CBD Is a Scam. Will New Cannabinoid Products Be Any Different?

By Crystal Lindell

CBD didn’t do anything for me. I tried different brands, different formats, and different price points because I really wanted it to work. 

I like to describe my experience like this: Wine and grape juice are both made from grapes – but that doesn’t mean a glass of Welch's has the same effect as a glass of wine.

From the beginning, CBD always sounded a little too good to be true. Touted as the “cannabis that doesn’t get you high, but treats chronic pain,” it was supposed to be the new holy grail of pain medicine. After all, doctors are looking for something to give patients that doesn’t give them any pleasurable mental effects, but does actually treat their pain. 

Unfortunately, CBD was too good to be true because the marketing and hype are fake. 

For a while, CBD seemed to be sold in every gas station, supermarket and convenience store. Filling shelves with everything from candies to liquid elixirs. 

But I’ve noticed over the last couple years that a lot of those CBD display cases have either shrunk or disappeared completely. 

It’s not just in my head. A 2023 article from SupplySide Supplement Journal was among the first to report on the downward trend in the sector. 

Headlined: "Major CBD brands report steep annual sales declines,” it focused on the fact that two major brands, CV Sciences and Charlotte’s Web, reported depressed earnings and “significant downsizing initiatives.”  

Almost a year later, The New York Times published a similar article, with the headline “Companies Were Big on CBD. Not Anymore.” 

The article blamed the sales decline on a “lack of federal regulation and a mishmash of state laws [that] made selling products featuring the cannabis-derived ingredient not worth the trouble.” 

I think that’s just generous industry framing. Sales declined because CBD products were not good and inordinately expensive. CBD did not do much of anything for most people, and the price points were astronomical. 

A 2024 study at Bath University in the U.K. makes the point directly. The subhead on a press release reads: "There is no evidence that CBD products reduce chronic pain, and taking them is a waste of money and potentially harmful to health, new research finds." 

“CBD presents consumers with a big problem,” said Professor Chris Eccleston, who led the research at the Centre for Pain Research at Bath. “It’s touted as a cure for all pain but there’s a complete lack of quality evidence that it has any positive effects. It’s almost as if chronic pain patients don’t matter, and that we’re happy for people to trade on hope and despair.”

Eccleston is definitely right there. The views of chronic pain patients are often dismissed. That’s why many doctors are happy to push placebos and snake oils on us, as long as it means they can avoid prescribing any opioids. 

The decline in CBD’s popularity hasn’t stopped the medical industry from trying to find other ways to use cannabinoids to treat pain without causing the mental high. 

Last week, researchers at Stanford University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announced that they designed a new compound to potentially treat chronic pain by targeting type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptors in the peripheral nervous system.

In a paper published in Nature, the researchers said the compound “could effectively treat multiple types of pain in mouse models without causing the psychoactive side effects typically associated with the CB1 receptor or causing the mice to build up a tolerance to it.”

So it’s still being studied in mice, which means it’s a long way off from being offered to humans, if it ever is. 

While this is a synthetic version of a cannabinoid – as opposed to the natural version – I’m skeptical of anything that claims to treat physical pain without psychoactive side effects.  

It’s also frustrating to see researchers still trying to push for this at all. 

In a news release about the study, co-author Alexander Powers,  who conducted the work while earning his PhD in chemistry at Stanford, said: “This molecule shows that we can get a separation between the side effects and the analgesic effects – we can target the CB1 receptor and get the good effects without the bad.”

The most telling part of that quote is at the very end: “without the bad.”

The implication is that psychoactive effects are inherently bad. I disagree. When you’re in extreme pain, it impacts you emotionally and mentally. So it only makes sense that medications that treat pain also improve your mood. That’s a good side effect. 

Maybe research like that coming out of Stanford will lead to new breakthroughs. Maybe they will finally discover the holy grail of pain medication that they desperately seek. But I remain skeptical of any research from people who frame positive effects of pain medication as “bad.” 

Cannabis Oil Provides ‘Modest’ Pain Relief

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Cannabis can be consumed in many different forms for pain relief. You can smoke or vape cannabis flowers, rub cannabis-infused lotions and ointments on your skin, or ingest edibles and beverages containing cannabidiol (CBD) and/or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredients in cannabis.

But it’s cannabis oil that is increasingly cited in research as providing the most benefit for pain sufferers.

The latest study was conducted in Israel, involving about 200 middle-aged adults with chronic pain who were treated by a specialist for at least one year without satisfactory pain relief before trying cannabis. Participants suffered from a variety of pain conditions, including nerve pain, joint pain and headaches. Their average pain level at the start of the study was 7.9 on a zero-to-10 pain scale.

For 6 months, participants ingested cannabis oil extracts daily in a variety of different THC and CBD concentrations, all prescribed by a physician, which were consumed sublingually under the tongue. The doses were considerably lower than what you’d get from smoking or vaping.

By the end of the study, the average pain level among participants had dropped from 7.9 to 6.6, equivalent to a 14% reduction in pain, with similar improvements in sleep, anxiety, depression, disability, and quality of life.

“All these effects are modest in size but are rather consistent and congruent with those found in additional cohorts. Hence, cannabis seems to have an impact on the ‘disease burden’ of chronic pain rather than being a potent analgesic per se,” lead author Dorit Pud, PhD, a Nursing Professor at the University of Haifa, reported in the journal Pain Reports.

‘Taken together, these observational cohorts suggest that in practice, much lower doses of oil extracts of cannabis are used compared with inflorescence (smoking or vaping). It therefore seems that oil extracts may be advantageous over inflorescence as they allow more precise dosing, lower THC dose consumption, and comparable analgesia.”

The number of patients consuming opioids decreased over the course of the study, but because the doses were low and only a minority were taking them, researchers were reluctant to draw conclusions about the opioid-sparing effects of cannabis.

The research team noted that about a quarter of the patients had a 30% or more reduction in pain, but they were unable to determine why these “responders” had better results than others. About half the participants had an adverse side effect from cannabis oil, such as dizziness or confusion, but those symptoms usually declined after the first month.

Previous studies have also found cannabis oil effective in treating pain. Researchers in Columbia say 92% of patients reported less pain after consuming a proprietary formulation of oil containing CBD and THC. Similar findings were reported in a recent study in Australia. Other studies have found cannabis oil effective in treating fibromyalgia and migraine.

Study Finds CBD Ineffective for Chronic Pain  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

There is little evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) products relieve chronic pain and some could be potentially harmful to patients, according to UK and Canadian researchers.

CBD is one of the chemical compounds found in cannabis, but it doesn’t have the same intoxicating effect as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Often marketed as a pain reliever, CBD can be purchased in edibles, beverages, lotions, oils and other products, usually without a prescription.  

“CBD presents consumers with a big problem,” says lead author Chris Eccleston, PhD, Professor of Pain Science at the University of Bath in the UK. “It’s touted as a cure for all pain but there’s a complete lack of quality evidence that it has any positive effects.

“There should be no excuses for misleading the public, and yet it is likely that the public is being misled and possibly placed in harm’s way.”

Eccleston and his colleagues reviewed the results of 16 high-quality clinical trials of CBD products, involving over 900 participants. Their findings, published in in The Journal of Pain, show that CBD provided little or no pain relief in 15 of the 16 studies. The one small trial that did showed improvement in arthritis pain after two weeks of treatment with a topical CBD lotion.

Just as concerning to researchers is that many CBD products sold directly to consumers have significantly more or less CBD than what their labels indicate. Some CBD products also contain THC, when they weren’t supposed to have any.

“There is no good reason for thinking that CBD relieves pain, but there are good reasons for doubting the contents of CBD products in terms of CBD content and purity,” Eccleston wrote. “Regulatory authorities should also take note of the considerable deficiencies existing in the products sold, especially the incorrect labeling of many products, and possible contamination with psychoactive compounds.”

The researchers say regulators in the US, UK and Canada are often slow to respond to the false medical claims of some CBD manufacturers. The FDA occasionally sends warning letters to companies making unsubstantiated claims about CBD, but it rarely results in fines or disciplinary action.

“What this means is that there are no consumer protections,” said co-author Dr Andrew Moore, Director of Pain Research at the University of Oxford. “And without a countervailing body to keep the CBD sellers in check, it’s unlikely that the false promises being made about the analgesic effects of CBD will slow down in the years ahead.”

In a recent review, the FDA said there was “credible scientific support” for cannabis as a pain reliever and recommended that the DEA reschedule it as a Schedule III controlled substance. Such a move would make it legal under federal law for cannabis to be prescribed for medically approved conditions, but would have no impact on CBD products.

In 2022, FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf asked Congress to give his agency the authority to more closely regulate CBD, but no such legislation has been passed. Eccleston says its part of a pattern in which pain sufferers are neglected and left on their own to find relief.

“It’s almost as if chronic pain patients don’t matter, and that we’re happy for people to trade on hope and despair,” he said.

CBD Ineffective for Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Cannabidiol (CBD) is often touted as an effective pain reliever for arthritis. Studies on animals and anecdotal reports from humans suggest that CBD – the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis -- has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects on joint pain.

But in one of the first randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of CBD, researchers at Medical University of Vienna found that CBD is not an effective pain medication for knee osteoarthritis, even at high doses.

The study included 86 men and women who suffered from severe pain due to knee osteoarthritis,  a progressive condition caused by the breakdown of joint cartilage.in the knee. About 10 percent of people over age 60 have knee osteoarthritis (OA).

Half the participants received daily doses of CBD in capsules for eight weeks, titrating up to 600mg per day, which is considered a high dose. The other participants were given placebo capsules with no active ingredient. Neither group knew what they were taking.

The study findings, published in The Lancet Regional Health -- Europe, show that CBD did not have a stronger analgesic effect than the placebo. Adverse events were more common in the CBD group, with over half the participants (56%) reporting diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue and other mild side effects.

“Our results do not support the yet clinically unproven hopes for CBD as potential supplement or even replacement of potent analgesics, including opioids,” wrote lead author Sibylle Pramhas, MD, Department of Special Anesthesia and Pain Medicine at MedUni Vienna.

"Our study is the first to provide solid information on the lack of analgesic potential of CBD in a common chronic pain condition, due to the comparatively high oral dosage and the long observation period.”

This isn’t the first time CBD came up short in a clinical study. In 2017, Zynebra Pharmaceuticals tested a CBD gel for knee OA with mixed results. The Phase 2 study did not meet its primary goal of reducing the average pain score, although there were some indications the gel improved function and reduced pain severity. The company has since abandoned plans to use the gel for arthritis pain.

A more recent study of a CBD patch for knee osteoarthritis was withdrawn due to “inadequate funding.” Several other clinical studies of CBD for OA pain are underway or recruiting participants, but no results have been posted.

Currently, osteoarthritis knee pain is treated with analgesics such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), diclofenac, ibuprofen or tramadol. For the time being, they may be the best alternatives for pain relief.   

"CBD is not an alternative for pain therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee, so the search for more effective options must continue," says Pramhas.

Primary Care Providers Still Reluctant to Talk About CBD

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Edibles, beverages and other products made with cannabidiol (CBD) went mainstream years ago, as public attitudes about cannabis changed and retailers discovered there was a growing market for CBD products.

The same is not true for primary care providers, according to a new survey that found most doctors are still reluctant to recommend CBD to their patients because of doubts about its safety and effectiveness. CBD is a chemical compound in marijuana that does not produce euphoria, but is believed to reduce pain and improve other health conditions.  

In the online survey of 236 primary care providers (PCPs) affiliated with the Mayo Clinic Healthcare Network in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida and Arizona, doctors said CBD was frequently brought up during medical appointments, usually by patients. But those conversations didn’t last long, because most PCPs don’t feel they have enough knowledge about CBD and are skeptical about CBD marketing claims.

PCPs in states where marijuana is legal are more receptive to patients using CBD products, while PCPs in states where marijuana is still illegal are more concerned about CBD’s side effects. But regardless of its legal status, most PCPs believe CBD is ineffective for most conditions for which it is marketed, with chronic non-cancer pain and anxiety/stress being the exceptions.

“Results from this mixed methods study show that PCPs practicing in the U.S. rarely screen for or discuss CBD use with their patients and report several barriers to engage in proactive CBD-focused practice behaviors,” wrote lead author Pravesh Sharma, MD, a pediatric psychiatrist and substance use researcher at Mayo Clinic Health System.

In a second, much smaller study, Sharma and his colleagues conducted interviews with 14 PCPs and found a number of barriers that prevent an open dialogue about CBD, including lack of time, discomfort, low-quality evidence, and CBD being a low priority.

“Our study is the first in-depth report on PCP attitudes, experiences, and practice behaviors related to CBD. The findings of our study have the potential to significantly impact future PCP practice behaviors,” they concluded.

The U.S. market for legal cannabis has grown into a $29.6 billion industry, but not much has changed over the years in terms of its acceptance in the medical community. In a 2020 survey of over 1,000 primary care patients in Vermont, only 18% rated their doctor as a good source of information about cannabis. Nearly half of the patients surveyed had used cannabis in the last year, and most of them thought cannabis was helpful for pain, anxiety, depression, arthritis, sleep and nausea.

The effectiveness of CBD is somewhat murky, because CBD products are poorly regulated and vary so much in dose, quality and whether they also have THC. While CBD may be effective temporarily in relieving pain and other symptoms, some researchers are concerned about its long-term effects on children and adolescents.  

“In fact, although CBD is widely available as an unregulated supplement, we researchers know almost nothing about its effects on the developing brain. Of note, these harms apply not only to smoking, but also to ingesting, vaping or other ways of consuming cannabis or its extracts,” Hilary Marusak, PhD, a psychiatry professor at Wayne State University, said in a recent column.

“In my view, it’s important that consumers know these risks and recognize that not everything claimed in a label is backed by science. So before you pick up that edible or vape pen for stress, anxiety, or sleep or pain control, it’s important to talk to a health care provider about potential risks.”

Unfortunately, asking a doctor may not provide many answers.

Cannabis Study Finds ‘Significant Improvements’ in Physical and Mental Health

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The use of medical cannabis was associated with “significant improvements” in physical and mental health in a large survey of Australian adults suffering from chronic pain and other health problems.

Over 3,100 people participated in the survey. Chronic non-cancer pain was the most common condition reported (68.6%), followed by cancer pain (6%), insomnia (4.8%) and anxiety (4.2%).  

Australia has relatively stringent rules for medical cannabis. Patients have to exhaust all other forms of treatment and consult with a physician, who reviews their medical history and suitability for cannabis before writing a prescription.

Most of the prescriptions for survey participants were for cannabis products taken orally, such as oils and capsules, with only a small number for dried cannabis flower. About 80% of the cannabis products were rich in cannabidiol (CBD), with the rest dominant in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or a balanced mix of CBD and THC.

Patients were asked to rate their wellness and quality of life in eight categories on a scale of 0-100, including general health, body pain, physical functioning, physical limitations, mental health, emotional limitations, social functioning and vitality. The surveys were conducted at the start of the study and then every 45 days after cannabis therapy was initiated, with a total of 15 follow up surveys.   

The study findings, recently published in JAMA Network Open, showed sustained improvement in all eight wellness categories after participants started taking cannabis, with body pain improving an average of 10 to 15 points on the 100-point scale. Researchers also found “pronounced and statistically significant improvements” in mental, social and emotional health.

“This study suggests a favorable association between medical cannabis treatment and quality of life among patients with a diverse range of conditions. However, clinical evidence for cannabinoid efficacy remains limited, and further high-quality trials are required,” wrote lead author Thomas Arkell, PhD, a psychopharmacologist at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne.

Adverse events such as sleepiness and dry mouth were relatively common during cannabis therapy, but were usually mild or moderate.

Before starting cannabis therapy, patients were taking an average of nearly five medications a day, the most common being simple analgesics (54%), opioids (48%), antidepressants (45%), benzodiazepines (34%) and gabapentinoids (22%). The study did not examine if medication use declined once participants started taking cannabis.  

“While we cannot exclude the possibility that adverse events may have been caused in whole or part by the disease state and concomitant medications, the relatively high incidence of adverse events still affirms the need for caution with THC prescribing and careful identification of patients with contraindications,” Arkell wrote.

Medical cannabis was legalized in Australia in 2016. Since then, over 332,000 Australians have been given cannabis prescriptions, mostly for chronic pain (55%), anxiety (23%) and sleep disorders (6%).

Pain management experts in Australia have long taken a dim view of cannabis. In 2021, the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists released new guidance urging doctors not to prescribe medical cannabis for chronic non-cancer pain because of a lack of good quality research.

Is Cannabis Harmful During Pregnancy and Adolescence?

By Hilary Marusak, Wayne State University

Cannabis is a widely used psychoactive drug worldwide, and its popularity is growing: The U.S. market for recreational cannabis sales could surpass $72 billion by 2023.

As of early 2023, 21 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for recreational use for people age 21 and up, while 39 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized it for medical use.

The growing wave of legalization and the dramatic increase in cannabis potency over the past two decades have raised concerns among scientists and public health experts about the potential health effects of cannabis use during pregnancy and other vulnerable periods of development, such as the teen years.

I am a developmental neuroscientist specializing in studying what’s known as the endocannabinoid system. This is an evolutionarily ancient system found in humans and other vertebrates that produces natural cannabinoids such as THC and CBD.

Cannabis and its constituents interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to product their effects. THC and CBD are the most commonly known cannabis extracts and can be synthesized in a lab. My lab also studies the risks versus potential therapeutic value of cannabis and cannabinoids.

Potential Health Risks

People often assume there’s no risk when using cannabis or cannabinoids during vulnerable periods of life, but they’re basing that on little to no data. Our research and that of others suggests that cannabis use during pregnancy and adolescence can present myriad health risks the public should be aware of.

Data shows that many people who use cannabis continue to do so during pregnancy. But there are health risks. More and more pregnant people are using cannabis today compared with a decade ago, with some studies showing that nearly 1 in 4 pregnant adolescents report that they use cannabis.

Many cannabis-using people may have not known they were pregnant and stopped using when they found out. Others report using cannabis for its touted ability to ease pregnancy-related symptoms, like nausea and anxiety. However, studies do not yet confirm those health claims. What’s more, the potential harms are often downplayed by pro-cannabis marketing and messaging by dispensaries, advocacy groups and even midwives or doulas.

In addition, physicians and other health care providers often are not knowledgeable enough or don’t feel well equipped to discuss the potential risks and benefits of cannabis with their patients, including during pregnancy.

While research shows that most people who are pregnant perceive little to no risk in using cannabis during pregnancy, the data show there is clear cause for concern. Indeed, a growing number of studies link prenatal cannabis exposure to greater risk of preterm birth, lower birth weight and psychiatric and behavioral problems in children. These include, for example, difficulties with attention, thought, social problems, anxiety and depression.

Cannabis and Brain Development

When cannabis is inhaled, consumed orally or taken in through other routes, it can easily cross through the placenta and deposit in the fetal brain, disrupting brain development.

A recent study from my lab, led by medical student Mohammed Faraj, found that cannabis use during pregnancy can shape the developing brain in ways that are detectable even a decade later.

We used data from the National Institutes of Health Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, which is the largest long-term study of brain development and child and adolescent health in the U.S. It has followed more than 10,000 children and their families from age 9-10 over a 10-year period.

Through that analysis, we linked prenatal cannabis exposure to alterations in functional brain networks in 9- and 10-year-old children. In particular, prenatal cannabis exposure appeared to disrupt the communication between brain networks involved in attentional control, which may explain why children who were exposed to cannabis in utero may develop difficulties with attention or other behavioral issues or mental disorders as they develop.

While alcohol abuse has steadily declined among adolescents since 2000 in the U.S., cannabis use shows the opposite pattern: It increased by 245% during that same period.

Data reported in 2022 from the Monitoring the Future survey of over 50,000 students in the U.S. found that nearly one-third of 12th grade students reported using cannabis in the past year, including cannabis vaping. Yet only about 1 in 4 12th grade students perceive great harm in using cannabis regularly. This suggests that many teens use cannabis, but very few consider it to have potential negative effects.

Research shows that the adolescent brain is primed to engage in high-risk behaviors such as experimenting with cannabis and other substances. Unfortunately, owing to ongoing brain development, the adolescent brain is also particularly susceptible to the effects of cannabis and other substances. Indeed, many neuroscientists now agree that the brain continues to develop well into the second and even third decade of life.

In line with this vulnerability, research shows that, relative to those who did not use cannabis during adolescence, those who started using it during adolescence are at increased risk of developing depression, suicidal ideation, psychosis and reductions in IQ during adolescence and adulthood. Neuroimaging studies also show residual effects of adolescent cannabis use on brain functioning, even later during adulthood.

‘No Amount Is Safe’

Despite common misconceptions that cannabis is “all natural” and safe to use during pregnancy or adolescence, the data suggests there are real risks. In fact, in 2019, the U.S. surgeon general issued an advisory against the use of cannabis during pregnancy and adolescence, stating that “no amount … is known to be safe.”

Cannabis may be harmful to the developing brain because it disrupts the developing endocannabinoid system, which plays a critical role in shaping brain development from conception and into adulthood. This includes neural circuits involved in learning, memory, decision-making and emotion regulation.

While much of this research has focused on cannabis use, there is also other research that comes to similar conclusions for THC and CBD in other forms. In fact, although CBD is widely available as an unregulated supplement, we researchers know almost nothing about its effects on the developing brain. Of note, these harms apply not only to smoking, but also to ingesting, vaping or other ways of consuming cannabis or its extracts.

In my view, it’s important that consumers know these risks and recognize that not everything claimed in a label is backed by science. So before you pick up that edible or vape pen for stress, anxiety, or sleep or pain control, it’s important to talk to a health care provider about potential risks – especially if you are or could be pregnant or are a teen or young adult.

Hilary Marusak, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Wayne State University. She directs the WSU THINK Lab, which focuses on pediatric anxiety and understanding the impact of childhood trauma on neural development. Dr. Marusak receives funding from the National Institutes of Health and the State of Michigan.   

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.

The Conversation

Why Cannabis Holds Promise for Pain Management

By Benjamin Land, University of Washington Center for Cannabis Research

Drug overdose deaths from opioids continue to rise in the U.S. as a result of both the misuse of prescription opioids and the illicit drug market.

But an interesting trend has developed: Opioid emergency room visits drop by nearly 8% and opioid prescriptions are modestly lower in states where marijuana is legalized.

Marijuana is produced by the cannabis plant, which is native to Asia but is now grown throughout the world. Individuals use marijuana for both its psychoactive, euphoria-inducing properties and its ability to relieve pain.

Chemicals produced by the cannabis plant are commonly known as cannabinoids. The two primary cannabinoids that occur naturally in the cannabis plant are THC – the psychoactive compound in marijuana – and CBD, which does not cause the sensation of being high.

Many marijuana users say they take it to treat pain, suggesting that readily available cannabinoids could potentially be used to offset the use of opioids such as morphine and oxycodone that are commonly used in pain treatment. A safer, natural alternative to opioid painkillers would be an important step toward addressing the ongoing opioid epidemic.

Intriguingly however, research suggests that cannabis use could also lessen the need for opioids directly by interacting with the body’s own natural opioid system to produce similar pain-relief effects.

I am a neuropharmacology scientist who studies both opioids and cannabinoids as they relate to pain treatment and substance abuse. My research focuses on the development of drug compounds that can provide chronic pain relief without the potential for overuse and without the tapering off of effectiveness that often accompanies traditional pain medications.

How Opioids Work

Our bodies have their own built-in opioid system that can aid in managing pain. These opioids, such as endorphins, are chemicals that are released when the body experiences stress such as strenuous exercise, as well as in response to pleasurable activities like eating a good meal. But it turns out that humans are not the only organisms that can make opioids.

In the 1800s, scientists discovered that the opioid morphine – isolated from opium poppy – was highly effective at relieving pain. In the last 150 years, scientists have developed additional synthetic opioids like hydrocodone and dihydrocodeine that also provide pain relief.

Other opioids like heroin and oxycodone are very similar to morphine, but with small differences that influence how quickly they act on the brain. Fentanyl has an even more unique chemical makeup. It is the most powerful opioid and is the culprit behind the current surge in drug overdoses and deaths, including among young people.

Opioids, whether naturally produced or synthetic, produce pain relief by binding to specific receptors in the body, which are proteins that act like a lock that can only be opened by an opioid key.

One such receptor, known as the mu-opioid receptor, is found on pain-transmitting nerve cells along the spinal cord. When activated, mu-receptors tamp down the cell’s ability to relay pain information. Thus, when these opioids are circulating in the body and they reach their receptor, stimuli that would normally cause pain are not transmitted to the brain.

These same receptors are also found in the brain. When opioids find their receptor, the brain releases dopamine – the so-called “feel-good” chemical – which has its own receptors. This is in part why opioids can be highly addicting. Research suggests that these receptors drive the brain’s reward system and promote further drug-seeking. For people who are prescribed opiates, this creates the potential for abuse.

Opioid drugs, which include heroin, oxycodone and fentanyl, are highly addictive.

Opioid receptors are dynamically regulated, meaning that as they get exposed to more and more opioids, the body adapts quickly by deactivating the receptor. In other words, the body needs more and more of that opioid to get pain relief and to produce the feel-good response. This process is known as tolerance. The drive to seek more and more reward paired with an ever-increasing tolerance is what leads to the potential for overdose, which is why opioids are generally not long-term solutions for pain.

How THC and CBD Relieve Pain

Both THC and CBD have been shown in numerous studies to lessen pain, though – importantly – they differ in which receptors they bind to in order to produce these effects.

THC binds to cannabinoid receptors that are located throughout the central nervous system, producing a variety of responses. One of those responses is the high associated with cannabis use, and another is pain relief. Additionally, THC is believed to reduce inflammation in a manner similar to anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.

In contrast, CBD appears to bind to several distinct receptors, and many of these receptors can play a role in pain reduction. Importantly, this occurs without the high that occurs with THC.

Because they target different receptors, THC and CBD may be more effective working in concert rather than alone, but more studies in animal models and humans are needed.

Cannabinoids may also be helpful for other conditions as well. Many studies have demonstrated that cannabinoid drugs approved for medical use are effective for pain and other symptoms like spasticity, nausea and appetite loss.

Along with the pairing of THC and CBD, researchers are beginning to explore the use of those two cannabinoids together with existing opioids for pain management. This research is being done in both animal models and humans.

These studies are designed to understand both the benefits – pain relief – and risks – primarily addiction potential – of co-treatment with cannabinoids and opioids. The hope would be that THC or CBD may lower the amount of opioid necessary for powerful pain relief without increasing addiction risk.

For example, one study tested the combination of smoked cannabis and oxycontin for pain relief and reward. It found that co-treatment enhanced pain relief but also increased the pleasure of the drugs. This, as well as a limited number of other studies, suggests there may not be a net benefit.

However, many more studies of this type will be necessary to understand if cannabinoids and opioids can be safely used together for pain. Still, using cannabinoids as a substitution for opioids remains a promising pain treatment strategy.

The next decade of research will likely bring important new insights to the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids for chronic pain management. And as marijuana legalization continues to spread across the U.S., its use in medicine will undoubtedly grow exponentially.

Benjamin Land, PhD is a Research Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Washington School of Medicine and the UW Center for Cannabis Research. Land receives funding from the National Institutes of Health for cannabinoid research, and has received cannabinoid related funding from the University of Washington Addiction and Drug Abuse Institute and SCAN Design Foundation.

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.

The Conversation

Smoking Marijuana More Effective Than CBD Extracts for Back Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

One of the reasons many medical marijuana users prefer edibles over smoking is that they are perceived as healthier.  Marijuana smoke contains many of the same chemicals and carcinogens as cigarette smoke, and could have harmful effects on people with respiratory or cardiovascular problems.

But a small new study conducted in Israel found that smoking marijuana is better than ingesting it, at least when it comes to treating chronic lower back pain. Researchers enrolled 24 adults with MRI or CT scans that showed evidence of disc herniation or spinal stenosis, and had them try two different types of cannabis treatment.

The first was a cannabis extract rich in cannabidiol (CBD), which was taken sublingually under the tongue daily for 10 months. After a month of no treatment, the same group smoked cannabis flowers rich in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) up to four times a day for 12 months. Participants were allowed to take pain medication as needed, including oxycodone and acetaminophen.

The study findings, published in the Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, showed there was little to no improvement in back pain when participants took the extract, but significant improvement when they smoked cannabis. The use of analgesic drugs also dropped significantly while smoking.

Notably, three patients dropped out of the extract phase of the study because it wasn’t helping them, but then returned to participate in the smoking phase.

“The current study is the first, to our knowledge, to indicate that THC-rich smoked therapy is more advantageous in ameliorating LBP (lower back pain), than low THC CBD-rich sublingual extracts. Despite the small number of patients, our data indicate that THC-rich smoked therapy is helpful in mitigating LBP,” researchers reported.

The most commonly reported adverse events during the study were nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and fatigue during the extract phase; sore throat and drowsiness were reported during the smoking phase. All of the adverse symptoms disappeared after a dose tolerance was reached. Most of the adverse effects were in female patients.

A 2019 study of medical marijuana users also found that smoking cannabis provided more pain relief than ingesting it. Over 3,300 people logged their symptoms on a mobile app while using a variety of cannabis products, including dried flower, edibles, tinctures and ointments. Smoking the dried flower provided more pain relief than any other cannabis product, regardless of the amount of THC.

Another problem with CBD edibles is that they are frequently mislabeled. A recent study of 80 CBD oils found that only 43 had concentrations of cannabidiols that were within 10% of their label claims – an accuracy rate of just 54 percent.

Heavy Metals and Plastic Residue Found in Many CBD Products

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Yet another study has found evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) products are frequently mislabeled, with over half of the edibles and topicals tested containing significantly more or less CBD than their labels indicated. Researchers at the University of Miami School of Medicine also found that many CBD products are contaminated with low-levels of heavy metals and plastic chemicals.

“Because the cannabis plant is recognized as a bioaccumulator, which is highly effective at absorbing and retaining contaminants (e.g., heavy metals) in soil, it is important to characterize the degree of contamination in CBD products and their label accuracy to better estimate potential health benefits and risks associated with consumption,” researchers explained in the journal The Science of the Total Environment. 

Investigators analyzed 516 CBD products that were purchased online or at retail stores and had them tested at Ellipse Analytics in Denver. About a quarter of the CBD products were edibles.

Less than half of all the products tested had CBD concentrations within 10% of their label claims. Forty percent of the products contained significantly less CBD than claimed by the manufacturer, while 18% contained significantly more CBD.

Of the edible products analyzed, 42% tested positive for the presence of lead, 37% tested positive for mercury, 28% tested positive for arsenic, and 8% tested positive for cadmium. Most contained only trace amounts of heavy metals, but four edibles had lead levels that exceeded California’s recommended limit for daily lead consumption.


Many of the edibles also contained low levels of plastic chemicals – known as phthalates – that are designed to make plastics more flexible. Phthalates leach off plastic and have become pervasive in the air, soil and water. Some phthalates have affected the reproductive systems of animals, although their impact on human health is not clear.

The percentage of CBD edibles with detectable phthalate concentrations ranged from 13% to 80% across four phthalates, with DEHP being the most prevalent. DEHP has been linked to cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm. Federal law prohibits the manufacture and sale of children’s toys and child care products containing DEHP at levels greater than 0.1%. 

“Low-level contamination of edible CBD products with heavy metals and phthalates is pervasive. There is substantial discrepancy between the product label claims for CBD potency and the amount measured in both edible and topical products, underscoring the need for tight regulations for CBD product label integrity to protect consumers,” researchers concluded.

“Given that the consumer demographic purchasing CBD products includes those afflicted with pain, insomnia, anxiety, and other health conditions, these findings could give consumers and medical practitioners hesitation about the benefits and potential harm of CBD use.”

The study was funded by Jazz Pharmaceuticals and the Clean Label Project, a non-profit that seeks to improve food and consumer product labeling.

Previous studies have also found that many CBD products are mislabeled. A recent study at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine found that only half of the CBD oil products had concentrations of cannabidiols that were within 10% of their label claims. Researchers also found that most CBD oils contained trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive substance in cannabis, including some oils that were labeled "THC Free."

Patients With Epilepsy Navigate Murky CBD Market

By Eric Berger, Kaiser Health News

In 2013, Tonya Taylor was suicidal because her epileptic seizures persisted despite taking a long list of medications.

Then a fellow patient at a Denver neurologist’s office mentioned something that gave Taylor hope: a CBD oil called Charlotte’s Web. The person told her the oil helped people with uncontrolled epilepsy. However, the doctor would discuss it only “off the record” because CBD was illegal under federal law, and he worried about his hospital losing funding, Taylor said.

The federal government has since legalized CBD, and it has become a multibillion-dollar industry. The FDA also has approved one cannabis-derived prescription drug, Epidiolex, for three rare seizure disorders.

But not much has changed for people with other forms of epilepsy like Taylor who want advice from their doctors about CBD. Dr. Joseph Sirven, a Florida neurologist who specializes in epilepsy, said all of his patients now ask about it. Despite the buzz around it, he and other physicians say they are reluctant to advise patients on over-the-counter CBD because they don’t know what’s in the bottles.

The FDA does little to regulate CBD, so trade groups admit that the marketplace includes potentially harmful products and that quality varies widely. They say pending bipartisan federal legislation would protect those who use CBD. But some consumer advocacy groups say the bills would have the opposite effect.

Caught in the middle are Taylor and other patients desperate to stop losing consciousness and having convulsions, among other symptoms of epilepsy. They must navigate the sometimes-murky CBD market without the benefit of regulations, guidance from doctors, or coverage from health insurers. In short, they are “at the mercy and the trust of the grower,” said Sirven, who practices at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.

While the CBD industry is new territory for the FDA, people have used cannabis to treat epilepsy for centuries, according to a report co-authored by Sirven in the journal Epilepsy & Behavior.

More than 180 years ago, an Irish physician administered drops from a hemp tincture to an infant experiencing severe convulsions. “The child is now in the enjoyment of robust health, and has regained her natural plump and happy appearance,” Dr. William Brooke O’Shaughnessy wrote at the time.

Charlotte’s Web

Much of the recent interest in CBD stemmed from the 2013 CNN documentary “Weed,” which featured Charlotte Figi, then 5, who had hundreds of seizures each week. With the use of CBD oil, her seizures suddenly stopped, CNN reported. After that, hundreds of families with children like Charlotte migrated to Colorado, which had legalized marijuana in 2012.

Then in 2018, the federal government removed hemp from the controlled substances list, which allowed companies to ship CBD across state lines and meant families no longer needed to relocate.

The FDA still prohibits companies from marketing CBD products as dietary supplements and making claims about their benefits for conditions such as epilepsy.

The FDA has really done little to protect consumers from an unregulated marketplace that they have created.
— Megan Olsen, Council for Responsible Nutrition

The agency is gathering “research, data and other safety and public health input to inform our approach and to address consumer access in a way that protects public health and maintains incentives for cannabis drug development through established regulatory pathways,” Dr. Janet Woodcock, then the FDA’s acting commissioner, said in 2021, according to a dietary supplements trade group.

“The FDA has really done little to protect consumers from an unregulated marketplace that they have created,” said Megan Olsen, general counsel for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a different dietary supplements trade group.

A recent study in Epilepsy & Behavior on 11 oils found that three contained less CBD than claimed, while four contained more. Charlotte’s Web contained 28% more CBD than advertised, according to the report. The study also pointed out that the problems “mirror concerns” raised for generic anti-seizure medications, which the FDA does regulate.

“I’m not anti-CBD,” said Barry Gidal, a professor of pharmacy and neurology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who co-authored the study and worked as a consultant for the Epidiolex manufacturer. “There needs to be oversight so that patients know what they are getting.”

Some states, such as Michigan, have cannabis regulatory agencies. As such, Dr. Gregory Barkley, a neurologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, thinks that when a person shops at one of the state’s dispensaries, “you have a pretty good idea of what you’re getting.” Barkley regularly reviews his patients’ CBD products and discusses how many milligrams they take to help control their epilepsy.

But Barkley said CBD has inherent variability because it comes from a plant.

“It’s no different than saying, ‘I’m going to treat you with a Honeycrisp apple for an ailment.’ Every apple is a little bit different,” said Barkley. “The lack of standardization makes it difficult.”

About five years ago, Trina Ferringo of Turnersville, New Jersey, asked a pediatric neurologist about giving CBD to her teenage son, Luke, because his prescription drugs were causing severe side effects yet not preventing his epileptic seizures. The doctor was “adamantly opposed to it” because of the lack of FDA oversight and concerns it might contain THC, the chemical in marijuana that produces a high, Ferringo recalled.

Instead, in 2018, the doctor prescribed Epidiolex. Luke went from having several seizures each week to a couple per month. Ferringo is pleased with the outcome but now often fights with her insurance company because Epidiolex, which has a list price of $32,500 per year, isn’t approved for her son’s form of epilepsy.

Charlotte’s Web typically costs between $100 and $400 each month, depending on how much someone takes. Unlike Epidiolex, insurance never covers it.

Beyond the cost difference, it’s unclear whether a highly purified CBD product such as Epidiolex is more effective than products like Charlotte’s Web that contain CBD and other plant compounds, creating what scientists describe as a beneficial “entourage effect.”

A 2017 review of CBD studies in the journal Frontiers in Neurology, authored by scientists in the cannabis industry, found 71% of patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy reported a reduction in seizures after taking the CBD-rich products, but among patients taking purified CBD, the share was only 46%.

Patients taking CBD-rich products rather than purified CBD also reported taking lower daily doses and experiencing fewer side effects.

“Every cannabinoid when individually tested has a degree of anticonvulsant properties so that if you give a blend of various cannabinoids, they will have some additive effect,” Barkley said.

Changing CBD Regulations

Bipartisan legislation pending in Congress would designate CBD as a dietary supplement or food. The Senate version would allow the federal government to “take additional enforcement actions” against such products.

Jonathan Miller, general counsel to the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, a coalition of hemp companies, said the legislation would protect consumers and allow CBD manufacturers to sell their products in stores as dietary supplements.

However, Jensen Jose, counsel for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said such legislation would actually make consumers less safe. The FDA does not have the authority to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed and does not routinely analyze their ingredients.

“If a CBD company right now is doing something questionable or potentially unsafe, the FDA can easily remove the product simply for being illegally marketed as a drug,” said Jose. If the legislation passes, he said, the FDA could not do that.

Instead, Jose said, Congress should provide the FDA with more authority to regulate CBD and dietary supplements and more funding to hire inspectors.

The FDA does not comment on pending legislation, spokesperson Courtney Rhodes said.

Patients like Taylor, the Colorado woman with epilepsy, aren’t waiting for the federal government. After the doctor’s visit, she borrowed money from family members and purchased a bottle of Charlotte’s Web.

“The effects were night and day,” she said. “I was able to get out of bed.”

She befriended a grower and spends about $50 per month on CBD powder, gummies, and oil. She now takes only one prescription medication for seizures rather than four. She has about one seizure per month, which means she can’t drive. Her medical providers still don’t seem open to discussing CBD, she said, but that doesn’t bother her much.

“After being on it for this many years and seeing the evidence — the 180-degree turnaround that my life made — it’s a choice I’m going to make whether they are with it or they are against it,” she said. “It’s working for me.”

Kaiser Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

FDA Head Wants New Regulations for Kratom and CBD

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The head of the Food and Drug Administration says his agency will need new authority from Congress to regulate both kratom and cannabidiol (CBD), two natural substances used by millions of Americans to self-treat their pain and other medical conditions.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf testified on Thursday before a House Appropriations subcommittee, where he was asked why the agency was slow in developing new regulations for CBD and why it remained opposed to the use of kratom. Califf said new regulatory pathways were needed for both substances because they fall between the cracks of existing law that gives the FDA broad authority to regulate food and drugs.

“I don’t think the current authority we have, on the food side and the drug side, necessarily gives us what we need to have to get the right pathway to move us forward. We’re going to have to come up with something new. I’m very committed to doing that,” said Califf.

Califf was recently confirmed by the U.S. Senate as FDA commissioner, a job he previously held under President Obama. He noted that little progress had been made at the FDA in regulating CBD and other cannabis products since he left the agency.

“You know, when you come six years later to the job you had before and nothing has really changed, that’s telling you that you can’t just keep trying to do the same thing over and over,” said Califf.

Some of the difficulty in regulating CBD comes from passage of the 2018 farm bill, which legalized hemp under federal law. At the time, it was believed that hemp had little or no psychoactive properties and would be relatively harmless. However, as PNN has reported,  some cannabis companies have found ways to concentrate delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) derived from hemp and are using it in edibles to give consumers a mild intoxicating effect.

The FDA considers delta-8 THC an unapproved drug, but because it comes from hemp – a legal substance – its regulatory status is unclear.

“The amazing plethora of derivatives of the cannabis plant is really quite profound and astounding, and already in widespread use in a variety of means. Most of the FDA effort so far has been spent on research to figure out what the risks, if any, are of various uses of this material in its different forms,” said Califf. “The research so far has shown that there are some risks with CBD. And so, we’re going to need a different pathway than just the standard food pathway.”

FDA Kratom Info ‘Extremely Antiquated’

Califf took a similar stance on kratom, an herbal supplement that comes from the leaves of a tree that grows in Southeast Asia, where it has been used for centuries as a natural stimulant and pain reliever. An estimated two million Americans use kratom to self-treat their pain, depression, anxiety and addiction — even though the FDA has not approved kratom for any medical condition.

In a recently updated online fact sheet, the agency said kratom’s effects on the brain are similar to morphine and that kratom has “properties that expose users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and dependence.”

That brought a rebuke from Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), who has supported efforts to keep kratom legal. He called the FDA’s position on kratom “extremely antiquated.”

“That update was not much of an update and I think it’s being very unfair to the consumers who are legally consuming kratom in this country,” Pocan told Califf.  “Honestly, there are not only arguable conclusions (in the update), but you are linking to outdated, incomplete and inaccurate information.“

“I hope to come back to you on kratom in a couple months,” Califf replied. “There are millions of people using kratom. We do have real adverse events, real negative things that have happened to people. And it does interact with multiple neurotransmitters.”

Kratom is banned in several states, but a federal effort to ban kratom nationwide in 2016 failed due to a public outcry. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) later withdrew an FDA request to classify kratom as a Schedule I controlled substance, citing lack of evidence it can be abused. A former HHS official said the FDA request to schedule kratom was rejected because of “embarrassingly poor evidence & data.”

Not all federal agencies take such a dim view of kratom. A 2020 study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) concluded that kratom is an effective treatment for pain, helps users reduce their use of opioids, and has a low risk of adverse effects. NIDA recently had a public hearing on kratom to further explore its therapeutic uses.

“We’ll continue to work with NIDA and we’ll go where the science takes us,” Califf said. “But like I said with regard to cannabis products, we need something different with these kinds of products that are not traditional foods, not traditional drugs.”

FDA Warns Companies Selling CBD and Delta-8 THC Products

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

When Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill and legalized hemp under federal law, the goal was to make it possible for U.S. farmers to grow hemp again as a cash crop for making everything from clothing and fuel to shampoo and horse feed. “Rope, not dope,” was the slogan used by the bill’s supporters, who pointed out that hemp contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.  

No one could possibly get high on hemp, could they?

It didn’t take long for the cannabis industry to figure out how. Many companies now make cannabidiol (CBD) products from hemp and tweak their chemical composition just enough to produce the euphoria that some consumers seek. A recent study by CBD Oracle found that some hemp-based edibles have 360% more THC than those sold in cannabis dispensaries. Over half the edibles they tested were mislabeled.

The Food and Drug Administration has been slow to regulate CBD products or confront mislabeling, but today the agency finally took action by sending the first warning letters to cannabis companies for selling products containing delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC), which the agency considers an unapproved drug.

Delta-8 THC is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in marijuana, but is not present in significant amounts in hemp. However, some companies have found ways to concentrate delta-8 THC from hemp-derived CBD to give users a mild psychoactive and intoxicating effect.

Edibles containing delta-8-THC are being sold as candy, cookies, breakfast cereal, chocolate, gummies, tinctures and beverages. Because they are made from hemp, they can legally be purchased without an ID or marijuana prescription – even in states where medical or recreational marijuana is illegal.

"The FDA is very concerned about the growing popularity of delta-8 THC products being sold online and in stores nationwide. These products often include claims that they treat or alleviate the side effects related to a wide variety of diseases or medical disorders, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, nausea and anxiety," FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD, said in a statement. "It is extremely troubling that some of the food products are packaged and labeled in ways that may appeal to children.”

In the last two years, the FDA says it has received 104 reports of adverse events involving delta-8 THC, most of them involving edibles. National poison control centers have reported over 2,300 cases involving delta-8 THC products, including one death involving a child.

The FDA has previously warned companies about making unsubstantiated medical claims about CBD products, but these are the first warnings to target delta-8 THC specifically. The five companies that received the letters -- ATLRx, BioMD Plus, Delta 8 Hemp, Kingdom Harvest and M Six Labs make only vague medical claims on their websites, telling consumers about “dosing Delta-8 THC for optimal effects” and how their products help “alleviate stress, anxiety, and uneasiness.”

Curiously, some of the companies also sell CBD products made with delta-9 THC – a more potent cannabinoid that can be derived from hemp – which the FDA ignored in its warning, even though delta-9 is also an unapproved drug. The agency’s warning letters also say nothing about mislabeling. Simply having delta-8 in a product — at any dose — is considered illegal.

The cannabis industry is still coming to terms with all of this and how hemp legalization is having unintended consequences.

“We honestly never thought intoxicating products would be produced from hemp when we were advocating for legalization,” Erica Stark of the National Hemp Association told CBD Oracle. “Now the FDA needs to figure out how to regulate the industry.”

Will Congress amend federal law to protect consumers and regulate how hemp is utilized? A bill under consideration would raise THC levels even higher.

Under the proposed Hemp Advancement Act of 2022, which is supported by the hemp industry, the legal THC threshold for hemp products would be raised from 0.3 percent to 1 percent.  Participation in the hemp industry would also be expanded to include people with prior drug convictions.

Study Finds Cannabis Oil Effective in 9 out of 10 Pain Patients

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Medical cannabis improved symptoms in 9 out of 10 chronic pain patients taking oral formulations of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a large new study in Colombia.

The observational study, the largest of its kind in Latin America, is the first clinical peer-reviewed evidence on the effectiveness and safety of cannabis products made by Khiron Life Sciences. Over 2,100 patients with a variety of chronic pain conditions self-reported their symptoms after taking CBD and THC oil-based formulations at a Khiron clinic in Bogota.

The findings are published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Pain Research.

"We believe these findings to be generalizable across patient populations, considering that our results are extremely well-aligned with those reported by researchers working with similar clinical populations in nations with long-standing medicinal cannabis access programs, such as Israel and Canada," lead author Guillermo Moreno-Sanz, Global Scientific Director of Khiron Life Sciences, said in a press release.

While most previous studies only looked at the short-term effects of cannabis ingested through a variety of different methods, this study focused on the safety and efficacy of cannabis oils for up to 26 weeks. Most participants were female, with an average age of 59 years.

Patients received cannabis oils composed primarily of CBD (30mg CBD/2mg THC) or a more balanced formulation (14mg CBD/12mg THC). 

Key findings in the study include:

  • 92.5% of patients reported some degree of improvement in their chronic pain.

  • 75% reported moderate or robust reduction in chronic pain

  • 72% reported no adverse side effects

The degree of improvement was similar between both formulations, although males reported less effectiveness in the first 4 weeks of treatment.

Most side effects were mild, such as somnolence (13%), dizziness (8%) and dry mouth (4%), and faded away after 12 weeks of treatment. No serious adverse events requiring hospitalization or medical intervention were reported.

"This study, based on Khiron's medical products, is critical to reassure physicians and health insurance providers of the efficacy of medicinal cannabis to treat chronic pain. The global impact and economic burden of chronic pain in our society, mounting medical evidence will increase access to cannabinoid-based medicines worldwide." says Alvaro Torres, Khiron CEO and Director.

Khiron Life Sciences is a medical cannabis company based in Colombia. Its products are sold in Colombia, Peru, Germany, UK and Brazil, and will soon be available in Mexico.

Recent studies have also found cannabis oil effective in treating fibromyalgia and migraine.

With Little Regulation, Many CBD Products Are Mislabeled

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

CBD (cannabidiol) is being touted as a treatment for nearly everything these days, from pain and anxiety to insomnia and high blood pressure. There’s even talk about CBD as a potential treatment for COVID-19.

But how much do we really know about the CBD edibles, beverages, oils and other products being sold over-the-counter without a prescription? Are the labels accurate? Are they really free of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient, as some manufacturers claim?

A new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy should give pause to consumers who put their faith in labels and a cannabis industry that is largely unregulated. The researchers bought 39 CBD products from retail stores in southwest Wisconsin and analyzed them in a laboratory.

Their findings, recently published in the journal Epilepsy & Behavior, found that the vast majority of CBD product labels are inaccurate, containing either too much CBD, too little or none at all. And some products that claimed to be “THC Free” contained enough to give you a good buzz, whether you wanted it or not.

“Our data demonstrate that despite warning letters issued by FDA over the past few years a substantial number of readily available CBD formulations continue to be mislabeled,” researchers reported. “In some cases, products labeled as having CBD contained virtually no active ingredient. This was particularly true for the aqueous (beverage) products.”

Of the 21 CBD-infused beverages that were tested, only one was accurately labeled. The vast majority (78%) were “over-labeled” – meaning they contained less than 90% of the CBD they were supposed to have. The rest (14%) were “under-labeled” – meaning they had 110% or more CBD than the label indicated.

Other products tested, such as edibles, oils and transdermal patches, weren’t much better. Only about a third of the oils (36%) were appropriately labeled with the right amount of CBD, and one oil made by HempLucid contained enough THC to cause intoxication if someone consumed less than half a bottle.

“We found that over half of the studied oil-based products contained measurable THC. This may be of concern not only for the potential of adverse, or at least unexpected, CNS effects, but THC contamination may also create difficulty for patients who are subject to testing for illicit drugs by their employers, parole officers, and even by their own providers in some states as a prerequisite for continued prescribing of controlled substances,” researchers warned.

The concern about THC showing up in drug tests isn’t an idle one. A recent study at Massachusetts General Hospital found THC in nearly 80% of the urine samples from patients who reported using CBD products, including some who thought they were only consuming CBD.

A recent study by Leafreport had findings that were similar to the University of Wisconsin study. Out of 221 CBD products tested, 60% didn’t match their label claims. On average, the CBD content was off from the label by nearly 25 percent.

Although the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the use of hemp-based products that contain less than 0.3% of THC, the FDA has yet to adopt new rules to regulate the cannabis industry. The FDA says it cannot issue regulations until more is known about the safety of CBD products, so for now the agency is “monitoring the marketplace” and only rarely taking enforcement action.

The FDA is well aware of the discrepancies in CBD labeling. A 2021 study by the agency of 147 cannabis products found that less than half contained CBD within 20% of their label declarations. But as long as a company doesn’t make therapeutic claims about their CBD products or call them food supplements, the FDA will probably leave them alone, even if their labels are inaccurate.