Arachnoiditis Is an Autoimmune Disease

By Dr. Forest Tennant

After several years and numerous studies, we have determined that Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) is an autoimmune disease – a condition in which autoantibodies or cellular elements erroneously recognize tissue as virulent or pathologic and attack it, producing inflammation and tissue destruction.

AA only occurs when inflammation forms jointly in the cauda equina and arachnoid membrane of the spine. After the inflammation becomes significant, adhesions form which fuse or “glue” cauda equina nerve roots to the arachnoid membrane. An autoimmune process is the generator and initiator of this inflammation.

The primary generator of the autoimmune process that causes AA is almost always reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) from its normal, dormant, parasitic state. EBV reactivation may occur multiple times over a lifetime.

This same process is now known to be a major causative factor in several cancers and other autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The autoimmune process of EBV has two components: autoantibodies and auto-reactivity. The latter occurs when the virus enters a cell and releases high amounts of self-antigen, which stimulates tissue destruction.

In rare cases, a virus other than EBV may generate autoimmunity and cause AA. Other viruses, especially cytomegalovirus, herpes 6, and covid, may also accelerate or potentiate EBV autoimmunity.

In the past it was generally assumed that epidural injections, spine surgery, contamination of spinal fluid by toxins, or spine trauma were the cause of AA. It is now known that these events may trigger EBV autoimmunity in spinal tissues. Our studies plainly show that AA is preceded and/or accompanied by other autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, migraine, and irritable bowel.

Medical practitioners and persons afflicted with AA must now recognize, diagnose, and treat AA as an autoimmune disease caused by EBV reactivation.

Doctors are more prone to want to treat a disease than they are to treat pain, so classifying AA as an autoimmune disease may improve pain treatment. I'm getting a lot of doctors who are coming on board with this, who see that a patient has a legitimate disease and don't mind prescribing some Vicodin, Tramadol, or Percocet to treat it.

More information about the Epstein-Barr Virus and its relationship to AA and other chronic pain conditions can be found in our book: "The Epstein-Barr Virus: A New Factor in the Care of Chronic Pain."  

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about his research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can also subscribe to its bulletins here.  

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.    

How to Inhibit Reactivation of the Epstein-Barr Virus

By Dr. Forest Tennant

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a parasite that normally lives a dormant, harmless life in nasal and throat membranes and in our white blood cells. We are all carriers of EBV.

EBV usually enters the body and first activates during infancy, often resulting in a case of the "sniffles." In teenagers or young adults, it may trigger infectious mononucleosis. After the initial infection, the virus becomes dormant.

Unfortunately, EBV has the ability to reactivate, duplicate, and travel in the blood inside lymphocytes (white blood cells) to harm tissues and cause pain. How does this happen?

Biologic stress, meaning a physical or psychological situation that cause the hormones cortisol and adrenaline to elevate for more than a few hours, may lower one's immune system. That gives EBV the opportunity to reactivate, produce auto-antibodies, infiltrate tissue, and silently produce a painful condition.

The usual stressors that cause reactivation are physical trauma or injury, an infection, or emotional distress. People with medical conditions such as a genetic connective tissue disease (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), diabetes, or stroke may have an immune deficiency that also makes them more prone to EBV reactivation.

EBV reactivation is similar to herpes or shingles reactivation. Like EBV, herpes and shingles are usually dormant and harmless viral infections, but they may reactivate and cause blisters or a skin rash.  

Unfortunately, EBV reactivation can be totally asymptomatic and unknown to the individual, until chronic reactivations cause a painful condition. This could result in fibromyalgia, small fiber neuropathy, burning mouth, herniated disc, arachnoiditis or even a cancer such as Hodgkin's disease or lymphoma. 

How to Diagnose and Treat EBV Reactivation

Persons with chronic pain severe enough to require daily pain relief medication may have EBV reactivation as a cause of their condition and should take steps to inhibit it. We recommend antibody testing for EBV reactivation in any person who has severe chronic pain for over 90 days and needs to take pain relievers daily.

Two antibodies are formed during EBV reactivation: the Viral Capsid Antibody (VCA) and Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antibody (EBNA).

Major laboratories offer three quantitative tests for VCA, EBNA and early EBNA antibodies. Qualitative tests (positive or negative) are not specific enough to make a diagnosis of EBV reactivation.

When VCA and EBNA antibodies are elevated above normal levels, a diagnosis of past reactivation is made, and the individual can properly be called a "chronic reactivator." We recommend that levels of VCA and EBNA be two or more times above normal, plus a patient having pain in two or more anatomic sites, to warrant a diagnosis of EBV reactivation.

If the early EBNA antibody is elevated above normal, therapeutic trials of antivirals and corticosteroids should be considered to reverse reactivation.

If both VCA and EBNA are elevated but the early EBNA is negative, we recommend the use of these vitamins and supplements to inhibit EBV reactivation:

  • Vitamins C and D

  • Astragalus

  • Zinc

  • Resveratrol

  • Curcumin

  • Selenium

  • Luteolin

  • Andrographis

  • Lysine

Our research has found that about 90% of patients with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) have EBV reactivation.  The good news is that once it is determined that a person has reactivation and autoimmunity, there are simple treatment measures that can be implemented.   

In our experience, the treatment measures tend to provide about 20% to 50% more pain relief when used with standard pain therapies. Failure to take therapeutic measures to control EBV may allow increased disease deterioration and pain. 

More information about the Epstein-Barr Virus and its relationship to chronic pain conditions can be found in our new book: "The Epstein-Barr Virus: A New Factor in the Care of Chronic Pain."  

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about this research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can also subscribe to its bulletins here.   

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.   

Epstein-Barr Virus Emerging As Possible Cause of Chronic Pain

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist 

When most people hear about the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), they may recall its reputation as the rather harmless "kissing disease" known as mononucleosis.  To the surprise of many, this previously unheralded virus has recently emerged as a cause of some cancers and painful disorders.

It is now clear that EBV must be contained and suppressed in order to relieve the pain and suffering of many persons with chronic pain. This column is an introduction to the critical involvement of EBV with several chronic pain conditions.

The Epstein-Barr virus is named after Drs. Anthony Epstein and Yvonne Barr. In 1964, they discovered the virus after they found it in a cancer common in Africa called Burkitt’s Lymphoma.  Since that time, EBV has been found to cause other cancers including nasopharyngeal, gastric, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and leukemia.  Some estimate that EBV causes about 200,000 cancers a year.

About three years after Epstein and Barr discovered EBV, it was found to be the cause of infectuous mononucleosis, which is known to trigger autoimmune complications.  Autoimmunity is simply defined as some element in the body that attacks, erodes, and destroys tissue. 

In 1968, this author reported that mononucleosis could cause glomerulonephritis, an autoimmune renal disease.  Over the ensuing decades, EBV has also been associated with other autoimmune disorders, including hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus, and Sjogren's syndrome.


In 2018, a seminal study documented that EBV could cause a number of painful medical conditions by activating specific genes.  Dr. John Harley and colleagues at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, found that a viral protein called Epstein-Barr nuclear analog 2 (EBNA 2) binds to the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of genes that promote autoimmunity and some chronic pain conditions.

The pain conditions that Harley and his colleagues associated with EBV are multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroiditis, and juvenile arthritis.  Subsequent studies added Sjogren's syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease, and polymyositis to the list of EBV autoimmune conditions.

The Harley research is compelling.  We urgently need clinical studies of EBV in severe chronic pain patients to help develop new diagnostic, prevention, and treatment measures.  To this end, I've chosen to study the EBV relationship to painful spine and connective tissue diseases, especially adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). These conditions are considered intractable pain conditions in clinical pain practice. 

So far, we have collected EBV laboratory test results from over 80 persons with confirmed AA. Every case has demonstrated abnormally high levels of EBV IgG antibodies, which suggests the presence of autoimmunity and the possible invasion of brain and spinal tissue by the virus. 

Every patient with high IgG antibody levels also has herniated discs, and the majority have hypermobile EDS. Prior to developing AA, all had conditions associated with autoimmunity, such as fibromyalgia and small fiber neuropathy. All of them now have intractable pain.

How It Begins

Patients and clinicians concerned about chronic pain need to understand the basics of how EBV causes and aggravates chronic pain conditions. 

EBV is a member of the herpes virus family, which includes the other herpes viruses and cytomegalovirus.  It is a natural, lifelong parasite that usually infects children before the age of two. 

When EBV first enters the body, it is an “active” virus that may cause a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, or possibly even go unnoticed. Infants and young children often have the “sniffles” and it could be mistaken as a simple cold. Some children who initially become infected with EBV later develop mononucleosis in their teenage or young adult life.  

After the initial infection, EBV settles into one’s lymphocytes and lining of the throat and nasal cavity to remain for life. Under normal physiologic circumstances, it is a latent or dormant parasite that does no harm.

Over 95% of adults will test positive for low levels of IgG antibodies, decades after their initial contact with EBV during childhood. When chronic pain patients are tested, autoimmunity is suspected if IgG antibodies are above normal levels found in the great majority of adults.

Once EBV has settled into lymphocytes or the throat lining and becomes dormant, it is living a harmless, symbiotic, parasitic life with its human host.  It will remain in this state, unless the body undergoes some kind of stress, usually trauma or an infection, that lowers or degrades the body's innate or natural immunologic protection systems. 

At this time, the virus may vacate its dormant or latent state to begin what is called a "lytic" or duplicative state.  The term used to indicate this state is "reactivation," meaning that the virus is again active, and attacking and invading new tissues. 

Once reactivated, EBV may create an autoimmune state by altering genes or by developing what is called an auto-antibody that will attack tissues.  In either case, an autoimmune state has been created that attacks normal tissues to produce inflammation, adhesions, scarring, and pain. 

Lymphocytes infected with reactivated EBV may enter any number of tissues. They may cross the blood brain barrier, enter the spinal cord and brain, and attack tissues such as the cauda equina, arachnoid membrane, intervertebral discs, and glial cells. This is the pathologic process in which EBV reactivation may cause chronic pain.

It is likely that entry and invasion of spinal canal and brain tissues may be responsible for the autoimmune manifestations seen after a stroke, head trauma, or complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).  EBV may also be a cause of centralized pain that is associated with over-sensitization, hyperalgesia, and intractable pain.  There are reports that such common chronic pain conditions as fibromyalgia, small fiber neuropathy, and some arthropathies are caused by EBV autoimmunity.

This article's major intent is to inform all concerned parties that deal with chronic pain that EBV is not just some virus that causes the "kissing disease." It is a new revelation that compels an understanding and awareness that has the distinct potential to improve the plight of chronic pain patients. 

Laboratories and clinical researchers, including this author, are scurrying to identify more diagnostic, treatment, and preventive measures for EBV-caused autoimmunity. I'm pleased to report that our EBV project has been able to identify some initial testing and treatment measures which appear to be effective and a good start in dealing with EBV autoimmunity.  We will share our findings in future articles.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about this research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can subscribe to its bulletins here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Long Covid May Not Be Caused by Covid-19 Virus

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

An immune system response to the COVID-19 virus has been suspected as a possible cause of Long Covid, a poorly understood disorder that causes chronic fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, chest pain and other symptoms long after the initial infection.  

But a small new study in the UK suggests that Long Covid may not be an inflammatory immune reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Instead, the body appears to be responding to the activation of dormant viruses many of us already have in our systems.

"Long Covid occurs in one out of 10 COVID-19 cases, but we still don't understand what causes it,” said Laura Rivino, PhD, Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol's School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. “Several theories proposed include whether it might be triggered by an inflammatory immune response towards the virus that is still persisting in our body, sending our immune system into overdrive or the reactivation of latent viruses such as human cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein Barr virus (EBV)."

Rivino and her colleagues collected and analyzed blood samples from 63 Covid patients with mild, moderate or severe symptoms who were hospitalized at the start of the pandemic -- before vaccines were available – and tested them again 3, 8 and 12 months after their admission.  

Their findings, published in the journal eLife, show that patients with severe symptoms had significant dysfunction in their T-cell profiles after three months. T-cells are white blood cells released by the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses.

Further analysis showed there was no rapid increase in immune cells targeting SARS-CoV-2, but there was an increase in T-cells targeting CMV -- a common virus that is usually harmless but can stay in the body for life once you’re infected with it. That suggests that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2, but instead may be "bystander driven" by dormant viruses that were reactivated.  

"Our findings suggest that prolonged immune activation and long COVID may correlate independently with severe COVID-19. Larger studies should be conducted looking at both a larger number of patients, including if possible vaccinated and non-vaccinated COVID-19 patients,” said Rivino. "Understanding whether inflammation and immune activation associate with long COVID would allow us to understand whether targeting these factors may be a useful therapy for this debilitating condition."

The good news for Covid long haulers is that after 12 months, the T-cell levels of patients with severe Covid symptoms were similar to those of patients who experienced mild and moderate symptoms – suggesting that severe cases can resolve over time.

Stress Can Cause Epstein Barr Virus to Reactivate   

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

More than one medical professional and a lot of persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) have asked why we have been studying the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and its relationship to AA.  After all, almost everyone over age 25 will show EBV antibodies on a blood test. 

Our on-going studies of persons with AA continue to show that essentially all have elevated EBV antibody levels. In addition, AA almost always follows a cascade of conditions known to be associated with autoimmunity. These include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathies, burning feet or mouth, irritable bowel, Tarlov cyst, thyroiditis, spinal fluid leaks and deteriorated bulging discs. This cascade also appears common in persons with Ehlers-Danlos type syndromes.

Two recent comprehensive reviews on EBV support the findings in our studies. One is “Epstein Barr Virus and Neurological Diseases” by Nan Zhang, et al, and the other is “Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Reactivation and Therapeutic Inhibitors” by Jonathan Kerr.

Both reports state that EBV infection occurs in 95% or more of people, as the human lymphocyte is its natural, lifelong habitat. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that help our immune systems fight cancer, viruses and bacteria. EBV infections are spread by saliva or other body secretions, and the initial infection usually occurs before age 25, causing a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis or infectious mononucleosis.

Once the initial infection subsides, the virus imbeds itself in lymphocytes and remain there for life. As a result, virtually all humans carry low levels of EBV antibodies. Adults with AA don’t always show a positive test for the initial EBV infection, but they do show high levels of antibodies -- meaning they carry EBV in their lymphocytes that can multiply, reproduce and reactivate at any time.

Kerr reviewed research on medicinal agents that may inhibit this reactivation, which most likely occurs during periods of stress. Our standard 3-component medical protocol contains some of the agents that Kerr believes may be effective in suppressing reactivation. These agents include acyclovir, cimetidine, vitamins A, C, and D, resveratrol, luteolin, apigenin, curcumin, astragalus, L-arginine, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and green tea.

EBV-infected lymphocytes can cross the blood brain barrier to produce neuroinflammation and tissue deterioration. EBV produces antibodies that contain biologic elements that can produce on-going autoimmune and neurological diseases. The Zhang report states that high levels of EBV antibodies “can be biologic markers that assess the risk of developing” neurologic diseases.

On-going EBV autoimmunity is indicated by high antibody levels. Reactivation of EBV may accelerate inflammation and tissue deterioration. Our longstanding 3-component medical protocol seems to help suppress both the on-going autoimmunity and the reactivation of EBV.

EBV remains harmless and dormant unless our natural resistance becomes deficient, either due to a genetic disease such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or a stressful event that lowers cortisol and raises adrenalin, such as trauma, infection and psychological issues. Medical procedures such as epidural injections, spinal taps, and surgery are stressful and may also reactivate EBV. All persons with AA should determine their EBV autoimmune status.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Tennant Foundations’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Experimental Vaccines Target Epstein-Barr Virus

By Liz Szabo, Kaiser Health News

Maybe you’ve never heard of the Epstein-Barr virus. But it knows all about you.

Chances are, it’s living inside you right now. About 95% of American adults are infected sometime in their lives. And once infected, the virus stays with you.

Most viruses, such as influenza, just come and go. A healthy immune system attacks them, kills them, and prevents them from sickening you again. Epstein-Barr and its cousins, including the viruses that cause chickenpox and herpes, can hibernate inside your cells for decades.

This viral family has “evolved with us for millions of years,” said Blossom Damania, a virologist at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. “They know all your body’s secrets.”

Although childhood Epstein-Barr infections are typically mild, exposure in teens and young adults can lead to infectious mononucleosis, a weeks-long illness that sickens 125,000 Americans a year, causing sore throats, swollen glands, and extreme fatigue. And while Epstein-Barr spends most of its time sleeping, it can reawaken during times of stress or when the immune system is off its game. Those reactivations are linked to a long list of serious health conditions, including several types of cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Scientists have spent years trying to develop vaccines against Epstein-Barr, or EBV. But recently several leaps in medical research have provided more urgency to the quest — and more hope for success. In just the past year, two experimental vaccine efforts have made it to human clinical trials.

What’s changed?

First, the Epstein-Barr virus has been shown to present an even greater threat. New research firmly links it to multiple sclerosis, or MS, a potentially disabling chronic disease that afflicts more than 900,000 Americans and 2.8 million people worldwide.

The journal Science in January published results from a landmark 20-year study of 10 million military personnel that offers the strongest evidence yet that Epstein-Barr can trigger MS. The new study found that people infected with Epstein-Barr are 32 times as likely as people not infected to develop MS.

And shedding new light on the mechanisms that could explain that correlation, a separate group of scientists published a study in Nature describing how the virus can cause an autoimmune reaction that leads to MS.

The disease, which usually strikes between ages 20 and 40, disrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body and is often marked by recurring episodes of extreme fatigue, blurred vision, muscle weakness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. At its worst, MS can lead to impaired speech and paralysis.

Now that we know that Epstein-Barr is very tightly linked to MS, we could save a lot of lives if we develop the vaccine now.
— Blossom Damania, Virologist

Amplifying that newfound urgency, several new studies suggest that reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus also is involved with some cases of long covid, a little-understood condition in which patients experience lingering symptoms that often resemble mononucleosis.

And just as crucial to the momentum: Advances in vaccine science spurred by the pandemic, including the mRNA technology used in some covid vaccines, could accelerate development of other vaccines, including ones against Epstein-Barr, said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. Hotez co-created a low-cost, patent-free covid vaccine called Corbevax.

Some researchers question the need for a vaccine that targets a disease like MS that, while debilitating, remains relatively rare.

Eliminating Epstein-Barr would require vaccinating all healthy children even though their risk of developing cancer or multiple sclerosis is small, said Dr. Ralph Horwitz, a professor at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.

Before exposing children to the potential risks of a new vaccine, he said, scientists need to answer basic questions about MS. For example, why does a virus that affects nearly everyone cause disease in a small fraction? And what roles do stress and other environmental conditions play in that equation?

The answer appears to be that Epstein-Barr is “necessary but not sufficient” to cause disease, said immunologist Bruce Bebo, executive vice president for research at the National MS Society, adding that the virus “may be the first in a string of dominoes.”

‘We Could Save a Lot of Lives’

Hotez said researchers could continue to probe the mysteries surrounding Epstein-Barr and MS even as the vaccine efforts proceed. Further study is required to understand which populations might benefit most from a vaccine, and once more is known, Hotez said, such a vaccine possibly could be used in patients found to be at highest risk, such as organ transplant recipients, rather than administered universally to all young people.

“Now that we know that Epstein-Barr is very tightly linked to MS, we could save a lot of lives if we develop the vaccine now,” Damania said, “rather than wait 10 years” until every question is answered.

Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases launched separate clinical trials of Epstein-Barr vaccines over the past year. Epstein-Barr vaccines also are in early stages of testing at Opko Health, a Miami-based biotech company; Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center; and California’s City of Hope National Medical Center.

Scientists have sought to develop vaccines against Epstein-Barr for decades only to be thwarted by the complexities of the virus. Epstein-Barr “is a master of evading the immune system,” said Dr. Jessica Durkee-Shock, a clinical immunologist and principal investigator for NIAID’s trial.

Both MS and the cancers linked to Epstein-Barr develop many years after people are infected. So a trial designed to learn whether a vaccine can prevent these diseases would take decades and a lot of money.

Moderna researchers initially are focusing on a goal more easily measured: the prevention of mononucleosis, which doubles the risk of multiple sclerosis. Mono develops only a month or so after people are infected with Epstein-Barr, so scientists won’t have to wait as long for results.

Mono can be incredibly disruptive on its own, keeping students out of class and military recruits out of training for weeks. In about 10% of cases, the crippling fatigue lasts six months or more. In 1% of cases, patients develop complications, including hepatitis and neurological problems.

For now, the clinical trials for Epstein-Barr immunizations are enrolling only adults. “In the future, the perfect vaccine would be given to a small child,” Durkee-Shock said. “And it would protect them their whole life, and prevent them from getting mono or any other complication from the Epstein-Barr virus.”

The NIAID vaccine, being tested for safety in 40 volunteers, is built around ferritin, an iron-storage protein that can be manipulated to display a key viral protein to the immune system. Like a cartoon Transformer, the ferritin nanoparticle self-assembles into what looks like a “little iron soccer ball,” Durkee-Shock said. “This approach, in which many copies of the EBV protein are displayed on a single particle, has proved successful for other vaccines, including the HPV and hepatitis B vaccine.”

Moderna’s experimental vaccine, being tested in about 270 people, works more like the company’s covid shot. Both deliver snippets of a virus’s genetic information in molecules called mRNA inside a lipid nanoparticle, or tiny bubble of fat. Moderna, which has dozens of mRNA vaccines in development, hopes to learn from each and apply those lessons to Epstein-Barr, said Sumana Chandramouli, senior director and research program leader for infectious diseases at Moderna.

“What the covid vaccine has shown us is that the mRNA technology is well tolerated, very safe, and highly efficacious,” Chandramouli said.

But mRNA vaccines have limitations.

Although they have saved millions of lives during the covid pandemic, the antibody levels generated in response to the mRNA vaccines wane after a few months. It’s possible this rapid loss of antibodies is related specifically to the coronavirus and its rapidly evolving new strains, Hotez said. But if waning immunity is inherent in the mRNA technology, that could seriously limit future vaccines.

Designing vaccines against Epstein-Barr is also more complicated than for covid. The Epstein-Barr virus and other herpesviruses are comparatively huge, four to five times as large as SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes covid. And while the coronavirus uses just one protein to infect human cells, the Epstein-Barr virus uses many, four of which are included in the Moderna vaccine.

Earlier experimental Epstein-Barr vaccines targeting one viral protein lowered the rate of infectious mononucleosis but failed to prevent viral infection. Targeting multiple viral proteins may be more effective at preventing infection, said Damania, the UNC virologist.

“If you close one door, the other door is still open,” Damania said. “You have to block infection in all cell types to have a successful vaccine that prevents future infections.”

Kaiser Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Epstein-Barr Virus Linked to Autoimmune Conditions

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist 

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a herpes virus that normally resides after infection as an organism in the epithelial tissues of the throat and lymphocytes. Most humans carry the virus and blood tests will often show low levels of EBV antibodies.  

Recent research has determined that in some people, for unknown reasons, the virus will reactivate and/or produce antibodies that carry toxic elements to tissues in the body such as the spinal cord. EBV infected lymphocytes can then cross the blood brain barrier and enter the brain, spinal cord and spinal fluid.  

This situation is now referred to as “EBV autoimmunity” and is reported by multiple medical institutions and researchers to be a major, causative factor in multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and about 2% of the world’s cancer cases.  

Autoimmunity and Arachnoiditis 

Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) has long been known to be an inflammatory disease in which cauda equina nerve roots become adhered by adhesions to the arachnoid lining of the spinal canal. We have also long suspected that autoimmunity was a factor in AA, but until now there has been no compelling reason for this belief. 

In our review of over 800 confirmed cases of AA by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with medical history and symptoms, a single fact emerged. Almost all cases had multiple herniated or protruding intervertebral discs prior to the development of AA. These discs were often in both the cervical and lumbar-sacral regions of the spine.  

Epidural injections, spinal taps or surgery often appeared to accelerate the development of AA. But further research revealed that most persons with MRI-documented AA had other medical conditions known to be common in persons with autoimmune disease. These included: burning mouth or feet, small fiber neuropathies, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Sjogren’s (dry eyes), Raynaud’s, irritable bowel, migraine, temporal mandibular joint pain (TMJ), chronic fatigue, arthritis, Tarlov cysts, mast cell conditions, and POTS. Persons with a genetic connective tissue disease of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type were also significantly affected.  

From this we concluded that AA is usually a late-stage component of a multisystem, autoimmune, inflammatory disease. 

Between our realization that AA is associated with multiple medical conditions and the discovery that EBV causes significant autoimmunity, we began EBV testing in persons with MRI-documented AA. Essentially every case showed very high (sometimes above laboratory testing ability) antibody levels. Some showed evidence of EBV reactivation. Another finding has been that some persons with AA have high levels of cytomegalovirus, other strains of herpes, and/or Lyme. 

EBV is now known to cause a multitude of autoimmune conditions. Our studies indicate that AA is a late-stage development of an autoimmune disorder at least partially caused by EBV. This discovery leaves us little option but to recommend that each person with AA determines if they have multiple autoimmune manifestations including herniated discs and, if so, seek EBV antibody testing and become knowledgeable about control measures. 

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from an updated bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

How the Epstein Barr Virus Causes Arachnoiditis

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) has long been known to cause autoimmune complications. For example, I described infectious mononucleosis in kidneys (glomerulonephritis) associated with EBV back in 1969, some 53 years ago.

Recently EBV has been shown to cause multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as certain cancers. Our studies have also revealed that many, if not the majority, of persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) have extremely high EBV antibody levels. We now believe that EBV can cause AA as well as MS. 

Anything that boosts or helps a disorder to develop, is called a “co-factor.” In the case of EBV and AA, the “co-factors” or “co-partners” may include Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, Lyme disease, and some other viruses like cytomegalus, coxsackie and covid.

‘Collagen Eaters’

Although almost everyone gets infected with EBV during their lifetime, some persons develop a large number of EBV antigens that literally attack and “eat away” or otherwise cause collagen to deteriorate and weaken. If the body creates large numbers of antigens, large numbers of antibodies are simultaneously made to hopefully counter them.

EBV collagen eating antigens like to attack tissues around the spine that have a lot of collagen. This includes intervertebral discs, cauda equina nerve roots, and the arachnoid-dural covering of the spinal canal. If collagen is weak or absent in spinal tissues, discs may slip, inflammation may form, and fluid leaks and cysts may develop.

Get Tested for EBV

All persons with confirmed or suspected AA should be tested for EBV antibodies.

Laboratories today do three types of tests for EBV. One is to tell if you currently have an active infection and the other two measure antibody levels to determine if you have had EBV in the past. If your antibodies are considerably above normal range, it suggests you have collagen eating antigens that put you at risk of developing AA.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from a bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.