Patient Who Can’t Find Doctor in Texas Flies to California for Pain Care
/By Lori Ravellli, Guest Columnist
I am writing to ask for a change in attitudes toward people in pain who need improved access to treatment. I want my voice to be heard when actions are taken to curb the opioid abuse problem.
I need help. I suffer and have suffered for years from severe chronic lower back and coccyx pain that is unbearable. Some of the conditions I have been diagnosed with are chronic pain disorder, lumbar spondylosis, hypertrophic set arthropathy, degenerative disc disease, lumbar nerve root disorder and scoliosis. I honestly do not know what all of this means but I know how bad it hurts.
I also had a gastric procedure which limits the kinds of medications I can take, such as ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, naproxen and NSAIDs.
I have had multiple appointments with neurosurgeons and other doctors, who say I have too much wrong with my lower back to have any surgical procedure. I have stacks of reports and test results justifying my issues. I have had multiple injections with different medications and locations to drain my bank account, gain weight and still suffer in agony.
My only option is pain management through medication. I cannot sit down for any length of time and lying down hurts. I can only stand for so long without my legs giving out. In addition to that, I have shooting pain down my leg when I do sit.
Sadly, as much as a body needs rest, I can no longer rest comfortably. My quality of life is almost nonexistent due to the debilitating pain. Without relief, I really contemplate ending my life. I can no longer deal with the agony.
I do not want my friends and family to grieve because I took my life due to pain and lack of treatment. Chronic pain patients visit their doctors often, are subject to drug tests, and are not the reason there is a crisis in this country. Doctors being too scared to treat patients is not fair to us.
The problem is so bad here in Texas that doctors do not want to care for pain patients. I moved to Texas two years ago and have struggled to find care and treatment. I have been forced to fly back to my old doctor in California to get medication. My doctor I saw for many years knows me, knows I do not over-medicate, and has never needed to raise the dose of my medication.
I cannot believe that I am not able to find a doctor to treat me here in Texas. Sitting is so painful and it is a struggle to fly 3 hours for a doctor’s appointment. I have to sit in the car an hour, sit in the airport for 2 hours, and then the flight for 3 hours. Sitting is so painful because of my back and pain shooting down my leg.
By the time I arrive, I am in such horrific pain it takes days to recover. I am so tired of living in agony. This is so wrong and it is my human right to have some pain relief because it is available.
The real problem seems be addicts that purchase medication from the streets and not knowing what they are purchasing. When people are not able to get their medication from the proper channels, they will seek options from the street with hope of finding some relief.
Pain relief is a human right and without relief people will take their lives. Living with debilitating pain you have no quality of life and no reason to wake up in the morning.
I am tired of being treated like a drug addict. I am suffering severely and need medication to be a functioning adult. I know I will never be pain free, but any relief is welcomed. Please, please for the love of God stop punishing the patients and the medical professionals trying to help them!
Lori Ravelli lives in Galveston, Texas.
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