Cutting My Opioid Dose in Half Left Me in Unbearable Pain
/By Virginia Brandford, Guest Columnist
Imagine living with a rare genetic bone disease that has no cure and causes excruciating pain. Then imagine the medication that effectively alleviated that pain for 29 years is abruptly tapered and you are forced to take only half the dose your body has become dependent on.
Not only is the pain unbearable, but the resulting stress placed on the body prevents you from exercising or participating in physical therapy, which is vital to someone with alkaptonuria (AKU) to prevent chronic joint pain and inflammation.
AKU is known as “Black Bone Disease” because it turns bones black and brittle. It is the oldest metabolic disease on earth and has even been found in Egyptian mummies. Watch this video if you want to learn more about my disease.
After being diagnosed with AKU, I was placed on a very high dose of morphine to stop my body from producing Homogentisic Acid (HGA). People like me born with AKU are missing an enzyme that prevents them from fully breaking down HGA.
When it accumulates at high levels, HGA devours my bones, turning them black and stripping the cartilage and cushions between them.
My longtime physician identified morphine as a pain medication that helped, without causing side effects. I was able to function again and live a decent life, in spite of having such a debilitating disease.
Virginia Brandford
But in 2017, many of the recommendations in the CDC opioid guideline were adopted in Hawaii as state law, and my doctor was driven out of practice. I cannot find a new doctor willing to prescribe the same dose of morphine. They all see my need for opioids, but they do not want to risk their livelihoods by taking me on as a patient. I am being harmed by the state and no one will do anything to help me!
Due to the morphine being reduced to half of my original dosage, the HGA accumulation has eaten two holes into my heart valves, resulting in a life-threatening heart condition. HGA has also accumulated in my spine, liver and kidneys.
I have endured irreparable damage by being forced off my old dosage of medication in such an inhumane manner. Every doctor I have been referred to has refused to accept me as a patient once they look over my medical records and see I have a rare genetic bone disease that requires opioids.
I have never abused drugs or alcohol in any form. I have comprehensive medical records, including MRIs and x-rays documenting my illness and treatment history. It will also show that for 29 years on the original morphine dose, my liver stayed strong and clean, compared to a patient who has been on a toxic medicine like Suboxone that is just as addictive.
Legitimate pain patients like me who never abused drugs are being treated like addicts and demonized for taking prescribed medicines from licensed doctors.
Please help me obtain the help I need before this disease spreads even more. I am totally bedridden and need help. I pray that a revision of the CDC opioid guideline will allow doctors to do their jobs again without being persecuted, and will give me back my life so that I can grow old with dignity.
Virginia Brandford lives in Hawaii. PNN invites other readers to share their stories with us. Send them to