Covid Long-Haulers Face New Battle for Disability Benefits

By David Tuller, Kaiser Health News

Rickie Andersen took a brief break from work last March after she fell ill. Her cough, fever and chills were typical covid-19 symptoms, but coronavirus tests were so scarce she could not obtain one to confirm the diagnosis.

After Andersen returned to her job as an information systems project manager in the San Francisco Bay Area, she struggled with profound fatigue, cognitive difficulties and other disabling complaints. For six months, she tried to keep awake during meetings and finish basic tasks that took much longer than before.

Finally, she decided to retain legal help so she could take advantage of the disability insurance coverage offered as an employee benefit. “I realized this is not going to be a short-term thing,” Andersen said.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are experiencing what is being called “long covid” — a pattern of prolonged symptoms following an acute bout of the disease. Many have managed to continue working through accommodations like telecommuting, cutting down on hours and delegating responsibilities.

Others have found it impossible to fulfill their professional obligations and are making the tough decision to stop working and seek disability benefits. But as they pursue the application process, they are discovering a particular set of challenges.

Given the lack of testing in the first months, many “long haulers,” like Andersen, have no laboratory proof of infection. While antibody tests can provide such evidence, their accuracy varies. Moreover, many of the reported symptoms, including fatigue and cognitive impairment, are subjective and not clearly linked to specific organ damage.

Beyond that, compiling a thorough record for a disability application and navigating the bureaucratic hurdles require sustained brain power, something many long-haul patients can no longer muster.

Barbara Comerford, a New Jersey disability lawyer, said she received dozens of inquiries starting last fall from long haulers seeking advice on filing for disability and often citing what is being called “brain fog” as their main complaint.

“Most are people calling to say, ‘I thought I could do it. I can’t. My mind doesn’t function for more than really brief periods of time,’” Comerford said.

In the U.S., close to 30 million people have tested positive for the coronavirus, although many cases of infection are asymptomatic. What proportion might be affected by long-term illness isn’t known. Scientific understanding of the phenomenon is in its infancy.

In January, The Lancet reported that around three-quarters of more than 1,700 covid patients who had been hospitalized in Wuhan, China, reported at least one ongoing symptom six months later. More recently, investigators from the University of Washington reported in JAMA Network Open that around 30% of 177 patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus still reported symptoms when they were surveyed one to 10 months later.

Strict Criteria for Benefits

The Social Security Administration provides long-term disability to American workers who qualify under its strict criteria, but applicants often get turned down on the first try. A few states, including California and New York, provide short-term disability benefits, in some cases for up to a year.

Tens of millions of Americans also have private disability coverage, most often as part of their employment benefit packages.

The maximum currently available to an individual through the Social Security Disability Insurance program is just over $3,000 a month. A typical private long-term disability plan might cover 60% of a beneficiary’s base salary, with a much higher maximum amount.

Sandy Lewis, a pharmaceutical industry researcher, fell ill last March with what she assumed was covid. She recovered but relapsed in April and again in May.

Through her employer-based insurance coverage, she received short-term disability for November and December, but the insurer, Prudential Financial, rejected her request for an extension. Soon after, she was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME/CFS, a debilitating illness that can be triggered by viral infections.

Lewis, who lives outside Philadelphia, is planning to appeal Prudential’s rejection of the short-term extension and apply for long-term disability. But the matter is unlikely to be resolved before fall. The situation has left her feeling “devastated,” she said, and in serious financial distress.

“This has been such an arduous journey,” she said. “I have no income and I’m sick, and I’m continuing to need medical care. I am now in a position, at 49 years old, that I may have to sell my home during a pandemic and move in with family to stay afloat.”

In Lewis’ case, a Prudential reviewer noted that her symptoms were “subjective” and that there were “no physical exam findings to correlate with any ongoing functional limitations,” according to Cassie Springer Ayeni, an Oakland disability lawyer who is representing her as well as Andersen.

Prudential would not comment on a specific case. Evan Scarponi, chief claims officer, said in a statement that “our collective understanding of covid-19 and any associated long-term effects are still evolving” but that Prudential is “well-versed in evaluating both subjective and objective aspects of disability claims.”

Lawyers and advocates in the field expect the numbers of covid-related long-term disability applicants to rise this year. But it’s still too soon to detect any such increase, said a spokesperson for the American Council of Life Insurers, a trade association. Workers typically must be unable to work for half a year before becoming eligible for long-term disability benefits, and applying can itself be a lengthy process.

‘No Objective Evidence’

Brian Vastag, a former Washington Post science and health reporter with ME/CFS, stopped working in 2014 and then sued Prudential after it rejected his long-term disability claim. Insurance companies, he said, can easily find reasons to dismiss applications from claimants with chronic illnesses characterized by symptoms like fatigue and cognitive impairment.

“The insurance companies will often say, ‘There’s no objective evidence, so we have nothing to support your claim,’” said Vastag, who won his case against Prudential in 2018. “I’m worried about the long-covid patients who can’t work anymore.”

Claimants can appeal a rejection. If the insurer rejects the appeal, claimants have the right to sue, as Vastag did. However, most such cases fall under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Because this federal law requires a losing insurer to pay the unpaid claims but does not provide for punitive or compensatory damages, critics argue it incentivizes the denial of coverage.

In the event of litigation, the court’s role is to assess the already existing evidentiary record. That means it is essential to present a robust case in the initial application or during the administrative appeal before any litigation begins, said Ayeni, the disability lawyer for Andersen and Lewis.

“It’s the only shot to build a record for the courts, to develop a full body of evidence,” she said.

However, a successful disability case ultimately depends on documenting inability to work, not on obtaining a specific diagnosis. To augment the medical evidence, Ayeni often sends clients for neuropsychological testing, investigations of lung function and other specialist assessments. She also gathers affidavits from family members, professional colleagues and friends to confirm patients’ accounts.

In Rickie Andersen’s case, the strategy worked. Recognizing how complicated the application process was likely to be, she sought legal help early on. The insurer contracted by her employer approved her for short-term benefits late last year and granted her application for long-term benefits in February.

“I knew all of it was completely exhausting, so it wasn’t something I thought I could do on my own,” Andersen said.

This story was produced by Kaiser Health News, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

Chronic Fatigue Patients Often Feel Disbelieved in ERs

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) often feel disrespected and disbelieved in hospital emergency rooms, according to a new survey by researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center.

CFS is a complex and poorly understood disorder characterized by extreme fatigue, chronic pain, impaired memory and insomnia. Because many of the symptoms of CFS overlap with other conditions -- including fibromyalgia, depression, and inflammation – a correct diagnosis is often difficult.

In the first study of its kind, Georgetown researchers surveyed 282 CFS patients about their experiences in emergency departments. Two-thirds said they would not go to an ED because they believed they wouldn't be taken seriously or because they had a previous unsatisfactory experience. Only a third said they received appropriate treatment in the ED.

"The high proportion of patients who were basically told 'It is all in your head' by ED staff indicates that there is much misunderstanding and misgivings about the diagnosis of CFS,” said allergist and immunologist James Baraniuk, MD, senior investigator of the study published in the journal Open Access Emergency Medicine.

“These patients should feel they are respected and that they can receive thorough care when they feel sick enough to go to an ED."

The survey found that only 59 percent of the CFS patients had gone to an ED. In that group, 42 percent were dismissed as having psychosomatic complaints. Asked to collectively rate their ED caregivers' knowledge of chronic fatigue, patients gave them a score of 3.6 on a 10-point scale.

Baraniuk says more training is needed for ED staff and physicians to better understand the disorder.

"An already-available CFS Symptom Severity Questionnaire can be used in the ED to assist with the diagnosis of CFS, and to differentiate exacerbations of CFS symptoms from medical emergencies such as heart attacks or infections," Baraniuk says.

The number one reason for going to the ED was orthostatic intolerance, which occurs when a person feels faint when standing or sitting upright because not enough blood is reaching the brain and heart. The symptoms only improve when a person lies down.

"This condition is something that can be readily addressed by ED caregivers. There is a real need for physician education that will improve their efficiency in identifying and treating CFS and in distinguishing CFS symptoms from other diseases in the exam room," he said.

In 2015, an independent panel convened by the National Institutes of Health called for major changes in the way the healthcare system treats people suffering from chronic fatigue – which is also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).

“Both society and the medical profession have contributed to ME/CFS patients feeling disrespected and rejected. They are often treated with skepticism, uncertainty, and apprehension and labeled as deconditioned or having a primary psychological disorder,” the panel reported in its final report.

About one million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue, most of them women. There are no pathogens linked to CFS, no diagnostic tests and no known cures.

Are Chronic Fatigue Sufferers Afraid of Exercise?

By Pat Anson, Editor

Research published in a respected British medical journal is fueling a new debate over exercise and whether it helps or hurts people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Researchers at King’s College London reported in The Lancet Psychiatry that most chronic fatigue sufferers have “fear avoidance beliefs” that exercise will only make things worse.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) -- also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) –  is characterized by severe tiredness, disturbed sleep and a weakened immune system, along with muscle and joint pain. CFS is a comorbid condition often shared by fibromyalgia and other chronic pain sufferers.

The King’s College study followed 641 CFS patients who were given cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy that included light exercises such as walking. CBT encourages patients to think differently about their symptoms.

When used together, researchers say the two therapies helped about a third of the patients recover from CFS, primarily by reducing their fear that exercise and activity would only worsen their symptoms.

Our results suggest that fearful beliefs can be changed by directly challenging such beliefs (as in CBT) or by simple behaviour change with a graded approach to the avoided activity,” said Professor Trudie Chalder of King’s College London. “Clinically, the results suggest that therapists delivering CBT could encourage more physical activities such as walking, which might enhance the effect of CBT and could be more acceptable to patients.”

Many CFS sufferers were outraged by the study and the way it was reported by the news media, feeling it added to a stereotype that they were lazy couch potatoes and malingerers.

“This article has made me so angry. This journalist should live my life for a few days and then maybe they’d reconsider what they wrote,” said one woman in an online comment to a Daily Mail story.

“Sometimes having a shower is like climbing a mountain,” wrote another CFS sufferer. “Until one of these ‘experts’ has had to literally crawl back to bed shaking and ill from just trying to clean their teeth I don’t think they’ll ever be able to understand what we go through.”

“Given the number of athletes and sportspeople diagnosed with this neurological disease, trying to pass it off as 'fear of exercise' is laughable. And lazy!” wrote another reader.

An American neuroscientist also weighed in, disputing the theory that exercise is an effective treatment for ME/CFS.

Our studies clearly show that dynamic exercise like walking or jogging exacerbates symptoms associated with ME/CFS,” wrote Mark VanNess, PhD, a professor at the University of the Pacific in a letter published in the ME blog, Just ME. “Fear and avoidance of what worsens symptoms is a natural defense mechanism against a harmful stimulus. In fact, many researchers here in the U.S. utilize graded aerobic exercise as a tool to worsen and amplify ME/CFS symptoms – not as a treatment meant to be beneficial.

“For a patient with ME/CFS the fear of exercise is a reasonable, knowledgeable, and learned response to a noxious stimulus. If ME/CFS patients could exercise away their symptoms they most certainly would, regardless of the pain.”

Some skeptics in the medical community refuse to accept ME/CFS as a real disease, although it was classified as a neurological disease by the World Health Organization in 1969.

According to the National Alliance for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, nearly 1 million people in the U.S. and 17 million worldwide have ME.