Fascia: An Overlooked Cause of Chronic Pain

By Dr. Adam Taylor, Lancaster University

We are constantly reminded about how exercise benefits our bone and muscle health or reduces fat. However, there is also a growing interest in one element of our anatomy that is often overlooked: our fascia.

Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue, mainly made of collagen – a rope-like structure that provides strength and protection to many areas of the body. It surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre and muscle in place. And scientists increasingly recognise its importance in muscle and bone health.

It is hard to see fascia in the body, but you can get a sense of what it looks like if you look at a steak. It is the thin white streaks on the surface or between layers of the meat.

Fascia provides general and special functions in the body, and is arranged in several ways. The closest to the surface is the superficial fascia, which is underneath the skin between layers of fat. Then we have the deep fascia that covers the muscles, bones and blood vessels.

The link between fascia, muscle and bone health and function is reinforced by recent studies that show the important role fascia has in helping the muscles work, by assisting the contraction of the muscle cells to generate force and affecting muscle stiffness.

Each muscle is wrapped in fascia. These layers are important as they enable muscles that sit next to, or on top of, each other to move freely without affecting each other’s functions.

Fascia also assists in the transition of force through the musculoskeletal system. An example of this is our ankle, where the achilles tendon transfers force into the plantar fascia. This sees forces moving vertically down through the achilles and then transferred horizontally into the bottom of the foot - the plantar fascia – when moving.

Similar force transition is seen from muscles in the chest running down through to groups of muscles in the forearm. There are similar fascia connective chains through other areas of the body.

When Fascia Gets Damaged

When fascia doesn’t function properly, such as after injury, the layers become less able to facilitate movement over each other or help transfer force. Injury to fascia takes a long time to repair, probably because it possesses similar cells to tendons (fibroblasts), and has a limited blood supply.

Recently, fascia, particularly the layers close to the surface, have been shown to have the second-highest number of nerves after the skin. The fascial linings of muscles have also been linked to pain from surgery to musculoskeletal injuries from sports, exercise and ageing. Up to 30% of people with musculoskeletal pain may have fascial involvement or fascia may be the cause.

A type of massage called fascial manipulation, developed by Italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco in the 1980s, has been shown to improve the pain from patellar tendinopathy (pain in the tendon below the kneecap), both in the short and long term.

Fascial manipulation has also shown positive results in treating chronic shoulder pain.

One of the growing trends for helping with musculoskeletal injuries is Kinesio tape, which is often used in professional sports, although evidence for its effectiveness is mixed. It is also being used to complement the function of the fascia, and is used to treat chronic lower back pain where fascial involvement is a factor.

Fascia in Disease

Aside from getting damaged, fascia can also provide paths that infections can travel along, within muscles.

The spaces between fascial layers are usually closed (think of cling film being folded over), but when an infection occurs, germs can spread between these layers. This is a particular problem in the neck, where there are several layers of fascia for infections to travel along. In severe cases, surgery is often needed to remove the dead tissue and save the healthy remaining tissue.

One of the primary examples of fascia functioning in health, and the challenges its dysfunction can bring, is seen in the common complaint plantar fasciitis, which causes pain on around the heel and arch of the foot.

This incredibly common ailment affects 5-7% of people, rising to 22% in athletes. It is recognised as an overuse injury, causing the thickening of the fascial bands on the soles of the feet that help give the arch support.

Fascia can also be implicated in more serious health conditions, such as necrotising fasciitis. This is a rare but serious bacterial condition that can spread through the body quickly and cause death.

The condition is almost always caused by bacteria, specifically group A Streptococcus or Staphylococcus aureus. The initial infection comes from a cut or scratch, and then the bacteria travel along the fascia to other areas away from the initial site of access and multiply in the ideal environment afforded by the warm recesses of the body.

One reason fascia has been overlooked in health and disease is because it was difficult to see using current imaging technology. More recently, though, MRI and ultrasound imaging have been shown to be beneficial in visualising fascia, particularly in musculoskeletal conditions such as plantar fasciitis, and pathological changes in the fascia of the shoulder and neck.

With the growing interest in fascia and the growing understanding of its contribution to musculoskeletal health, it’s sensible to suggest that we look after it in the same way we do with the rest of the musculoskeletal system - by using it. Simple techniques like foam rollers and stretching are beneficial in increasing mobility, but there is still much to learn about our fascia and the role it plays in our day-to-day health.

Adam Taylor, PhD, is a Professor and Director of the Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre at Lancaster University. His research interests lie within the field of osteoarthritis and the degeneration of cartilage and bone.

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.

How Pacing Can Stop the Boom-Bust Cycle of Pain

By Gabriella Kelly-Davies, PNN Columnist

Many people living with chronic pain are stuck in a boom-bust cycle. I was one of them until I took part in a multidisciplinary pain management program and learned how to pace my activities and exercises.

On the good days when our pain level is low, we try to catch up on doing all the things we couldn’t do when the pain was bad the previous day. But this can cause a flare-up and the natural response is to rest or take a pain medication. Once the pain eases, we might try again, only to repeat the pattern of overactivity, flare-up, rest, easing of pain, then overactivity.

When this happens repeatedly, we can become frustrated and despair of ever being able to live a normal life. It becomes difficult to plan ahead because we never know how we will be on any day. Over time, there are fewer good days and more bad days and we feel as if we have lost control of our life. We become so afraid of causing a flare-up that we avoid any activity that aggravates our pain.

The end result is that our bodies lose conditioning and become less able to cope with a higher level of activity. Muscles weaken, joints stiffen, and less and less activity causes a flare-up.

The good news is that we can use a pain management technique known as pacing to increase our activity levels without stirring up the pain. Pacing involves starting at a level of activity that doesn’t aggravate our pain, breaking up tasks into smaller steps, gradually increasing the amount we do, and taking frequent, small breaks. Over time, it is possible to increase our tolerance to a range of daily activities and exercises. 

Set Goals and Build Up Gradually

Pacing can be applied to everything you do. If sitting increases your lower back pain, try to use pacing to build up your sitting tolerance. You can also pace exercises such as walking and swimming, and use it to increase your tolerance to activities such as housework, gardening and driving.

The first step is to decide which activities or exercises are your priorities, then determine your baseline tolerance to them. A starting point 20 percent below your current level is a general rule of thumb. If sitting exacerbates your lower back pain, determine how long you can sit comfortably. If you can sit for five minutes without triggering a flare-up, set your baseline at 80 percent of five minutes, which is four minutes.

Once you know your baseline, set short and long-term goals and record them in a chart. Each day, increase the time you do the activity or exercise by a predetermined small amount.

If your long-term goal is to sit and watch a movie for two hours without causing a flare-up and your baseline is four minutes, your short-term goal might be to increase your sitting by one minute each day. At the end of the week if you can sit comfortably for 10 minutes, you can repeat this pattern for the following weeks until you reach two hours. However, if you find that increasing by one minute every day stirs up your pain, try increasing by one minute every second or third day.

Record your progress in a chart like the one below so you can see how much you are building sitting tolerance.


Pacing chart.png


Pacing chart.png

Break Up Activities

Pacing also involves breaking up tasks into smaller amounts that don’t cause a flare-up. If carrying heavy bags of groceries from the supermarket exacerbates your back pain, try buying smaller amounts of groceries more often. For example, go to the supermarket three times a week and buy small amounts rather than doing one big shop each week.

Taking short and frequent breaks is another way of gradually building up your tolerance to an activity. For example, if you can weed your garden for 10 minutes without flaring up your pain, make your baseline 80 percent of 10 minutes, which is eight minutes. Work in the garden for eight minutes, rest for 15 to 30 minutes, garden for another eight minutes, rest for 15 to 30 minutes, and so on. During your rest period, it’s a good idea to practice your relaxation exercises and stretches.

As your tolerance to gardening increases, you can gradually build up the time you garden before you rest.

Fine-Tuning Your Plan

Pacing is a process of trial and error, and your initial goals might need to be fine-tuned if you find that pain interferes with you achieving them. Try to be patient and don’t overdo it. It’s better to take baby steps and achieve your goals than to race ahead and fall back into the boom-bust cycle.

It’s crucial you stick with your plan each day. If you are having a good low-pain day, don’t be tempted to increase each activity for longer than the predetermined time because you might risk flaring up your pain. On the other hand, if you are having a bad day, try to stick with your goals for the day, but take brief breaks and do your relaxation exercises and stretches during the breaks.

Pacing is an important part of an armory of pain management strategies. Like other multidisciplinary pain management approaches, it takes time to learn, but once you master the technique, it will put you in control of your day rather than your pain level dictating what you can and can’t do.

By keeping to your plan in a disciplined way, you will gradually build up your tolerance to activities of daily living and leisure. With practice, you, rather than your pain level, will determine how much you can do, giving you more control and a better quality of life.

Gabriella Kelly-Davies is a biographer who lives with chronic migraine.  She recently authored “Breaking Through the Pain Barrier,” a biography of trailblazing Australian pain specialist Dr. Michael Cousins. Gabriella is President of Life Stories Australia Association and founder of Share your life story.