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Rare Disease Spotlight: Sarcoidosis 

By Barby Ingle, PNN Columnist

This month’s rare disease spotlight is on sarcoidosis. I have many friends living with this complex, autoimmune disorder, which affects about 200,000 Americans.

One of the first visible signs of sarcoidosis is for red bumps and patches called granulomas to form on the skin. Granulomas can also develop in the lungs, lymph glands and other internal organs, causing shortness of breath, abnormal heart rhythm, swollen glands and painful joints. The symptoms often appear suddenly and vary from person to person, depending on which organs are affected.

Although the symptoms usually go away on their own after a few months, the patients I know have lived with sarcoidosis long term. Some are less affected than others, but most people living with chronic sarcoidosis have major changes in every aspect of their body and life activities.

I think it is best to spotlight some of the people in my life who live with sarcoidosis on a daily basis. Frank Rivera and Kerry Wong have a website called Stronger Than Sarcoidosis. Karen Duffy shared her journey with sarcoidosis in one of my favorite books, "Backbone: Living with Chronic Pain without Turning into One."

You’ll see by reading their responses that sarcoidosis is tough to have, but they are tough, too.

How long have you lived with sarcoidosis?

Wong: “I was diagnosed in 2015, but that was after an 8-year search for answers … so I would say probably closer to 14 years.”

Duffy: “I have been living with sarcoidosis for 23 years! It took about 2 years to get a diagnosis of exclusion.”

Rivera:I have been living with sarcoidosis since 2004, 17 years, but fully diagnosed in 2011. So, 10 years since diagnosis.”  

In what ways has living with sarcoidosis affected your life?

Duffy:Sarcoidosis has impacted my life in countless ways. I live with neuro-sarcoidosis and I have severe pain issues. I also have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I find that the principles of stoic philosophy have really helped me accept that I cannot control what happens, I can only control how I respond.”

Rivera: “I am on disability now due to the bone and joint involvement and the pain I live with is a 6-7 pain level on a pain scale of 1-10, daily.”

Wong:Oh, so many ways! Because the symptoms can be both severe and so unpredictable, I’m no longer able to work, and have been on disability since 2014. I’ve had to cancel plans with friends and family more times than I can count. And I’ve had to depend on my husband for so much more, for even the little things. But I’m so grateful for how he has stepped up as an incredible caregiver.

And that’s not to mention the emotional toll of the physical manifestations, the anxiety and depression that come from living with chronic pain, fatigue, and disability.”

Have you found anything that was helpful for the symptoms of sarcoidosis?

Duffy: “I believe in the power of the placebo. In Latin, placebo means "I Shall Please." I try to be useful, so I keep up with my volunteer projects. I find reading to help when I am roped to my sofa like Gulliver. On days when I am released from the grip of chronic pain, I love to walk. I follow my doctors’ advice and take my prescription meds.

I have found a pain cream called Tribe Revive---and it works for me! I no longer wear a pain patch, I just rub this CBD infused cream and the relief is instant. I have no connection to the company that makes the pain cream, I am just a very grateful customer. I buy so much of it and give out jars.”

Rivera:Prednisone helped some, but the side effects almost killed me. Gave me a hole in my colon and diabetes as well as brittle bones.”

Wong: “Yes, thank goodness! Even after all this time, we are still working on finding the right treatment combination to help with my symptoms, but there are a few things that have helped. IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) therapy; heat and cold therapy; TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation); eTNS (electric trigeminal nerve stimulator); acupuncture and acupressure; and medical marijuana in a variety of forms.

Aside from that, probably the most helpful thing is learning to listen to my body. When it says I have to rest, I have to rest. Pushing myself to do more, which is what I have always done before, will only make me suffer that much more and that much longer afterward.”

Do you think there is a societal stigma on people living with sarcoidosis and other rare diseases?

Duffy: “I find that living with a chronic, invisible illness has its challenges. The pain from the nerve damage is cataclysmic, and it can be confusing that some days I can walk my dog, go for walks, and socialize with friends. Then other days, I am wiped out and live a smaller, quieter life. On these days, I read and write.”

Wong: “I am not sure if stigma is the word I would use, but there is definitely an additional problem for us. Because most people have never heard of sarcoidosis, they find it hard to understand and try to compare it to things they know. How often do we hear, ‘At least it’s not cancer?’  And because most of our symptoms are invisible, they find it hard to believe what they don’t see. That lack of understanding can have a tremendous impact on both personal and professional relationships.”

Rivera: “Yes, because from the outside we look fine. It is called an invisible illness because it works from the inside out.”

Is there anything you wish the world knew about sarcoidosis?

Wong:Honestly, the thing I would love for people to understand most is how unpredictable the disease can be. Our symptoms can vary from day to day or hour to hour. That means what we are able to do varies as well. We always see inspirational examples of people who ‘didn’t let xyz stop them,’ but that is just not how it works with an incurable rare disease.

I always strive to do as much as I can to help others, but some days, the symptoms do win. That is not a character flaw or weakness; it is just the fact of the disease. Once those symptoms ease up and I am able to do more, I will always bounce back with purpose.”

Duffy: “I know it can be overwhelming to live with a rare, complicated, multisystem disorder. I have a serious illness, but I do not take it too seriously. Having a painful diagnosis and having a great life is possible. I am grateful for every day.”

Rivera: “Sarcoidosis is when a person's white blood cells become over active from an environmental accelerant. And instead of fighting off colds or foreign substance in the body, they clump together and form masses anywhere in the body as well as skin. This disease is a very painful disease and attacks the physical and mental health of a person.

With sarcoidosis, no two patients are alike. They call it the snowflake disease because no two patients are the same. That makes it very difficult to diagnose as well as treat because each temporary medicine does not work the same for each patient as well. So trying to help a sarcoidosis patient is very tough.”

Getting Help

If you need help with sarcoidosis, you should set up appointments with specialists to add to your treating team. These professionals would include a primary care provider, rheumatologist, pulmonologist, ophthalmologist and dermatologist.

Steroids are usually used to treat sarcoidosis. They reduce inflammation, and can stimulate tissue growth and repair. If steroids don’t work, immunosuppressant medications might be tried to reduce the immune system response. Pain medications may also be prescribed.  

Although the cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, the most widely known theory is it may be due to an immune reaction to a trigger, such as an infection or chemicals in those who are genetically predisposed. I look forward to the day that better testing and treatments exist for this rare disease.

Barby Ingle lives with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), migralepsy and endometriosis. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics. More information about Barby can be found at her website.

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