Shocked by Senators’ Letter on Patient Surveys
/By Janice Reynolds, Guest Columnist
Last week I felt like my world had shattered. Sounds extreme, I know, but someone who I believed in had turned on me both as a professional and someone living with persistent pain. It was not only me that Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) denied, but the pain community as a whole.
An article and editorial in the Portland Press Herald told how Collins and 25 other senators had written a letter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services questioning whether patients should be asked about their pain control in hospital satisfaction surveys. After reading it, I felt sucker punched. I have always supported and believed in Susan Collins, but how can I now?
“I believe the pendulum has swung too far in favor of controlling pain, although I am not suggesting that the pain people experience is not real,” Collins said, although the rest of her letter certainly suggests that she does just that. (See “Senators Seek to Silence Pain Patients”)
The comment that I find truly disturbing is, “Currently, there is no objective diagnostic method that can validate or quantify pain. Development of such a measure would surely be a worthwhile endeavor.”
The pain community has battled this notion forever. In 1968 Margo McCaffery wrote that pain is what the person says it is and exists when the patient says it does. She was heavily ridiculed for that, although the World Health Organization included it in both their position statements on cancer pain and on chronic pain, and considers pain treatment a human right.
So much of what Collins said appears to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP). The comments rather prove my belief that the CDC’s attack on opioids and addiction is really more of an attack on people with pain, no matter the reason. To see the letter and the list of senators who signed it, click here.
The next day the Press Herald had an editorial which proved even worse. “Collins and the other senators question whether it’s wise to put such a high premium on these subjective judgments. Prompt pain relief is appropriate for some patients, but overuse of painkillers can cause harm, and a person in pain will not always be the best judge of whether the care was appropriate,” the paper said.
Please note they are no longer distinguishing between acute pain, pain in a cancer setting, pain in a non-cancer setting, or end of life pain. They also ignore the fact that “no prompt treatment of pain” causes harm as well (that is why they call it torture). Both articles claim opioids are gateway drugs for heroin. Of course, no acknowledged expert in pain management was even consulted for the articles (because they are all in the pockets of the evil pharmaceutical companies mu-ha-ha-ha). Interestingly, nobody seems to care that non-opioid pain medication is also brought to us by pharmaceutical companies.
What about these patient satisfaction surveys? Are they really a problem or is this more hype to discredit people with pain?
As a hospital nurse for over 20 years I cannot think of one time where a provider wrote a prescription for opioid pain medication just to avoid getting a bad patient satisfaction score. In reality the problem is the exact opposite; doctors and nurses who are bad at pain management, who don’t believe a patient’s report of pain, and who lack the knowledge to effectively relieve pain really don’t give a darn about a bad evaluation.
There are, unfortunately, still many providers who fit into those categories. I can’t tell you the number of times I got in trouble with a physician for advocating for a patient. But there are many providers who are good at pain management, knowledgeable, and compassionate as well. I imagine these are the ones the senators really have a problem with.
Could someone please give me a definition of overprescribe? It seems, in this case, it would mean prescribing any opioid or making a legitimate effort to manage a patient’s pain.
In a hospital setting there are many reasons for opioids to be used, as it is the only medication shown to be effective for severe pain. People can be in pain due to surgical procedures, trauma, intractable pain (pain was out of control at home), broken bones, pain flares, post stoke pain, shingles, gallstones, kidney stones, cellulitis, deep vein thrombosis, myocardial infarctions, cancer metastasis, organ impingement by a tumor, and many more reasons including comorbidities when someone is dying.
Most times there is a combination of opioids, non-opioids, and non-pharmaceutical interventions (such as warmth or cold, physical therapy; some hospitals even have therapeutic touch and Reiki available). Many patients’ may have opioids ordered but never need them all. There are also times when opioids are ordered, correctly, for reasons other than pain (gasp). One thing we know is that untreated or undertreated pain in surgical or trauma cases can lead to persistent chronic pain
The person experiencing the pain knows it best. Managing it should be a partnership between patient and provider. There will never be an objective test for most types of pain, partially because it occurs for many different reasons. Someone may have multiple reasons for pain as well, which complicates it even further.
Pain has a long history of stigma, prejudice and bias. It may be the stoic nature of many cultures, and partly the bully syndrome that perceives someone in pain as weaker. People in pain have been seen as malingers, drug seekers, liars, tricksters, and worse. In women it has been called anxiety or worse.
The senators want to eliminate two questions used in patient satisfaction surveys: “How often was your pain well-controlled?” and “How often did the hospital staff do everything they could to help you with your pain?”
To say the person experiencing pain is not the best judge of those questions is ludicrous.
Janice Reynolds is a retired nurse who specialized in pain management, oncology, and palliative care. She has lectured across the country at medical conferences on different aspects of pain and pain management, and is co-author of several articles in peer reviewed journals.
Janice has lived with persistent post craniotomy pain since 2009. She is active with The Pain Community and writes several blogs for them, including a regular one on cooking with pain.
The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.