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Pink Tinted Glasses May Help Reduce Migraines

By Madora Pennington

To see the world through “rose-colored glasses” is to look on the bright side, ignoring the bad. This phrase is also used to describe someone who is naive or easily fooled. But real rose-colored glasses may have an actual use: reducing migraines.

Celebrity talent judge Simon Cowell recently revealed he wears them to stop his migraine attacks, which he believes are triggered by photophobia, a sensitivity to light brought on by spending long hours under bright studio lights while taping Britain’s Got Talent.

A migraine is more than just a headache. The pain can be so severe, a person cannot function. In addition to severe throbbing, often on one side of the head. Some people may have nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances, like flashes of light or a lessening of their visual field. Other migraineurs report odd tingling sensations or difficult speaking.

If you suffer from migraines, it will come as no surprise that a change in light could make a difference. More than 90% of migraine sufferers say that light can provoke a migraine attack, especially fluorescent lights.

simon cowell on ‘britain’s got talent’

There have been a few studies that suggest rose-colored glasses help migraines. A lens with a pink tint called FL-41 blocks blue and some amber and green lights on the color spectrum. This can prevent or provide relief to those who find fluorescent lights to be particularly troubling. Interestingly, one study noted that FL-41 tinted glasses also reduced eyelid twitching knows as blepharospasm and improved blinking.

Pink tinted lenses have been known as a possible migraine treatment as far back as 1991, but many patients and doctors have never heard of it. A study done then had migraineur children — kids who suffer migraines — try glasses with either a rose tint or a blue lens for 4 months. Only the children who used the pink glasses had fewer migraines. On average, the kids’ migraines were reduced from 6.2 per month to 1.6 per month.

Migraine medication is considered effective if it reduces migraines by half. So, by comparison, the pink lenses were very successful. Unlike with medication, no side effects were noted in the study on children. But one can imagine how cute those kiddos looked in their pink shades.

There is a possible explanation for why rose-colored spectacles could alleviate or prevent migraines.  It is known that migraineurs have alterations in visual signaling when suffering a migraine attack. A study using functional fMRIs showed that specially tinted lenses normalized visual activity in the brain.

A pink lens is best for reducing problematic visual stimulation. The FL-41 lens, acting as a light filter, lowers visual processing, attention and engagement. This makes a difference because it is the inappropriate increase in visual stimulation that causes or worsen migraines. I tried a pair for my last migraine and the relief was significant and immediate.

If you suffer from migraines like me, rose-tinted glasses would be an easy, inexpensive way to try to lessen your migraines. FL-41 glasses can be purchased on Amazon for as little as $25. Another option is to have an optician add an FL-41 film to your prescription glasses.

But, as always, buyer beware.

Dr. Alexander Solomon, an ophthalmologist with the Pacific Neuroscience Institute, recommends choosing a pink lens carefully. Rose-colored lenses are not the same as FL-41 lenses.

“Even among sites claiming they are selling FL-41 lenses, the quality and overall transmission of the lens may not be carefully regulated,” said Solomon.

It’s important to remember that eye strain caused by lights is only one possible cause of migraines. There can be other environmental triggers or combinations of triggers. Caffeine, stress, alcohol, skipping meals, strong smells, and even changes in weather are other known culprits. 

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