I Deserve To Have My Chronic Pain Managed
/By Marguerite Morgan, Guest Columnist
I have lived with chronic pain the majority of my 53 years of life. It’s hard to make the people that cross my path understand that I cannot do things I used to take for granted. Things like attending concerts and other venues, or keeping my home up and my appearance up are the things that I miss and bother me the most.
Those I love have seen my decline and know that I am truly suffering. The only reason I am suffering is because of the lies told by the CDC. They admitted that their statistics were off regarding overdoses because they combined deaths caused by illegal drugs with those that were prescribed.
These so-called experts turned on those of us who take our opioid medication responsibly and have blamed us for the addiction issues in this country. Laws were made and bills were passed on this false information and now there are millions suffering.
It's not right that our government continues to uphold the CDC opioid guideline, knowing that we are suffering and medications that will help are denied to us. We are treated like garbage for illnesses, diseases and injuries that doctors can't treat without fear of being raided by the DEA. Their medical licenses are way more important than our quality of life.
Nothing seems to be changing either and it probably won't in my lifetime. But I will continue to fight for those who need advocacy because there are a few good doctors willing to take a chance.
We are dying every day either by suicide or from being cut off from pain medication. Our hearts quit because they just can't take the pain that causes.
I just want to know why those that die from abusing drugs intentionally are more important than those of us who take our prescribed medication as directed. It seems life has truly turned upside down and nothing seems right anymore.
I suffer from intractable pain caused by an injury to my spine. I also have inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Addison’s disease, fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease, to name just a few of my painful conditions.
I deserve to have this pain managed. I deserve to enjoy and take part in life, instead of just seeing it pass me by through my living room window.
Marguerite Morgan lives in Washington state.
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