Older Men Less Likely to Be Screened for Osteoporosis

By Pat Anson, Editor

Elderly men are far less likely to be screened for osteoporosis or to take preventive measures against the bone-thinning disease than women, according to the results of a new study.

"We were surprised at how big a difference we found between men and women regarding osteoporosis," said Irina Dashkova, MD, lead author of the study, which is being presented at The American Geriatrics Society's annual meeting in Washington, DC. "In our environment, you just get this perception that osteoporosis is a women's problem. This has to be changed, and the sooner the better.

More than 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, which raises their risk for serious bone fractures.  About 2 million are men -- and another 8 to 13 million men have low bone mineral density, a precursor to osteoporosis. Previous studies have found that 13% of white men over the age og 50 will experience at least one osteoporosis-related fracture during their lifetime.

“We know from research that when men suffer fractures, their mortality is higher than in women and that severe medical consequences and loss of independence are much more prevalent in men,” said Dashkova.

The risk of death after sustaining a hip fracture is twice as high in men compared to women, and loss of independence is also more common in males. Some medical conditions and drugs that can raise the risk of osteoporosis are male-specific, such as prostate cancer drugs that affect the production of testosterone.

Dashkova and her colleagues at North Shore-LIJ Health System surveyed 146 older men and women in New York and Florida and found “stunning” gender differences in attitudes and beliefs about osteoporosis:

  • Women were far more likely to report a family history of osteoporosis (nearly 91% compared to 9%)
  • Most women would accept osteoporosis screening, while less than 25% of men would
  • Women were 4 times more likely to take preventive measures against osteoporosis, such as taking calcium and vitamin D supplements

Part of the problem may be that healthcare providers aren't encouraging men to undergo screening as often as they should.

"Our survey clearly establishes that physicians are just not thinking of screening men. It's only when older men fall and break their hip that someone thinks maybe we should do something to prevent them breaking the other hip," said Gisele Wolf-Klein, MD, director of geriatric education for the North Shore-LIJ Health System. "Not only is society in general unaware of the problem of osteoporosis in men, men are not seeking screening and diagnosis.

"The average age in my practice is in the 90s, and our patients are to be congratulated because clearly they're doing something right. But we have a duty to make sure those later years are as happy and productive as can be and not spent in a wheelchair."

Rheumatoid Arthritis Raises Risk of Heart Attack

By Pat Anson, Editor

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, disabling and incurable disease of the joints. But what many RA patients don’t know is that it also significantly raises their risk of a heart attack.

A new study by researchers in Mexico found that one quarter of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and no prior symptoms of heart disease could have a surprise heart attack. Their risk was higher even without cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking and diabetes.

“The condition nearly doubles the risk of a heart attack but most patients never knew they had heart disease and were never alerted about their cardiovascular risk," said  Adriana Puente, MD, a cardiologist at the National Medical Center in Mexico City.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s own defenses attack joint tissues, causing swelling, inflammation and bone erosion. About 1% of adults worldwide suffer from RA.

Dr. Puente’s study, which was presented this week at the International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology in Madrid, involved 91 RA patients with no prior symptoms of heart disease. Ninety percent of the patients were women, their average age was 59, and they had similar cardiovascular risk factors as the general population.

Nearly one quarter of the patients (24%) had abnormal Gated SPECT, indicating the presence of ischaemia or infarction – decreased blood flow to the heart which can lead to the death of heart tissue.

"The ischaemia and infarction may be explained by the persistence of the systemic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis which may cause an accelerated atherosclerosis process,” said Puente.

"The results highlight the importance of conducting diagnostic tests in patients with rheumatoid arthritis to see if they have cardiovascular disease, specifically atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (ischaemia or myocardial infarction) even if they have no symptoms and regardless of whether they have cardiovascular risk factors.”

Puente says patients should be warned that some RA medications, such as corticosteroids and methotrexate, can elevate plasma lipid levels and raise their risk of cardiovascular disease.

"Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should be told that they have an elevated predisposition to heart disease and need pharmacological treatment to diminish the inflammatory process and atherosclerotic complications. They also need advice on how best to control their rheumatoid arthritis and decrease their cardiovascular risk factors,” she said

Many health experts believe the inflammation triggered by RA in the joints may raise inflammation throughout the whole body, including the heart’s coronary arteries.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, more than 50 percent of premature deaths in people with rheumatoid arthritis result from cardiovascular disease.

But the heightened risk of heart disease applies to all forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, gout, lupus and psoriatic arthritis.

“Inflammation, regardless of where it comes from, is a risk factor for heart disease,” says rheumatologist Jon T. Giles, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University School of Medicine. “So it’s not surprising that people with inflammatory arthritis like RA, lupus and psoriatic arthritis have more cardiac events.”

Injectable Gel Could Help Knee Cartilage Heal

By Pat Anson, Editor

With the number of knee replacement surgeries soaring in the United States, researchers at the University of Iowa are working on an injectable gel that could repair damaged cartilage and make many knee surgeries unnecessary.

"We are creating an [injectable, bioactive] hydrogel that can repair cartilage damage, regenerate stronger cartilage, and hopefully delay or eliminate the development of osteoarthritis and eliminate the need for total knee replacement," says Yin Yu, a graduate student at the University of Iowa (UI) whose study is featured in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatology.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint disorder that leads to thinning of cartilage and progressive joint damage. Nearly 40 percent of Americans over the age of 45 have some degree of knee OA, and those numbers are expected to grow as the population ages.

About 600,000 knee replacement surgeries are performed annually in the U.S. – about twice the number performed 20 years ago. Recent studies have questioned whether many of the surgeries are appropriate.

UI researchers have previously identified precursor cells in healthy cartilage that can mature into new cartilage tissue – a surprising development given the long-held assumption that cartilage is one of the few tissues in the body that cannot repair itself.

The researchers also identified molecular signals that encourage precursor cells to migrate out of healthy tissue and into damaged areas – stimulating the development of new cartilage. One of the signals, called stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF1), acts like a “homing beacon” for the precursor cells.

In an experimental model of cartilage injury, Yu loaded the hydrogel with SDF1 and injected it into holes punched into the model cartilage. The precursor cells migrated toward the SDF1 infused gel and filled in the injury site. Subsequent application of a growth factor caused the cells to mature into normal cartilage that repaired the injury.

The new tissue is not as strong as normal cartilage, but researchers think it could be strengthened through physical therapy and exercise.

"There's really no cure for osteoarthritis except for total joint replacement, which is not particularly suitable for younger patients because the artificial joints wear out and need to be replaced multiple times," said James Martin, PhD, a UI assistant professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation who leads the research team.

"Our approach aims to leverage the body's own capacity for repair, and what we've shown is that cartilage does have regenerative potential; you just have to manipulate it just right."

UI Researchers are now looking at different ways to include the growth factor in the hydrogel – possibly by using nano-size plasmids that carry genetic instructions for the growth factor or microspheres loaded with the substance.

Yu and Martin plan to start animal trials within a year and, if the results are promising, begin human trials in about five years.

Injections of platelet rich plasma (PRP) into the knee also show promise in the treatment of osteoarthritis, according to a recent study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA).

Only a few small clinical trials have been conducted on the effectiveness of PRP therapy. Researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine analyzed those trials and found that patients with knee osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal injuries showed significant improvements as long as two years after PRP injections.

The procedure involves withdrawing blood from the patient and then spinning it to produce a high concentration of platelet cells. The plasma is then injected back into the patient at the injury site, speeding up the healing process. Several top athletes, including Kobe Bryant and Peyton Manning, have used a form of PRP therapy to help them recover from injuries.

Doctor Defends Use of Urine Drug Tests

By Pat Anson, Editor

A prominent pain doctor is disputing reports that a widely used urine drug test often gives faulty results.

“They are reasonably reliable and highly cost effective for use in a pain management practice. I would strongly recommend the practitioners use this,” said Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, chairman and CEO of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians.



Dr. Manchikanti, who is medical director of a pain clinic in Paducah, Kentucky, was the lead author of a study published in the journal Pain Physician in 2011, which looked at the reliability of immunoassay “point-of-care” (POC) tests. The urine tests are inexpensive and give immediate results, and doctors often use them to monitor their patients for opioid or illicit drug use.

“The UDT (urine drug test) with immunoassay in an office setting is appropriate, convenient and cost effective. Compared with laboratory testing for opioids and illicit drugs, immunoassay office testing had high specificity and agreement,” Manchikanti's study found.

Pain News Network recently reported on the results of a second study conducted by Millennium Health, a San Diego-based drug testing laboratory, which found that POC tests were wrong about half the time – frequently giving false positive and false negatives results for drugs like marijuana and oxycodone. The Millennium study advocates the use of chromatography-mass-spectrometry – a more complex laboratory test that costs thousands of dollars – to confirm POC test results.

Following the advice from companies in reference to numerous expensive tests and also income generating avenues will only lead to time in the slammer and will not improve patient care at all,” said Manchikanti.

“(The) Millennium study is performed by the company which makes a living by testing. The more samples that are sent to them, the better off they are. Further, they are not even a practical setting. From our practice we send approximately only 2% of the samples for confirmation testing. Even then, the patients can’t pay their bills.”

Manchikanti’s study found false negative and false positive rates for POC tests that were far below the rates reported by Millennium.

For example, Millennium’s false positive rate for oxycodone was 41.3 percent. For Manchikanti, it was only 7.7 percent.

Millennium’s false positive rate for marijuana was 21.3 percent. For Manchikanti, it was just 2 percent.

There were discrepancies between the two studies for several other drugs, including methadone, cocaine and methamphetamine.

Millennium Sponsored Both Studies

How could two studies come to such different conclusions?

There were some differences in their design. Urine samples in the Millennium study came from nearly 4,300 patients in addiction treatment clinics, while the urine samples in Manchikanti’s study came from 1,000 patients in pain management programs. Millennium maintains the patients in its study were younger and more likely to be drug users.

Ironically, the laboratory tests for both studies were conducted by Millennium – which collected samples and provided chromatography-mass-spectrometry testing at no cost to Manchikanti. Millennium is identified as the “sponsor” of Manchikanti’s study, but he says the company had “no influence or interference” in his and his three co-authors’ findings.

We had our agreement in the beginning itself that they will not be involved in any way in writing the manuscript or publishing the results. Consequently, they really did not have much input into the publication. The publication was as it is and without any bias from the industry,” Manchikanti wrote in an email to Pain News Network.

Millennium’s study, which was published last year in the Journal of Opioid Management, had six co-authors. All but one were employees of the company. The lone exception is a pain management doctor who frequently testifies as a legal expert for Millennium in court cases.

A source with broad experience in the drug testing industry told Pain News Network the data in Millennium’s study was “skewed toward exaggeration.”

“It does not surprise me that Millennium would show a high rate of inconsistencies with the POC test. Remember, their business is to sell confirmation testing, so they will skew the way they present data to try to influence the market to do more confirmation testing.  In most cases, that’s how it works in any study conducted or funded by a device or pharmaceutical company,” the source said.

Millennium bristles at the notion that its study was biased.

“Millennium Health strongly disagrees with the characterization… that the study was skewed or biased in any way,” the company said in a statement to Pain News Network.

“The study was accepted and published by a well-respected, peer-reviewed publication. Millennium Research Institute is committed to the highest ethical and research science standards, and we stand by the results of our study. The study was based on random samples from addiction treatment clients. The data clearly indicated that immunoassay, or point-of-care, tests have a high rate of false positives and false negatives when used to screen patients for illicit drug use.

“Millennium is committed to providing data that helps clinicians evaluate the best course of treatment for patients with pain and addiction issues. Millennium Health performs only the tests ordered by clinicians.”

In recent years a growing number of doctors who treat addicts and pain patients have required them to submit to drug tests. The competition between Millennium and other laboratories for this business is intense. According to one estimate, drug testing has grown into a lucrative $4 billion dollar a year industry.

But Manchikanti maintains that a single inexpensive urine test that costs about $20 is often the only one that’s needed.

“If a proper (patient) history is provided which matches with the test, there is no need for further testing,” he said.

Miss Understood: Surgery is a Big Deal

By Arlene Grau, Columnist

A few weeks ago I had my first scheduled surgery, a synovectomy of the right wrist, to repair some of the damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis to my wrist joint.

I've had numerous surgeries in the past, but none before were the result of my auto immune diseases. I was first diagnosed 7 years ago, at the age of 22.  

It wasn't until I met with my orthopedic surgeon that I realized this may be the first of many surgeries I may need. I just didn't expect to need one when I was still in my 20's.

I guess you could say that there are many misconceptions when it comes to what pain sufferers have to endure and what the timeline is for everything because no two people are alike.

When I told people about the procedure I would be having, some of them were compassionate and offered help if I needed it during recovery. Others assumed I would be on my feet and back to normal within the first week. I only knew what I was being told by my surgeon -- and to me it was a big deal.

The type of surgery itself isn't dangerous, but I was more concerned with the fact that I would only have the use of my left arm while I recovered. Not only that, I had a nerve block to help me deal with the pain. This meant that for the first week I wouldn't be able to feel my right arm and I would have no control over it.



I had asked several friends for help with dinner, since I was unable to cook, and to my surprise the people who were the busiest and I hadn't seen in some time came to my aid.

Still, I felt like most people thought the surgery wasn’t very invasive and I probably had very small incisions, which meant I shouldn't be in much pain. Maybe they thought I was trying to milk my situation and get sympathy, but that was never the case.

I decided to post a picture of my wrist after my first cast was removed, something I regularly do when I have procedures done, because I want people to understand what I go through and get it through their heads that I'm not making up the fact that I'm in pain all the time.

It's easy for others to say, "Don't worry about what they think" or "Turn the other cheek." But it's hard to do when you're constantly being judged. The worst part is that at times it's by the people you love the most.

To say that surgery for someone who has chronic pain is no big deal is far from the truth. My fibromyalgia is a magnet for pain and as soon as I woke up from surgery, I began to scream in agony. Yes, the nerve block numbed the pain in my arm, but the rest of my body went crazy.

I felt like I had been in a terrible accident. Any type of procedure or even a regular checkup is painful when it involves another person pressing on the areas where you feel the most amount of pain.

To assume everyone heals the same way is ignorant. Some people would rather believe that though, because it excuses them from having to show compassion towards those of us who suffer on a day-to-day basis.

Arlene Grau lives in southern California with her family. She suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, migraine, vasculitis, and Sjogren’s disease.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represent the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Cost of RA Drugs a 'Significant Financial Burden'

By Pat Anson, Editor

Over the last decade great strides have been made in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but the cost of treating the disease with new biologic drugs has become a “significant financial burden” for many patients.

According to a new study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology, RA patients enrolled in Medicare Part D plans paid an average out-of-pocket cost of $835 a month for a biologic disease modifying drug (DMARD) in 2013. Costs varied widely depending on the drug – from $269 a month for the biologic infliximab to $2,993 a month for anakinra.

Costs remained high because the vast majority of Part D plans required RA patients to pay about a third of the cost of DMARD drugs, rather than a fixed dollar co-pay amount. In addition, catastrophic coverage under Part D didn’t kick in until out-of-pocket costs reached $4,450, after which patients paid 5% of the cost of DMARD drugs.

The financial burden is too much for many patients. According to a previous study, 1 in 6 adults with RA decreased their medication because of cost.

"While specialty DMARDs have improved the lives of those with chronic diseases like RA, many patients face a growing and unacceptable financial burden for access to treatment," said lead author Jinoos Yazdany, MD, with the Division of Rheumatology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

"Rather than determining which drug is best for the patient, we find ourselves making treatment decisions based on whether patients can afford drugs.”  

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and incurable autoimmune disease that causes pain and stiffness in joints. Until the late 1990s, one in three RA patients were permanently disabled within five years of disease onset. In recent years there has been significant improvement in RA treatment, with disease control now possible for many patients who receive DMARD therapy.

Treatment with DMARDs is now a standard component of care with costs for some of the newer drugs topping $20,000 annually. A recent report by GBI Research estimates that the U.S. market for RA treatment will increase from $6.4 billion in 2013 to $9.3 billion by 2020, driven in part by an increase in the number of patients with RA – which is expected to grow from 1.3 million Americans to 1.68 million by 2020.

The UCSF study analyzed Medicare Part D coverage of nine biologic medications (abatacept, adalimumab, anakinra, certolizumab, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, rituximab, tocilizumab) and nine non-biologic DMARDs (azathioprine, cuprimine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, methotrexate, minocycline, and sulfasalazine).

Although nearly all Part D plans covered at least 1 biologic DMARD, access was tightly controlled, with 95% of plans requiring prior authorization.

Researchers said implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will not significantly lessen the cost of biologic drugs.

"Many patients are strapped with a substantial financial burden," said Yazdany. “Clinicians caring for individuals with RA should be aware of this and be prepared to discuss long-term affordability as well as relative efficacy of biologic DMARDs with their patients to help them make informed decisions about treatment. Currently, cost discussions occur in only one-third of RA office visits where changes are made to RA drug treatment.”

One alternative is the use of non-biologic DMARDs, such as methotrexate, which were once the standard treatment for RA. Both Medicare Advantage plans and PDP plans cover nearly all non-biologic DMARDs, with most charging fixed dollar co-pays that averaged $4 to $34 a month.

Researchers in Belgium recently found that a combination of older generic drugs (methotrexate, sulfasalazine and leflunomide) treated RA in its early stages just as effectively as biologics, but with less medication, fewer side effects, and at a significantly lower cost.

A similar study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that RA patients who took three oral generic drugs (methotrexate, sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine) saw just as much improvement in their symptoms as those who used methotrexate and Enbrel, an injectable biologic sold by Amgen.

The average annual cost of the three drug therapy was about $1,000, compared to about $25,000 per year for Enbrel.

When Your Body Betrays You

By Jennifer Martin, Columnist

I remember very vividly the day I first began thinking about how much my body has betrayed me. It wasn’t too long after I got home from spending nearly six weeks in the hospital.  I was recovering from my first j-pouch surgery. 

I was sitting on the couch at my mother and stepfather’s house, feeling depressed, weak and hopeless.  I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  These were emotions I had not experienced to this extent before; even after the years of ups and downs I had had living with rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis.

I remember my mom telling me, “You need to work through these feelings of depression.  We need to get you out of the house.  Staying inside all day isn’t going to help.  Let’s go to the harbor so you can at least sit outside and be around people.”

My husband told me, “You need to fight.  I can’t fight for you if you are going to give up.”

My stepdad said to me, “You are strong.  I know you can get through this.  We are all here for you.”

While I appreciated all of these sentiments, all I wanted to do was scream at them, “You have no idea what I need!  I am not strong!  I don’t want to do this anymore!” 

And I wanted to scream at my body, “How could you do this to me? Why are you doing this to me?” 

I had never felt so lost and confused.  And I had never felt so betrayed by my own body, which at the time struck me as odd, seeing as I had been living with chronic illness and pain my whole life.

What I eventually learned from that horrible day was that my family was right.  The only way you can begin to resolve these feelings of body betrayal is to do something about it;  to learn to cope with your chronic pain or chronic illness, even if you don’t want to. 

Trust me, the last thing I wanted to do that day was to go out in public looking as sick as I did and feeling like I was about to collapse.  I had no idea how I was even supposed to make it from the car to the nearest bench to sit down.  But I did, and while I’m not going to claim that it fixed everything, it did help my mood somewhat. 

At that time I was angry at my husband because I felt like he was putting a lot of pressure on me.  I felt like in order to fight I had to put on a happy face all of the time and that I was not allowed to experience my pain or sorrow in front of him.  

After giving what he said some thought however, I realized what he meant.  He didn’t mean that I was never allowed to feel sorry for myself and he didn’t mean that I was never allowed to complain or cry. 

What he meant was that I was the only one who had control over how I dealt with my situation and the upcoming struggles I was still to have.  I could either  give in and give up or I could find a way to work through what I was going through.  He couldn’t do that for me.

I remember wanting to tell my stepdad that I felt the complete opposite of strong.  I also remember feeling guilty for the support my family was giving me.  I felt like a burden and I didn’t want them to give up so much just for me.  It didn’t feel fair and it didn’t feel right that just because I was going through something so terrible they had to go through it with me. 

Looking back on my experience, I realize how lucky I was and still am to have that kind of support.  It is so important for those experiencing chronic pain or chronic illness to have a support system, whether it is one friend, a support group or a whole clan of people.

I have learned that all you can do in those moments when you feel your body has betrayed you is do what you can.  We don’t have control over the chronicity of our conditions.  However, as much as it doesn’t seem like it at times, we do have control over how we choose to approach our condition. 

We can learn to cope by:

  • participating in enjoyable activities when we feel well
  • advocating for our health
  • taking our medications
  • getting help when we feel depressed or anxious
  • exercising when we have the energy and aren’t in too much pain
  • making sure we aren’t isolating ourselves from friends and family
  • resting when we do not feel well
  • focusing on the positive things in our lives
  • learning to manage the guilt we may feel

We can give in to all of the negative thoughts, or we can learn how to combat negative thinking.

We can let our pain or illness define us or we can learn how not to let that happen.

We can give in and give up, or we can fight. 


Jennifer Martin, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist in Newport Beach, California who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. In her blog “Your Color Looks Good” Jennifer writes about the psychological aspects of dealing with chronic pain and illness. 

Jennifer is a professional member of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America and has a Facebook page dedicated to providing support and information to people with Crohn’s, Colitis and Digestive Diseases, as well as other types of chronic pain.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Acetaminophen Ineffective for Back Pain

By Pat Anson, Editor

The world’s most widely used over-the-counter pain reliever is ineffective in treating low back pain and provides little benefit to people with osteoarthritis, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal.

In a systematic review of a dozen research reports (a study of studies), Australian researchers also questioned many of the conventional treatments for back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Acetaminophen -- also known as paracetamol – is the active ingredient in Tylenol, Excedrin, and hundreds of other pain medications. It is often recommended by doctors worldwide for back pain and osteoarthritis.

"Clinicians should carefully weigh benefits and harms when making treatment decisions. Paracetamol is not efficacious and potentially harmful. In this context we cannot justify its continued use for these prevalent diseases,” said Professor David Hunter of the University of Sydney.

The researchers found “high quality” evidence showing that patients taking acetaminophen are at greater risk of liver toxicity and nearly four times more likely to have abnormal results from liver function tests.

"World-wide, paracetamol is the most widely used over-the counter medicine for musculoskeletal conditions so it is important to reconsider treatment recommendations given this new evidence," said lead author, Gustavo Machado of The George Institute and the University of Sydney.

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and osteoarthritis of the hip or knee is the 11th highest contributor to global disability.

"This latest research, the most comprehensive systematic review of its kind, reaffirms this with an even larger, global patient base, and has for the first time also established that the effects of paracetamol for knee and hip osteoarthritis are too small to be of clinical importance." said senior author Manuela Ferreira of the George Institute for Global Health and the University of Sydney.

"We urgently need to take stock of the evidence for common musculoskeletal conditions, a largely under-recognized health priority, and make sure people are receiving appropriate care."

Treatments known to be effective for low back pain include counseling, physical therapy, exercise and psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

Aerobic exercise, strengthening exercise, weight management and anti-inflammatory medicines have been shown to provide benefit for patients with lower limb osteoarthritis.

A recent study published in The Lancet found that acetaminophen had no effect on pain, disability, function, sleep quality, or quality of life for people with low back pain.

Over 50 million people in the U.S. use acetaminophen each week to treat pain and fever. The pain reliever has long been associated with liver injury and allergic reactions such as skin rash. In the U.S. over 50,000 emergency room visits each year are caused by acetaminophen, including 25,000 hospitalizations and 450 deaths.


Knee Osteoarthritis Raises Risk of Early Death

By Pat Anson, Editor

Osteoarthritis is painful no matter where it occurs – in the hip, fingers, elbow or other joints. But osteoarthritis of the knee seems to be particularly troublesome for middle-aged women. 

British researchers say knee osteoarthritis significantly raises the risk of cardiovascular disease and can even lead to early death.

In a study of early mortality in middle-aged women with osteoarthritis, researchers looked at data collected by the Chingford Study, which followed the health over 1,000 British middle-aged women for over two decades.

They found that osteoarthritis of the knee was strongly associated with early overall death and cardiovascular mortality. Women with knee pain and radiographic osteoarthritis had almost two times greater risk of early death and over three-times increased risk of dying from a cardiovascular event, when compared with women without knee pain or osteoarthritis. 

No link was found between hand osteoarthritis and a higher risk of mortality. 

“These findings suggest that any self-reported knee pain in osteoarthritis, as opposed to hand pain, seems to be a crucial factor leading to early cardiovascular mortality and is likely to be linked with decreased mobility. Radiographic osteoarthritis without pain is not affecting long-term mortality. More research is needed to understand how people adapt to knee pain, and how this leads to cardiovascular impairment,” said lead author Stefan Kluzek, PhD, of the Arthritis Research UK Centre of Excellence for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis at the University of Oxford.

Researchers did not examine the reasons for the higher death rate, but an earlier look at data from the Chingford study found that women with knee OA were more likely to have hypertension, raised blood glucose, and moderately raised serum cholesterol.

Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder that leads to thinning of cartilage and progressive joint damage. Knee osteoarthritis is quite common and affects over 250 million people worldwide. Nearly 40 percent of Americans over the age of 45 have some degree of knee OA, and those numbers are expected to grow as the population ages.

Racial Disparities Found in Joint Replacement Surgery

By Pat Anson, Editor

Black, Hispanic and Medicaid patients are significantly more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after total joint replacement (TJR) surgery, while women are less likely to suffer complications, according to new studies presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Las Vegas.

In one study, researchers analyzed race and ethnic data on nearly 53,000 patients admitted to Connecticut hospitals for TJR from 2008 to 2012. The average patient was 67 years of age, white, female and covered by Medicare.

Patients who were African-American were 62% more likely to be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of TJR. Hispanic patients were 50% more likely and Medicaid patients were 40% more likely to be readmitted than patients with private insurance.

"Our study shows that black patients who undergo total knee replacement may have poorer outcomes," said lead study author and orthopedic surgeon Courtland Lewis, MD. "After controlling for two key variables implicated in race and ethnic disparities in hospital readmission -- preoperative comorbidities and type of insurance coverage -- black patients still have a 35 percent higher likelihood of all-cause, 30-day readmission compared to white patients.”

Lewis said the disparity with white patients may be due to black patients having less access to primary care and less communication with health care providers.

Racial disparities in health care have long been documented, including that black patients utilize hip and total knee replacement at rates nearly 40 percent less than white patients, despite having higher rates of osteoarthritis—a leading cause of joint deterioration. Total hip and knee replacements are common surgical treatments for late-stage arthritis.

The overall 30-day readmission rate for patients in the study was about 5 percent. The most common reasons for readmission were postoperative infection, inflammatory reaction due to a joint prosthesis, hematoma complications, and dislocation of a prosthetic joint.

A second study looked at nearly 60,000 knee and hip replacements at a hospital in Ontario, Canada. Researchers found that men were 15% likely than women to return to the emergency department within 30 days of TJR surgery – even though women who had the surgery were older and more likely to be frail. Over half the patients in the study were women.

The findings contradict the theory that TJR is underutilized in female patients because they have worse outcomes then men.

"Despite the fact that women have a higher prevalence of advanced hip and knee arthritis, prior research indicates that North American women with arthritis are less likely to receive joint replacement than men," said lead study author Bheeshma Ravi, MD, an orthopaedic surgery resident at the University of Toronto. "One possible explanation is that women are less often offered or accept surgery because their risk of serious complications following surgery is greater than that of men.

"In this study, we found that while overall rates of serious complications were low for both groups, they were lower for women than for men for both hip and knee replacement, particularly the latter" said Dr. Ravi. "Thus, the previously documented sex difference utilization of TJR cannot be explained by differential risks of complications following surgery." 

Men in the study were found to be up 70 percent more likely to have a heart attack within three months of TJR surgery and 70 percent more likely to have an infection or require revision surgery within two years of a total knee replacement.

Accepting Chronic Pain: Is it Necessary?

By Jennifer Martin, Columnist

A patient of mine told me the other day, “I don’t think I will ever be able to accept my chronic pain. It has completely changed my life.” 

I think this is something that most people with chronic pain contend with at some point in time; wanting to hold onto hope that their diagnosis isn’t chronic or not wanting to come to the realization that they will have to live with the pain forever.

When most people hear the word “acceptance” they equate it with the notion that they should feel that it’s okay or it’s alright to have a chronic condition.  Many people don’t ever feel okay about having to live with pain or an illness for the rest of their lives. It is not something that is easy to get used to and it’s not fair.

  • Accepting chronic pain does not mean giving into it and it doesn’t mean that you stop looking for treatment.
  • Accepting chronic pain does not mean accepting a lifetime of suffering.
  • Accepting chronic pain does not mean you are never allowed to feel angry or sad.
  • Accepting chronic pain does not mean that you have to give up hope for the future.


When I use the word “acceptance,” I mean accepting the reality of your situation and recognizing that this new reality could be permanent. Those of us with chronic conditions may never like this reality and it may never be okay, but eventually it is necessary to accept it and learn to live life with it. It is the new norm with which we must learn to live.

Acceptance also involves making adaptations and alterations to our lives.  We must find new things that bring us joy and we must have hope for the future.

  • Accepting chronic pain means learning to live again.
  • Accepting chronic pain means advocating for ourselves and our health so that we can be as healthy as possible.
  • Accepting chronic pain means learning our limits and learning to cope with feelings of guilt when we have to say “no.”
  • Accepting chronic pain means being able to look at your diagnosis as something you have, not who you are.  Your condition does not define you.
  • Accepting chronic pain means re-evaluating your role as a husband/wife, mother/father, etc. as well as your life’s goals -- and figuring out how you can maintain these roles and attain your goals with your chronic condition.

For many of us, learning to accept our chronic condition isn’t easy.  It is a learning process with a lot of ups and downs.  It is something we may resist and something we may think impossible.  It is difficult to accept something that has completely changed our lives and possibly the direction we thought our life was going to take.

Why is it necessary to accept your chronic condition?

Once you are diagnosed with a chronic condition, it will be always be with you.  The sooner you are able to begin the process of acceptance, the sooner you will be able to learn exactly how to live with it.  It is also how you will learn to cope.

Accepting chronic pain means learning to live life in a different way than before your diagnosis.  It means learning to pace your activities, educating yourself, taking your medications, advocating for yourself, and surrounding yourself with support.  It also means accepting that some aspects of your condition are out of your control. 

Chronic pain can be unpredictable.  There may be days when you feel in control of your pain and you are able to accomplish everything you would like to.  There may also be days when your pain is unbearable, you feel angry about your situation, and all you can do is rest.  Accepting your chronic pain means adjusting and adapting to the ways in which your life is different now that you may be living with this kind of unpredictability.

Your life may never go back to what it was prior to your chronic pain.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t live a happy, successful, hopeful life with pain.  Learning to accept your chronic pain can help you get there.


Jennifer Martin, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist in Newport Beach, California who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. In her blog “Your Color Looks Good” Jennifer writes about the psychological aspects of dealing with chronic pain and illness. 

Jennifer is a professional member of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America and has a Facebook page dedicated to providing support and information to people with Crohn’s, Colitis and Digestive Diseases, as well as other types of chronic pain.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Blood Test Could Detect Early Osteoarthritis

By Pat Anson, Editor

British researchers are close to developing a blood test that would detect osteoarthritis in its early stages, a development that could lead to diagnosis and treatment of the disease years before joint damage occurs.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive joint disorder caused by painful inflammation of soft tissue, which leads to thinning of cartilage and joint damage in the knees, hips, fingers and spine. The World Health Organization estimates that about 10% of men and 18% of women over age 60 have osteoarthritis.

Researchers at the University of Warwick’s Medical School have identified a biomarker linked to both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Diagnostic blood tests already exist for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but the newly identified biomarker could lead to one which can diagnose both RA and osteoarthritis (OA).

“This is a remarkable and unexpected finding. It could help bring early-stage and appropriate treatment for arthritis which gives the best chance of effective treatment,” said lead researcher  Naila Rabbani, PhD.

“This discovery raises the potential of a blood test that can help diagnose both RA and OA several years before the onset of physical symptoms."

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s own defenses attack joint tissues, causing swelling, inflammation and bone erosion. About 1% of adults worldwide suffer from RA.

Rabbani’s research focused on citrullinated proteins (CPs), a biomarker suspected to be present in the blood of people with early stage rheumatoid arthritis. It had previously been established that patients with RA have antibodies to CPs, but it was not thought that this was the same for those with OA.

However, the Warwick researchers found for the first time increased CPs levels in both early-stage OA and RA.

They then produced an algorithm of three biomarkers; CPs, anti-CP antibodies, and a bone-derived substance called hydroxyproline.

Using the algorithm the researchers found that with a single test they could potentially detect and discriminate between the two types of arthritis in their early stages, before joint damage has occurred. The test correctly identified 73% of the people with eary OA and 57% of the people with early RA.

“It has been long established that the autoimmunity of early-stage RA leads to antibodies to CPs, but the autoimmunity, and hence antibodies, are absent in early-stage OA. Using this knowledge and applying the algorithm of biomarkers we developed provides the basis to discriminate between these two major types of arthritis at an early stage,” said Rabbani.

“Detection of early stage-OA made the study very promising and we would have been satisfied with this only – but beyond this we also found we could detect and discriminate early-stage RA and other inflammatory joint diseases at the same.

The research is published online in Nature Scientific Reports.

Finding Meaning in Chronic Illness

By Jennifer Martin, Columnist

I have never known life without chronic illness and pain.  I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) when I was 18 months old, so the life of a healthy person is foreign to me.  I don’t remember much about my early childhood with JRA other than daily medications, physical therapy and endless doctor’s appointments. 

When I was 6, my arthritis went into remission.  I took full advantage of that and began taking gymnastics, played street hockey with the neighborhood kids, and later joined the swim team.  Life was good. 

jennifer martin

jennifer martin

Then one cold, rainy day before swim practice, I noticed that my knee was aching.  I shrugged it off and went to practice.  Later that night, the pain had increased and my knee was swollen.  I just knew my arthritis was back.  I was 15 years old at the time. 

A visit to the rheumatologist confirmed my fear.  Just like that I was back on multiple medications, forced to give up gymnastics and swimming, and was living again with daily pain. 

I was trying to find a balance between normal teenage life and dealing with chronic pain that none of my friends or family could relate to.  None of my friends had to give up activities they loved.  None of my friends had to have their knee drained when medication wasn’t keeping the swelling down.  None of my friends had to deal with taking pills for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

So why did I have to do all these things? 

I remember one day when I was a senior in high school, I was in so much pain that I just sat home on the couch in tears all day instead of going to school.  It wasn’t too long after that that I had my first knee surgery due to my arthritis.

Fast forward several years to one day when I was 25 years old.  It is a day I will never forget.  I was at my mom’s house when I began feeling a little bloated.  I used the bathroom and when I looked down I saw bright red blood in the toilet.  My heart began pounding, my breath quickened and my hands began to shake. 

“What the heck is going on with me?” I remember thinking.  I took a few moments to calm myself down and then I convinced myself it must be nothing.  I went back downstairs and joined in the conversation without telling my family what happened. 

Several days later however, my symptoms had worsened and there was still blood in the toilet.  I knew I had no choice but to tell my family.  That began months of doctor’s appointments and tests that no human should have to be subjected to.  When I was finally diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I was relieved to have a name for what was going on and at the same time frustrated that this meant another chronic diagnosis, more medication and more uncertainty.

The next two years were a roller coaster.  I had flares, felt horrible, and then went into remission. 

February 2009 began the biggest challenge of my life.  It was six months after I got married.  I began having a flare and quickly knew that this flare was different than any I had experienced before.  The pain was more intense, the medications weren’t working, and I was quickly losing weight from my already thin 108 pound frame.  By April, I was admitted to the hospital 30 pounds lighter and experiencing constant, excruciating pain so intense that I literally could not stand up straight. 

Every time I was forced by my family to eat and any time I used the bathroom it felt like a thousand knifes slicing through my intestines.  I remember many nights in the bathroom covering my mouth to suppress screams because I didn’t want to worry my husband. 

The day after my hospital admission, I had a colonoscopy.  While coming out of anesthesia I heard my gastroenterologist say to one of her colleagues, “This is the worst case of ulcerative colitis I have ever seen.”

The next day, I was transferred to UC Irvine Medical Center where I was to have three surgeries.  Surgery one consisted of removing my colon and constructing an ileostomy.  Surgery two involved constructing an internal j-pouch which essentially acts as a pseudo colon.  Surgery three involved removing my ileostomy and connecting my j-pouch.  After my third surgery I experienced complications, due to the amount of weight I had lost and scar tissue which required further hospitalization.

While my third surgery was supposed to be my last, that was not the case.  Since then I have had three more surgeries due to my j-pouch twisting.  The last surgery was as recent as 11 months ago.  I’m hoping that was my last.

In the midst of all this craziness I managed to complete my doctoral degree in psychology and I now specialize in counseling individuals with chronic pain and chronic illness.  It has become my passion. 

Because of my own experiences, I understand the emotional issues that arise from living with chronic pain and chronic illness.  I understand the depression, the anxiety, and the feeling of being so sick and in so much pain that maybe it would be easier to end it. 

But I also understand how important it is to work through those feelings, to find meaning in your situation, and to find a way to live life despite your diagnosis.  That is what I try to instill in my patients.

I have also beaten the odds and had a son.  I was told that due to my surgeries I would only have a 20% chance of conceiving on my own.  I look at my son every day and know that he is my miracle.  I hope and pray that he will never know the pain of chronic illness and chronic pain, but if he does, I will be there for him and I will understand.

Jennifer Martin, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist in Newport Beach, California. In her blog “Your Color Looks Good” Jennifer writes about the psychological aspects of dealing with chronic pain and illness. 

Jennifer is a professional member of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America and has a Facebook page dedicated to providing support and information to people with Crohn’s, Colitis and Digestive Diseases.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.