potential sticking points with respect to this, would you mind letting us know please?”

He asked several more times in the following weeks, as the number of herds infected with the bird flu ticked upward and more cases among farmworkers were announced. “Given that it is May 24 and the outbreak has only expanded, can CDC provide a date by which it plans to respond?” Saladi wrote.

The CDC eventually signed a licensing agreement with Neelyx but informed Saladi that it would not, in fact, provide the reference. Without that, Saladi said, he could not move forward with the CDC’s test — at least not without more material from the agency. “It’s really frustrating,” he said. “We thought they really intended to support the development of these tests in case they are needed.”

Shah, from the CDC, said test manufacturers should generate their own data to prove that they’re using the CDC’s test correctly. “We don’t have a shortage such that we need to cut corners,” he said. “Quality reigns supreme.”

The CDC has given seven companies, including Neelyx, licenses for its tests — although none have been cleared to use them by the FDA. Only one of those companies asked for the right of reference, Shah said. The labs may be assisted by additional material that the agency is developing now, to allow them to complete the analyses — even without the reference.

“This should have happened sooner,” Saladi told KFF Health News when he was told about the CDC’s pending additional material. “There’s been no communication about this.”

Greninger said the delays and confusion are reminiscent of the early months of covid, when federal agencies prioritized caution over speed. Test accuracy is important, he said, but excessive vetting can cause harm in a fast-moving outbreak like this one. “The CDC should be trying to open this up to labs with national reach and a good reputation,” he said. “I fall on the side of allowing labs to get ready — that’s a no-brainer.”

Clinical laboratories have also begun to develop their own tests from scratch. But researchers said they’re moving cautiously because of a recent FDA rule that gives the agency more oversight of lab-developed tests, lengthening the pathway to approval. In an email to KFF Health News, FDA press officer Janell Goodwin said the rule’s enforcement will occur gradually.

However, Susan Van Meter, president of the American Clinical Laboratory Association, a trade group whose members include the nation’s largest commercial diagnostic labs, said companies need more clarity: “It’s slowing things down because it’s adding to the confusion about what is allowable.”

Creating tests for the bird flu is already a risky bet, because demand is uncertain. It’s not clear whether this outbreak in cattle will trigger an epidemic or fizzle out. In addition to issues with the CDC and FDA, clinical laboratories are trying to figure out whether health insurers or the government will pay for bird flu tests.

These wrinkles will be smoothed eventually. Until then, the vanishingly slim numbers of people tested, along with the lack of testing in cattle, may draw criticism from other parts of the world.

“Think about our judgment of China’s transparency at the start of covid,” Nuzzo said. “The current situation undermines America’s standing in the world.”

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.  

The Best Remedy for Low Back Pain? Go for a Walk

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Almost everyone experiences low back pain at some point in their lives. Repeated episodes of acute low back pain are also very common, with 70% of people who recover from one episode having another one within a year.

Is there any reliable way to end the cycle before low back pain turns chronic?

A new Australian study suggests the best and most cost-effective way to keep low back pain from returning is simple: Go for a walk.

Researchers at Macquarie University’s Spinal Pain Research Group enrolled 701 adults who recently recovered from low back pain in a clinical trial. Half were randomly assigned to an individualized walking and education program led by a physiotherapist for six months; while the other half served as a control group, receiving no treatment at all.

Participants in the walking group were encouraged to walk five times a week for at least 30 minutes, but were free to do more or less. Most gradually increased their walking, with the average amount of walking time doubling in the first 3 months.

Both groups were then followed for at least one year, with researchers tracking any recurrences of low back pain lasting at least 24 hours that were severe enough to limit daily activities.

The study findings, recently published in The Lancet, show that participants in the control group had a recurrence of low back pain after 112 days on average, while those in the walking group were pain free nearly twice as long, a median of 208 days. The overall risk of having a new episode of low back pain fell by 28% for the walkers.

“We don’t know exactly why walking is so good for preventing back pain, but it is likely to include the combination of the gentle oscillatory movements, loading and strengthening the spinal structures and muscles, relaxation and stress relief, and release of ‘feel-good’ endorphins,” said senior author Mark Hancock, PhD, a Professor of Physiotherapy at Macquarie University.

"And of course, we also know that walking comes with many other health benefits, including cardiovascular health, bone density, healthy weight, and improved mental health.”

Another benefit is cost. A significantly higher percentages of participants in the control group sought treatment from massage therapists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other healthcare providers.

While it’s hard to assign a dollar number to quality of life, researchers estimate the total cost-effectiveness of walking vs. no treatment at AU$7,802. In U.S. dollars, that’s $5,190.    

“It not only improved people’s quality of life, but it reduced their need both to seek healthcare support and the amount of time taken off work by approximately half,” said lead author Natasha Pocovi, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Macquarie University.

In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) released its first guideline for managing low back pain, recommending treatments such as exercise, physical therapy, and patient education. Pocovi and her colleagues say a regular program of walking would be a cheaper alternative to joining a gym or hiring a trainer.

“The exercise-based interventions to prevent back pain that have been explored previously are typically group-based and need close clinical supervision and expensive equipment, so they are much less accessible to the majority of patients,” Pocovi said. “Our study has shown that this effective and accessible means of exercise has the potential to be successfully implemented at a much larger scale than other forms of exercise.”

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. According to a 2022 Harris Poll, nearly 3 out of 10 U.S. adults live with chronic low back pain. On average, the typical back pain sufferer seeks relief from at least three healthcare providers, with many treatments proving ineffective.   

How Stress, Burnout and Labor Shortages Affect Anesthesia Care  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Growing demand for surgical procedures to treat chronic pain and other medical conditions is contributing to shortages of anesthesia care providers, according to an op/ed in Anesthesiology, the journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

"The labor supply-demand imbalance for anesthesia clinicians has reached critical levels, with major implications for safe and effective patient care," says lead author Amr Abouleish, MD, an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston.

Many outpatient and elective surgical procedures that were postponed during the Covid-19 pandemic have been rescheduled, leading to a surge in demand that has exacerbated shortages of anesthesia staff. Before the pandemic, about 35% of hospitals and surgical centers reported an anesthesia staffing shortage. Two years after the pandemic, the staffing shortage doubled to 78%.

“But these shortages aren't unique to just anesthesia,” Abouleish told PNN. “We're short nurses, technicians, pharmacists, even aides. And we see that in all our facilities now nationwide.”

Tired of the stress, burnout and workload demands, some providers left healthcare to pursue other professions or retired early. That has contributed to a “dangerous spiral” that has compromised healthcare access and the quality of care. Instead of using general or full anesthesia in an operating room, many outpatient procedures are now performed using partial anesthesia or a local anesthetic, which are cheaper and require less staff.

Abouleish, who specializes in pediatric care, says the staffing shortages haven’t affected patient safety in his practice. But he often finds himself working with someone on a surgery team for the first time.

“The first time we meet the nurse anesthetists is literally the day I’m working with them,” he explained. “When I work with somebody I've worked with for 10 years, we have a rapport. We've developed trust and we understand each other's limits. And that's clearly more effective, better for the team, and better for patients. As long as there is a constant change in staff, I think that's worrisome for patient safety. The surgeons will tell you the same thing.”

Abouleish says the opioid crisis has led to a more multimodal approach to treating chronic pain, which has resulted in more fusions, nerve blocks, spinal injections and other procedures that require some level of anesthesia.

“It's gone from what I saw maybe 10 years ago, before the opioid crisis, where you had physicians or clinics where the only pain management was to hand out opioids. Now it's a multimodal, multidisciplinary approach,” he said.

“There are some patients who do well with a low dose opioid, there's no question about that. But it's also important to have that multi-disciplinary approach to chronic pain. The goal oftentimes is not to take the pain away, it's just to make your everyday life more livable.”

The Center for Anesthesia Workforce Studies estimates that nearly 4,800 anesthesia professionals in the U.S. left the workforce in 2022. The following year, about 5,200 anesthesia professionals entered the workforce from training programs. Although the anesthesia workforce is growing, it’s not growing fast enough to keep pace with demand or attrition. About 57% of anesthesiologists are 55 or older and nearing retirement.

To ease workforce shortages, Abouleish and his co-authors say the number of anesthesiologist residency positions should be increased. Steps should also be taken to improve staff retention by addressing burnout and other workplace issues through more flexible scheduling and part-time work. They also say Medicare payments for anesthesiology services need to increase to keep pace with inflation and higher healthcare costs. 

Medical Research Often Ignores Older Women

By Judith Graham, KFF Health News

Medical research has shortchanged women for decades. This is particularly true of older women, leaving physicians without critically important information about how to best manage their health.

Late last year, the Biden administration promised to address this problem with a new effort called the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. That inspires a compelling question: What priorities should be on the initiative’s list when it comes to older women?

Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health, launched into a critique when I asked about the current state of research on older women’s health. “It’s completely inadequate,” she told me.

One example: Many drugs widely prescribed to older adults, including statins for high cholesterol, were studied mostly in men, with results extrapolated to women.

“It’s assumed that women’s biology doesn’t matter and that women who are premenopausal and those who are postmenopausal respond similarly,” Faubion said.

“This has got to stop: The FDA has to require that clinical trial data be reported by sex and age for us to tell if drugs work the same, better, or not as well in women,” Faubion insisted.

Consider the Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi, approved by the FDA last year after the manufacturer reported a 27% slower rate of cognitive decline in people who took the medication. A supplementary appendix to a Leqembi study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that sex differences were substantial — a 12% slowdown for women, compared with a 43% slowdown for men — raising questions about the drug’s effectiveness for women.

This is especially important because nearly two-thirds of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease are women. Older women are also more likely than older men to have multiple medical conditions, disabilities, difficulties with daily activities, autoimmune illness, depression and anxiety, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis, among other issues, according to scores of research studies.

Even so, women are resilient and outlive men by more than five years in the U.S. As people move into their 70s and 80s, women outnumber men by significant margins. If we’re concerned about the health of the older population, we need to be concerned about the health of older women.

As for research priorities, here’s some of what physicians and medical researchers suggested:

Heart Disease

Why is it that women with heart disease, which becomes far more common after menopause and kills more women than any other condition — are given less recommended care than men?

“We’re notably less aggressive in treating women,” said Martha Gulati, director of preventive cardiology and associate director of the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai, a health system in Los Angeles. “We delay evaluations for chest pain. We don’t give blood thinners at the same rate. We don’t do procedures like aortic valve replacements as often. We’re not adequately addressing hypertension.

“We need to figure out why these biases in care exist and how to remove them.”

Gulati also noted that older women are less likely than their male peers to have obstructive coronary artery disease — blockages in large blood vessels —and more likely to have damage to smaller blood vessels that remains undetected. When they get procedures such as cardiac catheterizations, women have more bleeding and complications.

What are the best treatments for older women given these issues? “We have very limited data. This needs to be a focus,” Gulati said.

Brain Health

How can women reduce their risk of cognitive decline and dementia as they age?

“This is an area where we really need to have clear messages for women and effective interventions that are feasible and accessible,” said JoAnn Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a key researcher for the Women’s Health Initiative, the largest study of women’s health in the U.S.

Numerous factors affect women’s brain health, including stress — dealing with sexism, caregiving responsibilities, and financial strain — which can fuel inflammation. Women experience the loss of estrogen, a hormone important to brain health, with menopause. They also have a higher incidence of conditions with serious impacts on the brain, such as multiple sclerosis and stroke.

“Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just start at the age of 75 or 80,” said Gillian Einstein, the Wilfred and Joyce Posluns Chair in Women’s Brain Health and Aging at the University of Toronto. “Let’s take a life course approach and try to understand how what happens earlier in women’s lives predisposes them to Alzheimer’s.”

Mental Health

What accounts for older women’s greater vulnerability to anxiety and depression?

Studies suggest a variety of factors, including hormonal changes and the cumulative impact of stress. In the journal Nature Aging, Paula Rochon, a professor of geriatrics at the University of Toronto, also faulted “gendered ageism,” an unfortunate combination of ageism and sexism, which renders older women “largely invisible,” in an interview in Nature Aging.

Helen Lavretsky, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA and past president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, suggests several topics that need further investigation:

  • How does the menopausal transition impact mood and stress-related disorders?

  • What nonpharmaceutical interventions (yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc.) can help older women recover from stress and trauma?

  • What combination of interventions is likely to be most effective?


How can cancer screening recommendations and cancer treatments for older women be improved?

Supriya Gupta Mohile, director of the Geriatric Oncology Research Group at the Wilmot Cancer Institute at the University of Rochester, wants better guidance about breast cancer screening for older women, broken down by health status. Currently, women 75 and older are lumped together even though some are remarkably healthy and others notably frail.

Recently, the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force noted “the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening mammography in women 75 years or older,” leaving physicians without clear guidance.

“Right now, I think we’re underscreening fit older women and over screening frail older women,” Mohile said.

The doctor also wants more research about effective and safe treatments for lung cancer in older women, many of whom have multiple medical conditions and functional impairments. The age-sensitive condition kills more women than breast cancer.

“For this population, it’s decisions about who can tolerate treatment based on health status and whether there are sex differences in tolerability for older men and women that need investigation,” Mohile said.

Bone Health, Functional Health and Frailty

How can older women maintain mobility and preserve their ability to take care of themselves?

Osteoporosis, which causes bones to weaken and become brittle, is more common in older women than in older men, increasing the risk of dangerous fractures and falls. Once again, the loss of estrogen with menopause is implicated.

“This is hugely important to older women’s quality of life and longevity, but it’s an overlooked area that is understudied,” said Manson of Brigham and Women’s.

Jane Cauley, a distinguished professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health who studies bone health, would like to see more data about osteoporosis among older Black, Asian, and Hispanic women, who are undertreated for the condition. She would also like to see better drugs with fewer side effects.

Marcia Stefanick, a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, wants to know which strategies are most likely to motivate older women to be physically active. And she’d like more studies investigating how older women can best preserve muscle mass, strength, and the ability to care for themselves.

“Frailty is one of the biggest problems for older women, and learning what can be done to prevent that is essential,” she said.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Migraine Drug May Prevent Headaches in Hot Weather

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

With a dangerous heat wave expected this week in the Midwest and Northeast, the National Weather Service has issued “heat alerts” from Iowa to Maine through Friday. Temperatures are expected to reach the mid to upper 90’s, although it will feel hotter due to high humidity in some areas.

Health experts are giving the usual precautions about heat safety, such as staying hydrated and avoiding strenuous outdoor activity, but migraine sufferers may just want to stay inside in a cool, dark place. While there are no clear links between hot weather and migraine, the American Migraine Foundation says that seasonal changes in weather can trigger a migraine attack.

There are currently no FDA-approved treatments for the prevention of weather-related migraines, but according to a preliminary study, one of the new migraine drugs that block proteins known as CGRPs (calcitonin gene-related peptides) may help prevent headaches in hot weather.

A team of researchers analyzed over 71,000 daily diary records of 660 patients with episodic migraine, comparing them with local weather data on the same days. They found that for every temperature increase of 10 degrees Fahrenheit, there was a 6% increased risk of a headache.

“What we found was that increases in temperature were a significant factor in migraine occurrence across all regions of the United States,” says lead author Vincent Martin, MD, director of the Headache and Facial Pain Center at the University of Cincinnati. “It’s pretty amazing because you think of all the varying weather patterns that occur across the entire country, that we’re able to find one that is so significant.”

When researchers took a closer look at migraine patients being treated with fremanezumab, which is sold under the brand name Ajovy, the association between hot weather and headaches completely disappeared.

Ajovy is an injectable migraine prevention drug made by Teva Pharmaceuticals, which funded the study. Teva also paid consulting fees to Martin, who is president of the National Headache Foundation.

“This study is the first to suggest that migraine specific therapies that block CGRP may treat weather associated headaches,” says co-author Fred Cohen, an assistant professor of medicine at Icahn School of Medicine in New York City.

Findings from the study were recently presented at the American Headache Society’s annual meeting in San Diego, California. If the findings are confirmed in future studies, Ajovy and other CGRP inhibitors have the potential to help migraineurs who suffer from weather-related triggers.

The medications are not cheap. The listed cost for Ajovy is $640 for one monthly dose, although out of pocket costs will vary depending on insurance.

Should Every Patient Be Screened for Cannabis Use Disorder?

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

With the federal government on the verge of rescheduling cannabis as a less dangerous drug, and 38 states and the District of Columbia already allowing its medical and/or recreational use, it seems likely we’ll be hearing a lot more about cannabis use disorder.

A case in point is a large study, recently published in JAMA Network Open, that calls on primary care physicians to start screening all patients for cannabis use disorder (CUD).  It’s estimated that about 14.2 million Americans have CUD, a number that’s expected to grow as legal cannabis becomes more widely available.

The study found that 17% of primary care patients reported using cannabis in the last three months, usually to manage pain and other symptoms. Researchers say over a third of them (34.7%) used cannabis so frequently they were at moderate to high risk of CUD.

"Given the high rates of cannabis use, especially for symptom management, and the high levels of disordered use, it is essential that health care systems implement routine screening of primary care patients," wrote lead author Lillian Gelberg, MD, from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

“This group could benefit from a primary care clinician–based brief intervention to prevent those at moderate risk for cannabis use disorders from developing more serious CUD and to evaluate and refer high-risk users for possible addiction treatment.”

What is cannabis use disorder and how is it assessed? For the UCLA study, researchers used a screening tool known as ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) that was originally developed by the World Health Organization and then modified to include cannabis.

Patients were asked if they’ve used cannabis in the last three months. If they said “yes,” five more questions were asked to assess why they use cannabis; how often they use it; if they’ve experienced tolerance or withdrawal; if they’ve tried unsuccessfully to reduce or stop using cannabis; and if it has interfered with any aspect of their lives.

Answer “yes” to one or two of those additional questions and a patient could then be diagnosed with CUD, even if they’ve used cannabis safely and responsibly for years. Their doctor could then select from dozens of diagnostic codes for CUD, ranging from cannabis dependence and intoxication to psychosis and hallucinations. All of the codes are billable for the doctor, so there is an incentive to use them.

Critics say this way of diagnosing people with CUD is fraught with problems, not unlike the way many pain patients have been diagnosed with opioid use disorder and forced into addiction treatment.

“This is my take too,” says Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, which advocates for full marijuana legalization. “Given that more than three-quarters of the (UCLA) cohort acknowledged consuming cannabis products ‘to manage symptoms,’ it’s hardly surprising that many if not all of these respondents would also report long-term regular use of the substance, as well as other criteria that overlap with signs of so-called cannabis use disorder.”

Armentano says several studies have documented declines in CUD, even after states legalized cannabis use.  

“To date, not a single legalization state has ever repealed or even rolled back their marijuana laws. This speaks to the reality that these regulations are working largely as intended and that the majority of those who consume cannabis do so in a responsible manner that poses little risk to either themselves or to others,” Armentano said in an email. 

In Washington State, one of the first states to legalize recreational cannabis, a recent study estimated that one in every five primary care patients had CUD, with 6.5% having moderate to severe CUD. Like the UCLA study, researchers said their findings underscore “the importance of assessing patient cannabis use in clinical settings.” 

“Knowledge of patient use provides an opportunity to discuss risks and limited benefits of cannabis use and potentially safer treatment alternatives for those using cannabis for medical reasons. For patients with higher risk cannabis use (eg, daily), psychometrically valid brief assessments for (diagnostic) symptoms of CUD can identify and gauge CUD severity,” they concluded. 

CUD Medications in the Pipeline

Treatments for CUD are currently limited to counseling and cognitive behavioral therapies such as meditation. Unlike opioid use disorder, there are no FDA-approved pharmaceutical treatments for CUD. That could soon be changing, as more drug companies recognize the potential value of CUD medication to their bottom lines.  

Indivior, the maker of Suboxone and Subutex for treatment of opioid use disorder, is conducting clinic trials on a synthetic drug -- called AEF0117 – that is designed to treat CUD by inhibiting a cannabinoid receptor in the brain that makes people feel “high.”

Indivior bought the worldwide rights to AEF0117 from a French pharmaceutical company for $100 million — which tells you how much value they think the drug could have. Indivior executives call AEF0117 “a unique opportunity to address a growing unmet public health need.”

“We have tested over a dozen potential treatment medications in our Cannabis Research Laboratory, and this is the first to decrease both the positive mood effects of cannabis and the decision to use cannabis by daily smokers,” said Margaret Haney, PhD, a professor of neurobiology at Columbia University who supervised the trials for Indivior.

According to, over a hundred clinical trials are currently underway or recruiting participants for a variety of potential CUD therapies. Most are treatments that already exist for other conditions and would be repurposed for CUD. One is gabapentin, a nerve drug currently used to treat seizures, shingles and pain. Other treatments being tested for CUD include transcranial magnetic stimulation, high blood pressure medication, and drugs used to help people stop smoking tobacco. 

Another anecdotal sign about the growing awareness of CUD can be found in the Federal Register, which has received over 17,000 comments so far about the Justice Department’s proposal to reclassify marijuana as a less restrictive Schedule III substance.

Nearly 700 of the comments mention CUD, with many containing boilerplate language claiming that “1 in 3 past year marijuana users met the clinical criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder.”

That theme is widely promoted by the addiction treatment industry, which maintains there is no clinical evidence “that the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis or medical marijuana outweigh the health risks.”

There are currently no established medical guidelines or a “standard of care” that specifically address how to screen for CUD. But with cannabis use growing and healthcare providers coming under scrutiny for how they deal with substance abuse issues, future guidelines that require doctors to screen for CUD may be inevitable.

“How much longer will clients, families, social workers, and other mental health clinicians continue to be shortchanged by this situation? The time is well overdue to undertake formal cannabis use screening with well-established instruments during the mental health intake evaluation process, especially with adolescents and young adults,” wrote Jerrold Pollak, PhD, a clinical neuropsychologist, in Social Work Today.

One of the biggest hurdles for routine CUD screening may be patient reluctance to discuss their cannabis use. A survey of older U.S. adults found that less than 40% had discussed their cannabis use with a healthcare provider. Many fear being dropped by their doctor or being cut off from medication if they disclose that they’re using cannabis.

Lack of Testing Raises Risk of Bird Flu Pandemic

By Amy Maxmen and Arthur Allen, KFF Health News

Stanford University infectious disease doctor Abraar Karan has seen a lot of patients with runny noses, fevers, and irritated eyes lately. Such symptoms could signal allergies, covid, or a cold. This year, there’s another suspect, bird flu — but there’s no way for most doctors to know.

If the government doesn’t prepare to ramp up H5N1 bird flu testing, he and other researchers warn, the United States could be caught off guard again by a pandemic.

“We’re making the same mistakes today that we made with covid,” Deborah Birx, who served as former President Donald Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, said June 4 on CNN.

To become a pandemic, the H5N1 bird flu virus would need to spread from person to person. The best way to keep tabs on that possibility is by testing people.

Scientifically speaking, many diagnostic laboratories could detect the virus. However, red tape, billing issues, and minimal investment are barriers to quickly ramping up widespread availability of testing. At the moment, the Food and Drug Administration has authorized only the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s bird flu test, which is used only for people who work closely with livestock.

State and federal authorities have detected bird flu in dairy cattle in 12 states. Three people who work on separate dairy farms tested positive, and it is presumed they caught the virus from cows. Yet researchers agree that number is an undercount given the CDC has tested only about 40 people for the disease.

“It’s important to know if this is contained on farms, but we have no information because we aren’t looking,” said Helen Chu, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Washington in Seattle who alerted the country to covid’s spread in 2020 by testing people more broadly.

Reports of untested sick farmworkers — as well as a maternity worker who had flu symptoms — in the areas with H5N1 outbreaks among cattle in Texas suggest the numbers are higher. And the mild symptoms of those who tested positive — a cough and eye inflammation, without a fever — are such that infected people might not bother seeking medical care and, therefore, wouldn’t be tested.

The CDC has asked farmworkers with flu symptoms to get tested, but researchers are concerned about a lack of outreach and incentives to encourage testing among people with limited job security and access to health care. Further, by testing only on dairy farms, the agency likely would miss evidence of wider spread.

“It’s hard to not compare this to covid, where early on we only tested people who had traveled,” said Benjamin Pinsky, medical director of the clinical virology laboratory at Stanford University. “That left us open to not immediately recognizing that it was transmitting among the community.”

In the early months of covid, the rollout of testing in the United States was catastrophically slow. Although the World Health Organization had validated a test and other groups had developed their own using basic molecular biology techniques, the CDC at first insisted on creating and relying on its own test. Adding to delays, the first version it shipped to state health labs didn’t work.

The FDA lagged, too. It didn’t authorize tests from diagnostic laboratories outside of the CDC until late February 2020.

On Feb. 27, 2020, Chu’s research lab detected covid in a teenager who didn’t meet the CDC’s narrow testing criteria. This case sounded an alarm that covid had spread below the radar. Scaling up to meet demand took time: Months passed before anyone who needed a covid test could get one.

Chu notes this isn’t 2020 — not by a long shot. Hospitals aren’t overflowing with bird flu patients. Also, the country has the tools to do much better this time around, she said, if there’s political will.

‘We Should Absolutely Get Prepared’

For starters, tests that detect the broad category of influenzas that H5N1 belongs to, called influenza A, are FDA-approved and ubiquitous. These are routinely run in the “flu season,” from November to February. An unusual number of positives from these garden-variety flu tests this spring and summer could alert researchers that something is awry.

Doctors, however, are unlikely to request influenza A tests for patients with respiratory symptoms outside of flu season, in part because health insurers may not cover them except in limited circumstances, said Alex Greninger, assistant director of the clinical virology laboratory at the University of Washington.

That’s a solvable problem, he added. At the peak of the covid pandemic, the government overcame billing issues by mandating that insurance companies cover tests, and set a lucrative price to make it worthwhile for manufacturers. “You ran into a testing booth on every other block in Manhattan because companies got $100 every time they stuck a swab in someone’s nose,” Greninger said.

Another obstacle is that the FDA has yet to allow companies to run their influenza A tests using eye swabs, although the CDC and public health labs are permitted to do so. Notably, the bird flu virus was detected only in an eye swab from one farmworker infected this year — and not in samples drawn from the nose or throat.

Overcoming such barriers is essential, Chu said, to ramp up influenza A testing in regions with livestock. “The biggest bang for the buck is making sure that these tests are routine at clinics that serve farmworker communities,” she said, and suggested pop-up testing at state fairs, too.

In the meantime, novel tests that detect the H5N1 virus, specifically, could be brought up to speed. The CDC’s current test isn’t very sensitive or simple to use, researchers said.

Stanford, the University of Washington, the Mayo Clinic, and other diagnostic laboratories that serve hospital systems have developed alternatives to detecting the virus circulating now. However, their reach is limited, and researchers stress a need to jump-start additional capacity for testing before a crisis is underway.

“How can we make sure that if this becomes a public health emergency we aren’t stuck in the early days of covid, where things couldn’t move quickly?” Pinsky said.

A recent rule that gives the FDA more oversight of lab-developed tests may bog down authorization. In a statement to KFF Health News, the FDA said that, for now, it may allow tests to proceed without a full approval process. The CDC did not respond to requests for comment.

But the American Clinical Laboratory Association has asked the FDA and the CDC for clarity on the new rule. “It’s slowing things down because it’s adding to the confusion about what is allowable,” said Susan Van Meter, president of the diagnostic laboratory trade group.

Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, and other major testing companies are in the best position to manage a surge in testing demand because they can process hundreds per day, rather than dozens. But that would require adapting testing processes for their specialized equipment, a process that consumes time and money, said Matthew Binnicker, director of clinical virology at the Mayo Clinic.

“There’s only been a handful of H5N1 cases in humans the last few years,” he said, “so it’s hard for them to invest millions when we don’t know the future.”

The government could provide funding to underwrite its research, or commit to buying tests in bulk, much as Operation Warp Speed did to advance covid vaccine development.

“If we need to move to scale this, there would need to be an infusion of money,” said Kelly Wroblewski, director of infectious disease programs at the Association of Public Health Laboratories. Like an insurance policy, the upfront expense would be slight compared with the economic blow of another pandemic.

Other means of tracking the H5N1 virus are critical, too. Detecting antibodies against the bird flu in farmworkers would help reveal whether more people have been infected and recovered. And analyzing wastewater for the virus could indicate an uptick in infections in people, birds, or cattle.

As with all pandemic preparedness efforts, the difficulty lies in stressing the need to act before a crisis strikes, Greninger said.

“We should absolutely get prepared,” he said, “but until the government insures some of the risk here, it’s hard to make a move in that direction.”

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. 

Seniors Surprisingly Eager To Try Virtual Reality Therapy for Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

When it comes to using new technology or acquiring new skills, older people have a reputation for being a little slow on the uptake. A Baby Boomer nearing 70, for example, might not rush out to buy the latest iPhone, while someone from GenZ or a Millennial would.

A new study of virtual reality (VR) therapy is proving how misguided that assumption is. Older people can indeed learn new things and benefit from them.

In a secondary analysis of a placebo controlled clinical trial, people over 65 were significantly more likely to use RelieVRx, a virtual reality program that distracts patients with back pain by immersing them in a “virtual” environment where they can swim with dolphins, play games or enjoy beautiful scenery.   

A demographically diverse group of over 1,000 patients with chronic low back pain participated in the 8-week trial, with the goal of spending a few minutes at home each day watching a RelieVRx program.

By the end of the study, pain scores were reduced by an average of 2 points on a zero to 10 pain scale.

The positive results were across the board, regardless of a person’s age, sex, ethnicity, income or education.

What stood out to researchers is that seniors were significantly more likely to use the devices daily – 47 times on average – compared to those under age 65 (37.6 times)


“We had the opportunity to do a deeper dive, and really see how the results were unfolding in younger adults versus older adults, and really found very good engagement with older adults 65 or older,” says Beth Darnall, PhD, Chief Science Advisor for AppliedVR, which makes the RelieVRx headset and programming. 

“What's important about this study and also interesting is that it challenges a very common misperception about older adults. That older people are low tech, disinterested in engaging with newer innovations. We actually saw great engagement among the older adults, as well as a great reduction in symptoms. It suggests that older adults are much more receptive to this type of an approach and that it's also very effective in this population.” 

There are a few caveats to the findings. Many older people are retired and have more time on their hands to participate in a home-based study like this. And since all the patients were recruited online, they may have already been tech savvy enough to wear the VR headset and make it work for them.

RelieVRx is currently being used in hundreds of hospitals and in the Veterans Affairs (VA) system. Patients who’ve tried VR seem to like it, regardless of their backgrounds.

“The VA patients are generally pretty different than the rest of the civilian populations,” says Josh Sackman, president and co-founder of AppliedVR. “The usage is fairly consistent, even with a VA patient prescribed by a doctor who has no exposure to what VR is ahead of time.” 

VR therapy is a form of mindfulness or cognitive behavioral therapy. It doesn’t cure or relieve physical pain, but distracts patients long enough that their symptoms seem less severe. A 2022 study found that VR therapy has long-lasting benefits up to six months after treatment stopped.

The FDA has authorized the marketing of EaseVRx for chronic low back pain in adults, the first medical device of its kind to receive that designation. EaseVRx is only available by prescription and can’t be purchased directly by consumers.

In the coming months, AppliedVR hopes to expand coverage of the device through Medicare, Medicaid, and at least one large commercial insurer.

Research Suggests Chronic Pain Should be Treated Differently in Men and Women

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Why are women more likely than men to suffer from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other chronic pain conditions?  

Various theories have been proposed over the years, such as gender bias in healthcare, the lingering effects of childhood trauma, and women “catastrophizing” about their pain more than men.

Now there’s a new theory, which could radically change how men and women are treated for pain.

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal BRAIN, researchers at University of Arizona Health Sciences identified two substances – prolactin and orexin B – that appear to make mice, monkeys and humans more sensitized to pain. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast development and lactation in females; while orexin B is a neurotransmitter that helps keep us awake and stimulates appetite.

Both males and females have prolactin and orexin, but females have much higher levels of prolaction and males have more orexin.  In addition to promoting lactation and wakefulness, both substances also appear to play a role in regulating nociceptors, specialized nerve cells near the spinal cord that produce pain when they are activated by a disease or injury.

“Until now, the assumption has been that the driving mechanisms that produce pain are the same in men and women,” says Frank Porreca, PhD, research director of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction at UA Health Sciences. “What we found is that the basic, underlying mechanisms that result in the perception of pain are different in male and female mice, in male and female nonhuman primates, and in male and female humans.”

Porreca and his colleagues made their discovery while researching the relationship between chronic pain and sleep.  Using tissue samples from male and female mice, rhesus monkeys and humans, they found that prolactin only sensitizes nociceptors in females, regardless of species, while orexin B only sensitizes the nociceptors of males.

The research team then tried blocking prolactin and orexin B signaling, and found that blocking prolactin reduced nociceptor activation only in female cells, while blocking orexin B only affected the nerve cells of males. In effect, they found that there are distinctive “male” and “female” nociceptors.  

“The nociceptor is actually different in men and women, different in male and female rodents, and different in male and female non human primates. That’s a remarkable concept, because what it's really telling us is that the things that promote nociceptive sensitization in a man or a woman could be totally different,” Porreca told PNN. “These are two mechanisms that we identified, but there are likely to be many, many more that have yet to be identified.”

Once such mechanism could be calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRPs), a protein that binds to nerve receptors in the brain and trigger migraine pain. In a recent study, Porreca suggested that sexual differences may be the reason why migraine drugs that block CGRPs are effective in treating migraine pain in women, but are far less effective in men.  

Until these differences are more fully understood, Porreca says clinical trials should be designed to have an equal number of men and women. That way differences between the sexes could be more easily recognized and applied in clinical practice.

For example, therapies that block prolactin may be an effective way to treat fibromyalgia in women, while drugs that block orexin B might be a better way to treat certain pain conditions in men.

“We have an opportunity to develop therapies that could be more effective in treating pain in a man or in a woman than the generalized kinds of therapies that we use now,” said Porreca. ‘I think it's critically important that these pain syndromes really be taken very seriously. And that we find better ways of treating female pain and also male pain.” 

A Pained Life: Build a Better Mousetrap

By Carol Levy, PNN Columnist

I was watching an old TV series – “Diagnosis Murder” -- about a doctor who also solves mysteries. In one episode, Dr. Mark Sloan (Dick Van Dyke) was in a patient's room with her family. He told them their mother was in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

Her son asked, in a tremulous voice, “What can we do?”

Dr. Sloan smiles and said there was good news, along with the bad.

“It's a terrible disease, but on the positive side there are new drugs being developed all the time,” he said.

That got me mad. And it seemed as if every commercial I saw during and after the show was touting new medications, for everything from cancer to erectile dysfunction. Listening to them made me ever madder.

According to the National Cancer Institute, about 40% of us will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lives. Developing new cancer treatments, especially ones that are less harmful and painful to patients, is a necessity. After all, cancer kills.

Studies have found that erectile dysfunction affects about 18% of men. ED is a troublesome and embarrassing problem to have, but you won’t die from it.

Why do they spend so much time and money developing new drugs (and commercials) for medical conditions? Simple answer: the drugs make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical industry, even when a relatively small number of people may benefit from them.

Chronic pain may not kill in the typical sense, although many deaths can be traced back to poorly treated pain as an ancillary cause. According to a recent study, there are more new cases of chronic pain among U.S. adults than diabetes, depression and high blood pressure.

Given that the number of people with chronic pain is larger than many other conditions for which they are developing new drugs, why are we left out?

Many of us have had the experience of a doctor taking us off opioids or significantly reducing the dose, even when we’ve taken them safely and responsibly for years. The government has created fear among medical providers, especially those who specialize in pain management, making them uncomfortable prescribing opioids.

So, the question arises: Why isn't more being done to research and develop new non-opioid treatments for pain?

What comes to mind are mousetraps. Until they build a better mousetrap, until they create new and effective pain medications that are not opioid-based, we're stuck with what we have. Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to a pharmaceutical company's door.

There is big money to be made in finding new pain medications. And there are plenty of mice. Why not build a better mousetrap?

Carol Jay Levy has lived with trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic facial pain disorder, for over 30 years. She is the author of “A Pained Life, A Chronic Pain Journey.”  Carol is the moderator of the Facebook support group “Women in Pain Awareness.” Her blog “The Pained Life” can be found here. 

New Drug Shows Promise in Treating Sjogren's Disease

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Sjogren's disease – also known as Sjogren's syndrome – is one of the most frustrating and painful autoimmune conditions. Often accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other immune system disorders, Sjogren's usually begins with dry eyes and a dry mouth, and then slowly progresses to a chronic illness that causes fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and organ damage.

Most frustrating of all is that there are few ways to stop Sjogren's progression and complications that can result in an early death. Eyes drops, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication only mask the symptoms temporarily.

“There are currently no disease-modifying therapies for Sjogren's, so current treatment is usually aimed at reducing symptoms," says E. William St. Clair, MD, a Professor in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology at Duke University School of Medicine.

That could be changing, thanks to a new drug being developed by Amgen and an international research team. In a Phase 2 randomized clinical trial, 183 adult patients with moderate-to-severe Sjogren's received intravenous infusions of dazodalibep (DAZ), a drug that blocks the signals that drive the autoimmune reaction to Sjogren's.

The study findings, published this month in the journal Nature Medicine, show that patients who received DAZ therapy had a significant reduction in disease activity. They also had reduced symptoms of dryness, fatigue and pain.

"This is hopeful news for people with Sjögren's," says Clair, the study’s lead author. "DAZ is the first new drug under development for the treatment of Sjögren's to reduce both systemic disease activity and an unacceptable symptom burden.”

DAZ therapy was generally safe and well tolerated, with mild adverse events such as diarrhea, dizziness, respiratory tract infection, fatigue and hypertension.

Phase 2 studies are only meant to test a drug’s safety and efficacy. Amgen is currently recruiting about 1,000 patients with moderate-to-severe Sjögren's for two larger Phase 3 studies of DAZ therapy. Both are expected to take about two years to complete.  

Dazodalibep is also binge studied as a therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and glomerulosclerosis, a rare kidney disease. The drug was originally developed by Horizon Therapeutics, which Amgen purchased last year for $27.8 billion.

‘Misplaced and Dangerous’ Opioid Study Debunked by Critics

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Nearly a year after publishing a controversial study that questioned the effectiveness of opioid pain medication, The Lancet medical journal has published two rebuttal letters that challenge the study’s design and conclusions.

The blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial – known as the OPAL study -- found that a 6-week course of low-dose oxycodone worked no better than a placebo in treating patients with recent mild-to-moderate back and neck pain. Based on that finding, Australian researchers recommended that opioids should not be used to treat acute back and neck pain, and that medical guidelines should be changed to reflect that view.

“Opioids should not be recommended for acute back and neck pain, full stop,” said lead investigator Christine Lin, PhD, a professor in the School of Public Health at University of Sydney.

“This recommendation is an extraordinary, misplaced, and dangerous conclusion, considering the authors studied the effects of only one type of slow-release opioid not indicated for acute pain and that guidelines should not be changed on the basis of a single randomized trial,” said Asaf Weisman, Dr. Youssef Masharawi and Dr. James Eubanks in their rebuttal letter

Weisman is a physiotherapist and spine researcher at Tel Aviv University, Masharawi is a professor of physical therapy at Tel Aviv University, and Eubanks is an assistant professor at the Medical University of South Carolina.    

“Relief of pain is one of the obligations of medical doctors. Despite the documented risks, which cannot be understated, opioids are indispensable for pain management, particularly in cases in which other forms of treatment are ineffective or inadequate,” they wrote. 

The second rebuttal letter noted that the OPAL study had an “extremely high” dropout rate and nearly a quarter of patients in the placebo group were taking opioids when the study began – two factors that confound and weaken the study’s findings. 

“We should be careful when drawing decisive conclusions based on this trial,” wrote Dr. Yu Toda, a palliative care specialist at Japan’s National Cancer Center Hospital. 

In reply to the letters, Lin and her co-authors defended the design of the OPAL study, but agreed the conclusions may have been too broad.

“We agree that we cannot generalize our results to all opioids. There are different opioid classes with different pharmacological profiles,” said Lin. “We agree that the OPAL results might not be generalizable to all patients with acute low back and neck pain, including those experiencing hyperacute pain requiring immediate pain relief in the emergency department.” 

Other critics found additional flaws in the OPAL study, pointing out that the daily dose of oxycodone was relatively low – ranging from 15 to 30 MME (morphine milligram equivalents) -- and that the oxycodone was combined with naloxone, a medication that blocks the effects of opioids. In clinical practice, a slow-release formulation of oxycodone is usually not prescribed for short-term pain and is never combined with naloxone,

Publishing rebuttal letters is a common practice for medical journals, but – until now -- The Lancet has not shared with its readers any counterpoints to the OPAL study

The Lancet received submitted replies criticizing the OPAL Trial’s authors’ over-generalized conclusion within a month of the study’s online publication. Given evidence for patient harms from excessively rapid dose reductions or discontinuation of opioid therapy, waiting almost a year to publish these criticisms seems recklessly irresponsible,” said Dr. Chad Kollas, a palliative care physician and pain policy expert, whose rebuttal letter was rejected several months ago by The Lancet’s editors.

‘Many Patients Have Been Hurt’

The OPAL study received a fair amount of media attention when it came out and was even hailed as a “Landmark Trial” by some news outlets. But like many news stories dealing with opioids, they conveyed the simplistic message that all opioids are risky and ineffective, regardless of a patient’s condition, pain level or need.

“The Great Opioid Lie: Addictive painkillers do NOT reduce lower back or neck pain,” was the headline used by the Daily Mail. “Opioids might actually worsen pain in the long-run while increasing the odds of becoming addicted.”  

The OPAL study was even cited by U.S. Sens. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) in a letter to the FDA urging the agency not to conduct studies on the efficacy of opioids. Further studies are not needed, they claimed, and would only lead to the approval of new opioid medication.

“A recent randomized placebo-controlled study found that prolonged opioid use was ineffective for acute back and neck pain,” Sens. Markey and Manchin wrote. “For too long, drug manufacturers have been given the benefit of the doubt in developing and marketing a drug that unleashed a widespread, decades-long epidemic. Using a study model that risks continued bias in favor of approval is unacceptable.”

Weisman and his two colleagues say “opioid phobia” in the U.S. has led to pain patients around the world being denied appropriate treatment, causing unnecessary suffering.  

“Unfortunately, the opioid epidemic in the USA has led to many countries adopting strict umbrella policies and led to so-called opioid phobia among clinicians, and many patients worldwide have been hurt due to these processes,” they wrote.