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FDA Warning About Kratom Death Challenged by Critics  

By Pat Anson

The FDA is warning consumers not to ingest a liquid kratom extract after the death of one person and “many reports” by users of other serious adverse events, including withdrawal, addiction, anxiety and aggressive behavior.

The FDA’s July 26th alert about Black Liquid Kratom, which is made by Optimized Plant Mediated Solutions (OPMS), contained no details about the death or any of the adverse events. It was soon challenged by the American Kratom Association (AKA), which said the “mistaken and misguided safety alert” should be withdrawn until the FDA independently verified claims about the death.   

In recent years, kratom has become a popular supplement in the United States, where it is used by millions of people to self-treat their pain, anxiety, depression and substance use problems. Although legal in most states, kratom has never been approved for medical use by the FDA.

“Products containing kratom have been marketed as foods, including dietary supplements, or drugs with claims of therapeutic benefits. However, the FDA has not approved any prescription or over-the-counter drug products containing kratom or associated compounds, mitragynine and the more potent metabolite, 7-OH mitragynine,” the alert warned.

“The FDA recently received an adverse event report of a person who died after using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom. This is one of many reports of serious adverse events individuals have reported experiencing after consuming OPMS Black Liquid Kratom.”

The agency released no other information about where or when the death occurred. Only one death involving 7-OH mitragynine is recorded on the FDA’s Adverse Events Reporting System. That case was reported in 2023, but the death may have occurred earlier.

In 2021, a Georgia man died after consuming Black Liquid Kratom. An autopsy concluded that 23-year old Ethan Pope died from cardiac arrest due to mitragynine intoxication. Pope’s family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against OPMS, the AKA and other kratom vendors.

Kratom is normally sold as a dry unadulterated powder, but Black Liquid Kratom is a highly concentrated 50:1 extract containing up to 375mg of mitragynine — an alkaloid that acts on the same receptors in the brain as opioids.

A kratom vendor that sells Black Liquid Kratom warns the extract is “too strong for use on a daily basis.”

If the 2021 Georgia death is the one FDA is referring to in its safety alert, it raises questions about why the agency waited so long to warn consumers about the extract or why it was never recalled. Black Liquid Kratom can still be purchased from a number of kratom vendors.

"The consistently unreliable and often false statements about kratom issued by the FDA over the past decade, which is a part of its relentless and misguided pursuit of banning kratom products that is not supported by reliable science, are wrong and Commissioner Califf should hold his agency fully accountable," Mac Haddow, Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the AKA, said in a statement.

"The various autopsy reports that have claimed that kratom is the sole cause of deaths have been thoroughly refuted as incomplete, poorly documented, hastily concluded, or demonstrably incorrect."

Alert ‘Coordinated’ by Trial Attorneys

In 2016, the FDA and DEA tried unsuccessfully to ban kratom products nationwide by listing it as a Schedule I controlled substance. An Assistant Secretary for Health in the Trump administration withdrew the FDA’s scheduling request in 2018, saying it was based on “embarrassingly poor evidence & data.”

The AKA characterized the FDA’s alert as another effort to demonize kratom that was being “coordinated” by trial attorneys seeking to cash-in on product liability lawsuits. A New York law firm even cites the alert on its website, telling kratom users that it was “ready to represent you in your injury case.”

“Plaintiff’s trial attorneys have been openly encouraging clients and other anti-kratom advocates to submit complaints to the FDA on alleged deaths over the past few months and have taken to social media platforms to solicit others to do so. The FDA ‘safety alert on kratom’ appears to be the result of a coordinated effort by those trial attorneys who have a financial interest in litigation against the very company the FDA’s safety alert identifies,” the AKA said.

A 2020 study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse concluded that kratom is an effective treatment for pain, helps reduce the use of opioids, and has a low risk of adverse effects. Hundreds of deaths have been linked to kratom use, but in the vast majority of cases other drugs and illicit substances were involved.  

A toxicology test on Ethan Pope found antihistamines and antidepressants in his system, but no illegal drugs or alcohol. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation classified his death as an accident.

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